Phenobarbital Shortage??
UpdatedI am having trouble getting phenobarbital from the pharm due to lack of supply. Anyone else having this issue?
Hello, Alex! How are you? Sorry about the problem that you're having getting your prescription filled.
Yes, there have been several posts recently about this issue, but there is currently no information available on when the problem may be resolved.
Learn more Phenobarbital details here.
The only suggestion I can really make is to speak to your doctor to see if there are any alternatives you can use, in the meantime.
Does anyone else know more about the shortage?
After my post, I called Westward Pharm and found out they were not producing the 10, 15, 30. 60s right now due to an issue at their plant. Other formulations are available, but adjustments will be needed.
I was told by Walgreens that no Big Pharma makes 30 mg phenobarbs any longer.
They put me on junk from Qualitest ..and what is in this stuff? air? It does not work at all. I may as well chew an index card before bed. ThenFDA should know about
their inferior products. Nice to know veterinarians find it ineffective as well!
The main website of Qualitest proudly shares their value on thebNASCAQ.
But I see them out for some fast money and even their website does
Typical, Big Pharma at work!
Patti, I am having a hell of a time finding my phenobarbital. Nobody seems to know, when or if it will be available. What are we suppose to do? Is there a substitute? Please help.
I did find 30mg phenobarbital at Safeway Pharmacy. Unfortunately, it is that nutty one from
Qualitest that my body reacts to in an odd way. For my body, it is like taking speed. Hence, I
took Ny Quill sleepy time plus two barbs and for once slept for 10 hours. Sleep is a dire necessity for epileptics,
The original phenobarbital I got from Walgreens is not available right now, I will post the name of
that manufacturer when I get the name., OK?
You have to call each pharmacy in your area, and you carry PB in so and so mg.
Then you can have your Rx transferred there.
There are also Compounding Pharmacies. Look them up on line for your area.
I do not like Generics. PB is so cheap anyway...I do not get why Big Pharma messes with this.
Seizures are dangerous for the person and all around them. I guess Big Pharma does not care?
Love, patti
Thanks for the info. I've been calling around and am still looking. You are right about the big pharms. I thought, I'll just run out, have a seizure and may be I'l get to retire a bit earlier. Sounds like a plan to me.
lLesley The original barb I used was made by westward and worked well with my body. see my previous posts. I did call Wakgreens who last month had Qualitest Phenobarbital at 64 has none at all! This irks me because epileptics must have sleep..and this is my second of third month on Qualitest that acts like Starbucks coffee in my body! My goal is to find the Westward brand somewhere! Sleep repairs our bodies, and I have had seizures years ago when I was not sleeping well, If anyone knows who sells Westward Products in any state, please let me know? Hang in there..stay calm! We shall overcome!
Here is a bulletin dated October 23, 2013 stating West-Ward has experienced a manufacturing delay on certain dosages (15, 30, 60, 100). They estimate availability will not occur until Q2 2014. The bulletin lists the different mg. that are available. I have called several Walgreens and found 2 stores that currently have 32.4mg. & 97.2mg. Just select the closest mg. to what you are taking, call to make sure it is in stock at Walgreens, CVS or Costco, then call your doctor to request a new Rx for the dosage that is available. Good Luck!
Hi Virginia!
Thanks for the update. I also called Westward and they said they are not releasing more PB till January 2014 and beyond. They said you could call McKesson who works with pharmacies to find out which pharmacies are carrying PB where you live. They cannot fill any prescriptions. I found a full bottle of PB from Westward in my cabinet. Those PB from Westward do help me sleep. As I stated in previous posts the Qualitest acts like a strong stimulant for me. I hate them. Lastly, Call the pharmacy and ask if that 32 mg is Qualitest or not...I do think it is inhumane to have folks chasing around and stressed out. There are gazillions of medications currently unavailable. I wish I needed none of them. Big Pharma makes big bucks. Shame on them for hoarding profits and not caring at all if people get served! ..... heck..we are not in Bangaladesh..or are we? Thank you again for your post! Patti ?? The tablet size you mentioned is avaialble at CVS in Calidornia and in those doses made by Qualitest..not WestWard. I may be in error on this..please let me know. Many pharmacies have no PB.
