Pharmacy Tech Lies To Doctor About Patient Request (Top voted first)



I am a diabetic. I was originally diagnosed as T1, but we have now discovered I am a T2 (long story). My endo wanted me to check blood sugar 8X day just to make sure my conversion from Insulin to Metformin was working out OK. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. I went into my pharmacy to get test strips refilled. The pharmacy tech asked if I was still testing 8x day. I said no, I averaged 3 to 4x per day since my blood sugar seemed for the most part to stay within range. She said based on that info they needed to change my prescription for test strips. I assumed I would go down to 4x day, which would be fine. I went back in last Friday-nothing had been done. I went back in yesterday. The same pharmacy tech said THE DOCTOR had changed the prescription to 1x day. I knew something wasn't right so I called the doctor's office. The doctor's office said that according to the pharmacy, I had requested to go down to once per day. Question-what laws are there to protect a patient from an overzealous pharmacy tech who has apparently decided that she knows what's best and then lies to both the patient and the doctor??

2 Replies

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Hi Debbie,

Sorry to hear about your situation with that pharmacist. I'd be pretty frustrated too had this been me. I get the sense that this is something you may want to speak with a lawyer/attorney about if you want to delve deeper into the legal aspects of what happened there.

In the meantime, to help straighten out what's already been done, I'd probably consider getting her name and/or ID # for reference of who it was that called in those changes. From there you can at least file a complaint within the pharmacy itself to someone higher up than her. I'm just not sure what good it would do, (unless you take legal action), if you're looking to get compensated in some way.

I hope this advice helps in any way! Maybe someone else might have more personal experience they can share on what action to take first.

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Thanks-I'm not looking to get compensated. I just want companies, pharmacies etc. to start understanding that there are rules that have to be abided by. And, quite frankly, the pharmacy tech needs to lose her job.

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