Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 3)


Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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Why are you taking this? Look for alternative ways to manage pain. My trusted doctor put me in a coma from this. Unless you are terminal, embrace living and investigate natural ways to deal with pain, including learning how to deal with it as a part of life. You will kill yourself this way.

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Tramadol for some is stronger than taking Tylenol 3's for sure to help with pain. It may make you drowsy though. I've had no help with T3's and muscle relaxers, but the tramadol knocked me on my butt.

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As a former opiate addict myself, tramadol IS addictive - not to mention, it is very likely to cause seizures as well... All I can say, is please be careful..

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Have used TRAMACET for 'psoriatic arthritis' in my shoulders .. horrifying pain .. and TRAMACET did not a thing to help me .. I am about to start using Percocet and am hoping with all my body and soul that it will allow me to sleep lying down !!!
Far as I am concernec, Tramacet is useless.

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I have recently had my coccxy removed after a fall over the year ago. I have taken many Opiate based medicines throughout that time and had no troubles getting off any of them - co-codamol, dihydrocodine, oral morphine etc. When I was in hospital they prescribed Tramadol, i have taken it for only three weeks and didn't like the side effects at all. I thought, ok I'll wean myself off these painkillers and use one of the ones I have in the past.
I have never felt so low in my whole life, feverish then cold, depressed, head zapping and generally feeling like my mind and body were not totally in my control anymore. After trying to wean off it seemed to be taking forever and I still felt rough so decided to go cold turkey. I am a couple of days in and I feel rough!!

To be honest I would rather put up with pain and feel in control than ever to take Tramadol again.

Looking elsewhere on the net and you'll see loads of people having the same issues as me. Tramadol is a nasty painkiller and in my opinion shouldn't be used if at all possible, there are loads of other less addictive painkillers out tgere, try them first.

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You need to be professionally and medically detoxed. I'm not talking about rehab. I'm talking about 5 to 14 days in a hospital detox unit so that you can safely and comfortably come off of your pain medicine. Doctors do this to patients in order to have a faithful 'customer' coming back for more drugs. As I said in a previous post, I was put into a coma by my own doctor; I was supposed to die. Detox is hard, but do-able. It's not a choice whether you should or should not... you MUST do it. Seizures, stroke, heart attack, coma and/or death WILL HAPPEN unless you detox NOW. My prayers are with you. Don't wait...PLEASE!

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drug reps like to market it as a non opiate, but it is.

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Please get detoxed! Cold turkey spells trouble because, amongst many life-threatening problems that can happen, you can have seizures that could be deadly. The flip side is that continuing will put you in harm's way as well. The ONLY solution is to go to a doctor and get properly medically detoxed immediately. Once you're detoxed...STAY AWAY FROM ADDICTIVE DRUGS OF ALL KINDS. Please let us know how it turns out.

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I broke my pelvis in 2008 as well as compressed a bunch of disks in my spine, broke my jaw nose and tailbone. (all at the same time) Hit a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, they started me on oxy's then perc's way too much side effects. Tramacet is a great alternative you just need to take higher doses, the perc and oxy die hards are just addicted. I take up to 8 a day (max dose) 37.5mg Tramadol and 325mg acetaminophen (basically Tylenol) does the trick. get a bit itchy sometimes but thats the opiod.

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My sister was dealing with severe pain and was treated like an addict when she tried to find relief.

Finally, she got a doc who tested her blood for drugs...there were none. She got the painkillers.

Perhaps that's the trick. If you're accused of being an addict, volunteer for a drug test!

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Sorry Ben but Tramacet is a combination that contains two medications tramadol and acetaminophen!!

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I found that the side effects with Ultracet, which contain Tramadol, are far, far worse with certain generics. I had been on a good generic and when the pharmacy switched I was nauseated and having visual problems that gave me the sensation of car sickness. I also had headaches. It went on three months before I realized what was causing the problem. Going on the brand-name Ultracet cleared up the problem. Like all pain relievers you need to take it with food, though.

