Pharmacy Refuses To Stock Qualitest, Which Is The Only Kind That Works For Me (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have two medications that are made by Qualitest (which I understand both have been moved to other Pharmaceutical Co.) 1. Hydrocodone 10/325 cannot find locally in Qualitest brand so I have been prescribed Mallinckrodt. They cause my ears to ring at an extremely high level that I can't think or do anything. I am extremely nauseous constantly. This ringing in my ears is driving me crazy. No pharmacy will get the Qualitest brand. 2. Phentermine (also the same situation), no pharmacy will carry Qualitiest brand. If the drug works for said person, is still being made and the said person has legal prescription, why isn't there a way to force the pharmacy to get it? Why are we forced to purchase drugs we know won't work for us? Are there any lawyers out there that can find a way to make them get these medications for us? I have Fibromyalgia and there is very little that works for me and my system. Please help me. I am close to beating my head against the wall to stop this ringing in my ears.

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Roro (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Wow-you have apparently not been reading my posts because I have stated that I have spoken to the Pharma company, my insurance and doctors are working well with ME. I have this insatiable nature to do things for more than just myself. The situation needs to be CHANGED COMPLETELY. My original idea was to see if someone could tell me how to go about getting this fixed and it was not intended to be a whining pity party of one. I am sorry you don’t like to think outside of your little box, but I think I have the right to whine if I want to and you can not like it all you want. Geez, now does anyone have any suggestions about how this can be changed and where to start? I intend to do this for more than just my own reasons.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I agree,yellow 10/325 norco the best,good luck trying to get it,if you ask to order.they look at you like your a drug addict loser,its getting worse

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I agree,yellow 10/325 norco the best,good luck trying to get it,if you ask to order.they look at you like your a drug addict loser,its getting worse

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I agree it is absolutely sickening the FDA isn't doing their job none of the generic Norco works anymore I am about to become homeless because there is no more pain relief . I pray a lawyer will get some balls and help us. This is absolutely sickening. The only one that last worked was qualitest and nobody will order them or tell me what pharamcy carries them.

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Re: Master Plumber (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I love that you have said what a lot of people think but won't say. You nailed it. The more i read through this site the more i get the seeker image though not everyone sounds like it.

People fail to see that getting medication is a privilege not a right. No doctor or pharmacist has to give you anything. Be grateful your doctor isn't one that has cut you off completely with no warning or weaning like a big majority has and aren't suffering like the millions are or have. I feel like there are other underlying issues to some besides just a medication generic/brand switch. Our bodies change so our needs and wants change.

Google ringing in the ears. Google anything really and you'd be surprised.

I don't mean to sound like im attacking anyone. Just my opinion and everyone has one. That said, dig deeper and be surprised at the similarities and differences when it comes to medications, coincidences and side effects.
EXAMPLE: I just started a medication that i took 5 yrs ago. I haven't needed it. Recently needed it again. When i took it my cheek and jaw swelled up. First thought was i was allergic and it was the medication. Then i thought but I've taken it before with no problem for 7 yrs prior to the 5 without. There wasn't no other report of that happening to anyone else. Well it turns out it was coincidence because i had a wisdom tooth grow into my jaw bone over night. That hair of growth caused the swelling and pain. Point is that i thought it was the medication and it wasn't.

But you do have the option to report that side effect to the manufacturer so it is on record just in case it isn't just coincidence. Not all side effects are reported and patients just switch medications. So ringing in the ears may be have happened to others and they just didnt say so there's no record. Plus a lot of our side effects or reactions are mind fed. Just in our heads. Hard to believe but true. EXAMPLE: You read headache as a side effect and boom you have headache. You read insomnia is a side effect and boom you cant sleep. Point is a lot of things are in our head so they happen physically. Not saying all are though so please don't think i am saying yours is.
With that said, I hope you find your answers soon and that you find relief in your symptoms asap!?

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Re: Michael (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

glad the pills you get from Walgreen's helps you I get mine from walgreen's also and they are like taking nothing the pill says Watson on but Watson is no longer Actavis took it over and the pills are horrible they don't work but if they work for you good luck to you

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Re: Justhuman (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Takes humble bow :) It’s hard enough nowadays just to get them to fill ANY script for pain, much less one particular type that you prefer!

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If u r set on this pain med, then try promethazine 25 mg tabs with it. Its the best nausea med, and helps with the side effects u mentioned. I went off the pain med u r on. I switched to morphine 30 MG's er, 3x's a day. It works so much better for me. Good luck, and I am sorry u r having a difficult time.

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Re: Rootsgal (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Or....just STOP going to CVS!!!! Why are you bothering your doctor because ONE pharmacy is out? Say ok thanks, and go across the street!

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Re: Rootsgal (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I have never heard of clonzepam running out. I get 90 1mg pills for a 3 month supply for $23 with no insurance. Walmart also always has this med.

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Call around to some independent places..... Mine helped me

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It sounds like maybe you have an allergic reaction to the fillers. Tell the pharmacist you think that & they should make the change, although it may cost more.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

That’s all because they are allowed to use up to 20 percent less of active ingredients to make medicine, so I would not doubt if that plays a major role in why people are having problems with Medication working properly

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Re: Billybob (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree!! Qualitest is a greap company and doesnt rip us off!! Mallincrap, Amneak and the others ALL short on the active ingredient!!
Who can we call who can do something about this?

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Re: joseph (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree!! Qualitest is a great company and doesnt rip us off!! Mallincrap, Amneal and the others ALL short on the active ingredient!!
Who can we call who can do something about this?

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Re: Comments (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Have your doctor wright on the script that brand only do not deviate. Also Norco brand is good. Fill as written are the key words i believe.

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Re: C (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Brand only won't work anymore, the insurance will say you find it and pay for it, and the pharmacies say sorry our distributor does not carry it. Regional distributors in the US are controlling whats for sale and its usually the product that makes them the most profit.

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Re: Comments (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly ! Right on .. great post .. I'm seeing alot of small mom and pop places open back up in my area.
It must be the excuse the. Big pharma tells their people to tell.. so basically lie to the consumer

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What pharmacy in Lakeland FL sells qualitest products? Specifically, their Triamcinolone acetonide lotion, USP 0.1%? Need to know what pharmacy in Lakeland, FL carries it. Walmart and Providence pharmacy can no longer get it!

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Re: peter (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

What. medication are you talking about. hydrocodone and or phentermine are not for anxiety.Hydrocodone is for pain and Phentermine is for weight loss. You need to find the right thread so someone can answer your questions

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