Period Of Time For Cilift To Work (Top voted first)


My mom is 78 and recently started with panic attacks and depression. Her doc put her on Cilift. She has been on for 2 weeks now and still no change except her hands shake and she is at time neaseous. How long till the Cilift kicks in and will the symptoms/side effects go away. She has high blood pressure which is being treated.
Thank you

3 Replies

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This is Citalopram an antidepressant. They normally take 30 to 45 days to start working fully. This drug under that brand name Cilift is not available in the US. However the Citalopram is the US.

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Rb is correct, most medications take at least a month to reach their full effectiveness. If there is no improvement after that time, she will need to consult with her doctor.

As to the side effects, they normally taper off in a few weeks, once your body adjusts to the medications. If they do not, that is something else she will need to speak with her doctor about.

The side effects she is experiencing are normal, she may also have: drowsiness and headache.

Read more on Citalopram here:


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My wife has gone on Cilift. And although it is an anti-depressant, she seems very anxious and sometimes reacts badly to the slightest situation - especially with kids. Is this increased anxiety a side effect, and does it lessen over time? She has been on it for a month. She is also extremely tired all the time, and not interested in doing anything.

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