I am a believer that generic drugs are not always good. For example, brand-name Claritan (antihistamine) works for me. If I take the generic I break out in hives.

The FDA does not regulate the foreign manufacturers of most of our generic drug ingredients. China has been caught putting ingredients that do not belong in baby formula, pet food (remember all the dead dogs?) and even in medications sold to hospitals. (Dennis Quaid's newborns nearly died a couple years back.)

Globalization has not been such a good thing for drug and product safety. We have lost a lot of jobs to "free trade" and look what we have to show for it. Even brand-name manufacturers such as Mattel have sold lead-tained toys to kids due to the foreign sourcing problems. I trust the food and drugs out of these Third World countries even less.

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Got some rather interesting, yet 'disturbing' news today.
I WAS on percocet for a rotator cuff problem .. honestly, the stuff did nothing for me .. not even a sedation effect. I then went to Tramacet .. pretty much the same thing .. I was frantic, spoke with a pain specialist in our oncology dept and learned that approx 5-8% of people are lacking a chemical that allows analgesics to do their jobs!! He feels I am one of them .. so .. I am happy to say physio has helped my shoulder pain .. and TES (Tylenol Extra Strength .. NON generic) is working for me ..

Just sayin :-)


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my brother recently had an aka and has been placed on 2 tramacet 3 x a day, which is not giving him any relief, heis even unble to sleep at night , even with the pain medication he is given, do yoy think tramacet is enough for his pain at this early stage.

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please be aware that Tramadol (etc) has a seratonin reuptake component -- which could be an issue for some people and cause neurological issues such as seizures for those at risk for seratonin syndrome. If you take herbs or antidepressants for depression or have certain other neurological and or circulation predispositions. It should not be abused for this reason, as too much seratonin can cause seizures and circulation issues. This is not known or spoken about in medical establishment typically. Also, studies show that long tern TRAMADOL use effects dopamine receptors in the brain with permanent changes. Dopamine is the receptor involved with Parkinsons and other neurological/body disorders. If taken lightly, on occasion and onlyh as prescribed this can be a good option. But is not to be abused or used as a self-midicating source.

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My sister is an AKA and is on GABAPENTIN and Cymbalta and is getting 75-80% relief of her phantom pain. As phantom pain is 'NERVE' pain .. tramacet isn't going to work very well.

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Consider yourself VERY lucky that the doctors are thinking about addiction before it is too late!! It's too bad ALL Dr.'s aren't like that. There are other ways to manage pain besides addictive, life ending drugs! I know this from experience.

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I have taken both these drugs and I personally find the Percocet more effective for pain control .. I have mild to severe osteoarthritis in my lower back and right hip.
Your best bet on the 'specifics' of these 2 drugs is to ask a pharmacist .. I find taking 2 percocet can pretty much make me incapable of anything, whereas 2 tramacet is like taking 2 placebos.
Finding info online is convenient, but I find you get so many conflicting opinions, not that EVERY pharmacist is going to be BANG ON .. but .. at least there is some personal interaction going on.
Good luck !!

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i have a broken shoulder, and am taking tramacet, i like a glass or two of wine, what are the effects of alcohol with this drug?

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I so feel you there. My Dr. did the same to me. I live everyday w/ pain. I'm miserable because of it and cannot be active and fun w/ my son most times. Im older but had pain since your age. I'm 30 - And thinking that I am this young ans live w/ pain everyday makes my future seem bleak at best. I don't know what to do. The pain is killing my quality of llife. It's my body and my decision I hate how Doctor's play GOD w/ there little script pads. I argue w/ him all the time. All I am asking for is Percocet w/ him monitoring the amount I can get per month. Instead I told him he is forcing me to go self medicate w/ expensive and far stronger and more addictive pain killers. I used to be proud of Canada's free HealthCare but now I realize that the Doctors are not working for the patients but for the Government. And this is not okay! Something needs to be done.

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