Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 7)
UpdatedHi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all
And believe you me.....Tramadol IS NOT, OR EVEN CLOSE TO BEING A "NARCOTIC" is pretty much WORTHLESS at being a pain reliever of any kind! You would be MUCH better off just buying something OTC....
No wonder Dr.'s don't want to give out scripts. THOSE of us who DO suffer from chronic pain DO NOT NEED to explain our pain over and over again to get relief. You're attitude (stupidity) does not make it any easier. Grow up.
I wish it was that simple!!! To take a shot of liquor instead of pain meds.
Re: ben (# 2)
tramacet is a mix of tramadol and acetaminophen. neither of them are opiates. so no its not strong. i can take five or six of them and feel nothing. and i dont do a lot of opiates. theyre actually pretty weak. any narcotic will be stronger.
Re: 2BBlue (# 124)
According to, Tramadol is classified as an opioid analgesic.
Other medical literature also use the terms opioid, opiate & semi-synthetic opioid interchangeably, with regards to Tramadol.
Additionally, the FDA classifies Tramadol as a narcotic - Source:
Hope this helps clear up any confusion.
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