Yes, I was told it was being discontinued or phased out but have not found any info anywhere online and my physician was unaware as well the mfg. I have had a lot of issues since Sept of'13 Would love to know what you find out.
Call every pharmacy in your area and most have Qualitest Phenobabital. Forget Westward brand.
It is not being discontinued. Be sure too read all previous posts. Do not make an issue of this.
MDs treat patients, they are not pharmacists NOR is it their job to track supplies of drugs. That is between you and your local pharmacies. Do not give up hope. You willI find your drugs.
Your telephone is your Brest Bet to find the drug you need.
Walgreens in my city, has all strengths.and so
Yes. This is a big problem. My daughter who has multiple disabilities has been on phenobarbital for over 25 years. Her seizures have been managed well with a therapeutic dose . I have researched other options and they all come with major complications. I am guessing that the pharmaceutical companies don't want to make it because they can't make the profit that they can on other anti seizure meds they produce. It is a shame because this med has the least side effects of ant anti seizure drug out there.
You can go to a hospital emergency room if need be, many drugs are on shortage, chill out.. You can get PB from LifevExtension in Florida. They will deliver it . If one pharmacy is out of PB pick up the phone and call another. We are not a third world country. It just takes patience and a cool head, playing victim is non-productive. So if you miss your meds for one day, no, you will not die. PB remains in your blood. But if you are freaked out..and can afford ER,,try that..just stop stressing and get into action. Safeway, Target, Wakgreen, Cvs, rite Aid, Costco all have PB. If your pharmacy is out..try another.. Do it now.
I've been checking with my Pharmacy and West-Ward since October. The latest is that the 15mg, 30mg and 100mg will be started at the end of March or early April. The 60mg will start in February. They keep changing the dates but this is the first schedule I and the Pharmacy heard of. Hope this helps.
I have been on PBS for 60 years. The companies are not out to kill you or me. It
Is physically, not goood to think negatively. There were reasons Westward had a
recall. Do not create fictions about why, it is plain silly!
If your pharmacy says we are on back order,...fine! Have him call another pharmacy in your area fr you to let you know where to get it, they may not have time to do that, if you have time to post here, I say you have the ability to find a pharm in your area on the Internet and call them. We are not 7 year olds.
If Wesrtward is ntot available, use whatever brand of PB you can find.
I mentioned before, call Life Extension Pharmacy in Florida, they will deliver it to your door. What more can you ask for! They have an 800 number.
Take care, use whatever PB is available. You cannot get what is unavailable at this time. Reminder..if you take phenytoin, PB, or both. Be advised that both rip
Vitamin D from your body. Tell your MD you want a test for Vitamin D levels.
Mine was atrociously low..I take Vitamin D now without fail.
I am having the same problem with 30mg Phenobarbital. My local grocery store pharmacy said it will be in stock in May?? i really cant wait til May for this. I need it like tomorrow.
I went to my new doctor as the regular dr has retired. He suggested I take 16.2 mg
SEVEN times a day.......I call that OD and trip to ER if Im lucky enough to survive.
What are the manufacturers doing to us? I take for seizure disorder as well.
I have medicated an epileptic dog for 10 years with West-Ward, 30 mg, 2x/day, no problems. When I went to get a refill 2/24/13, was told that the pheno was on back order. Ended up with what I was told was comparable Quali-test 34.2 mg. My dog was on this for exactly 11 days before she began having uncontrollable seizures, which led to loss of bowel and bladder control, extreme disorientation, and lack of ability to navigate. Since it was Saturday night when this occurred and our vet's office was closed, we took her to a nearby 24-hour vet hospital, where they put her down. Today I did online research about Quali-test phenobarbital and found that, in 2011, they did a massive recall due to mislabeling of hydrocodone 10 mg/ acetaminophen 500 mg as phenobarbital 32.4 mg tablets. The vet hospital has preserved our dog's body so our family vet can take a blood draw from it tomorrow to determine if there is any phenobarb present, and if so, what level, as well as look for the presence of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Additionally, I am having the Qualitest tablets tested to determine what specifically is in them. If they have again mislabeled the meds they are marketing as phenobarbital, we'll be obtaining legal counsel. It's too late for our dog, but perhaps others will be spared. If you are having trouble obtaining pheno in your area (I believe this is now a nationwide issue), and your only recourse is to convert to Qualitest 34.2mg USE EXTREME CAUTION. If you know others who are currently reliant on this med, please alert them. And...where is the FDA in this matter?
Randi sorry to heat about your dog. I do not like Quali -Test either. You can read other posts from
months back about this.
If you trust the FDA to approve safe drugs, you are sadlymistaken. The current Rxs of many kinds kill at least 30,000 people each year. I have seen my cat have seizures years ago and what a sad thing for you to go through.
West-ward still not putting out the 30 mg.
I hope You find some peace
Caz! You can do one of two things. Choose to be victimized or choose to be powerful. I know which one you are choosing..sitting and waiting for a seizure is not your choice, You know full well there are other places to get the PB from. So call around and get some. You do not want to die, do you!? No! Nor do any of us. You cannot depend on one place to fulfill your needs. They do not have your PB, OK?? End of story. Now you go to work and find one that does! The pharmacy is not responsible for you. They can only dispense what they get.
Their cupboard is bare, so I know you will not moan and get into action, you and you alone have control of your life they are not Mommy and Daddy! And they willI not have the seizure,,just you. So, I know you do not want that, correct? here is a number for you to call to get PB delivered to your door by mail. 1-877-877-9700 life extension pharmacy in Florida. Hours M-F. 9-6. sat. 9-2.
Most Recent Replies:
Prices are souring again on phenobarbital but it still appears to be one of the lower cost drugs for epilepsy. I have more trouble getting it now days and the pharmacist says it is because it isn't as popular a treatment drug as it used to be. So I have to allow a little more time to get it. That issue is compounded but the laws in my state regarding controlled substances and limits me from reordering my prescription until I am with in a 10 day window of running out.....many times the drug takes more then 10 days to get in stock. So almost envy refill cycle I end up going without my medicine for a day or two.
Prices have soared. Used to be $3 for 90 -
Now $30 !!!
I'm not on this medicine but my brother took it years ago for epilepsy. Luckily he "grew outside of it" as a teenager and hasn't had a seizure in over 40years after having grand mal seizures 2-3 times a week for over 4yrs. I read the posts out of curiosity as to why such an old medicine would be in such a short supply. My opinion is that since PB is a scheduled drug and has potential for abuse, the DEA is putting pressure on drug companies and drs as well to make/prescribe drugs that are less likely to be abused. Just my opinion as I have seen it happen w/ other medicines I take.
I hope this can be of help someone out there.
How can you help?
And, for how much?
I'm just curious, as I cannot pay what the pharmacy quoted.
MORE expensive? I was quoted $350 for 30 pills. I just couldn't afford that. But, the Levsin & Librax aren't as good.
Is that why the price has gone sky-high? Maybe that is just an excuse. Being the only provider could be making them very greedy!
I have also been on Phenobarbital for over 60 yrs. It helps better than any medicine I have taken, yet if I miss a dose I usually have a seizure.
There is no shortage. The problem is greed. The bottom line is always MONEY.
Suggestions for a similar drug: Levsin or Librax...However, the prices on these have gone up too...just not quite as high as donnatal.
Wish I had an answer for you. I took take those same drugs, and they have totally controlled me seizures for well over 20 years. No way will I switch! Lately I did have difficulty finding my phenobarb, but luckily got it at Walgreens before I ran out. I don't know the cost these days, my medicare advantage plan covers all my meds.
Apparently there is a complete shortage in SA for both humans and animals (my Black Lab needs 230mg per day), there is a paste available but now this is also in short supply. I'm trying to source from the UK but this is proving problematical too.
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