Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal (Page 3)
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Someone please tell me how long it takes to withdrawal from percocet and what is expected day by day?

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how did u do it at home I cant sleep im agitated anxious and when I do sleep it is during the day and I cant get anything done please help

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I have been switching from oxy to Percocets for two months every 4 hours after getting two ankle surgeries. I am supposed to go off them since I got my cast on so I stopped taking them. I have been suffering withdraw symptoms only for a day. How much longer do I have till the symptoms are gone?

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You should wean yourself off of them. Don't stop cold turkey or you will get withdrawals and feel like you have the flu. I did it by taking a little less each day..3 qtrs for a few days then 2 qtrs then 1 qtr until your taking nothing at all. Do that for a week or 2. It wasn't hard for me to do it that way. I did the same with morphine and I didn't get sick like I did before when I quit cold turkey.

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Jordan, go to turntohelp on the internet and you will find information on how to detox. Also google rehabs in Southern MD and you'll find a list of them or at least a way to find them. As I've told you, your parent will be so much more disappointed if the lose you to addiction than if you tell them what your problem is. Yes they will be upset, but they will get over it. It's a long road for both of you, but at least you're asking for help. I'm praying for you and here when you need me. Ce Ce

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I kno exactly wha you mean Jordan. But you can't go cold turkey. Its for your own health. Look for help bro. Don't be scared or ashamed. It gets the best of us. Johnny Cash was hooked on H. I just don't want you to end up in that cuz. Email is {edited for privacy}

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I appreciate your message about going and getting help and I want to but I live in southern maryland and don't know of any detox centers near me. Also any suggestions on how I should tell me parents? I promise you I'm not a bad guy but I'm only 19 and I just want to stop before I end up in a hospital and the only reason I haven't is fear of dissapointing/letting down my parents again by telling them about my addiction.

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Reply to msg #92... if you are taking 10 - 15 of the 30mg percs a day .. PLEASE do not quit cold turkey on your own.. GO GET HELP. Trying to go cold turkey on your own can throw your body into a hell you don't want and can possibly kill you. Talk to your parents, yes they will be upset. They'll be a lot more hurt if you DIE from this addiction. I'm a parent, my daughter was addicted to them for 12 years. I'm begging you to tell your parents and don't try to do this alone.

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It is always possible to get addicted when you are doing something for 2 years steady. I'm not a doctor but I do unfornately take atleast 300mg a day of percocet and I do know the withdrawels you feel horrible. Luckily in your case you are on such a low dose if you wanted to make sure your not addicted to the percocet I would just take the prescribed amount of the muscle relaxer and no percs. You will probably feel tired for a few days then be fine. I tend to have a hard part with the mental side of stopping due to boredom and lack of energy. Just stay positive and good luck.

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I have been taking percocet 10/325 for about 2 years. Sometimes it would only be 1 a day but then a had a re injured of my herniated discs and now I am trying to stay with 2 a day but most times I take 3-4. The other day I got really sick...i think it is because my doctor changed my muscle relaxer from soma to Robaxin 750 mg and also gave me Naproxen 500 mg. I think in my dazed state I messed up on some of them. anyhow the next day I thought I would just not take anything and just stay as still as i could to avoid any pain and clear my body. Well I felt Horrible. I was having a hard time breathing and was sooooooo tired and just felt nausea and just crappy. Then when i finally took my Percocet that night and the muscle relaxer before bed I was feeling much better. Does that mean my body is addicted to these drugs?

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Hey jo congrats on doing as well as you are keep it up man. I've been reading as your updating looking for advice and trying to find answers. The post with your email for me to respond to got blocked for privacy so I can't see the email. But on my bad days I do up to 450mg and on good days about 240mg. Everything I get is black market so you know how exspensive its getting. Somehow I've managed to keep my parents from finding out so far but its only a matter of time and want to stop before that happends. Everytime I stop cold turkey for two sometimes three days they always bombard me with multiple jobs and I have no energy and feel like s*** so I end up starting again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm not a bad kid I've just always liked getting f***ed up and before my habit got this bad I was an electrician for 5 years working sometimes up 100 hours a week.

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Good job Jo, I'm fighting the devil as well going on my 3rd attempt its very hard I quit cold turkey this time and the WDs were so horrible I thought I was going to die and then I thought to myself why the I keep doing this to myself I'm 8 days in I can finally sleep and I feel good other than being a lil depressed

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Bro bro, you may think you're alone but your not. I came into this message board seekin' advice, and I realized how badd and evil this lil blue thing is! If you had read my comment you will see I was doin' basically what you're doin' right now. What gets to me is that you're 2 years younger than me bro!! Its easy right now, because we feel as though our whole life us ahead of us. We have no kids or no worries. But slowly time creeps up on you. When I was your age, I'd think Oo this isnt gonna hurt me. Im just gonna do it for a couple weeks and then im done. Thats not how it works though. Slowly you lise everyone you care about, you start doin' stuff you never would do growin' up. Like when I was in my teens, I'd tell myself. Im never gonna put nothin' up my nose. And guess what brah, I did. Now its im never gonna IV anythin'!! But after pills its H cuz and you will realize thats too late to change. I wish I could leave my number, but thats a lil weird. Hit me up tho, we can do this together.

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This is Jo again, I have been clean for 5 days. I know some might roll their eyes at this, but to me its a huuuuge steo forward. To that girl that asked how it felt from 100 mg to 20mg I cant answer that cuz I went from over 300mg down to 120mg. But I will say its a difficult process! These last two weeks I cut down to 15mg a day. Until about last Wednesday. Since then I havent touched one. It will get better friends. Im tryin' to get clean for good!! So when I make it a month I will re post. And if I f*** up along tha way I will let yall know. To tha 19 year old guy askin' for advice, my email is {edited for privacy}

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Can u share how you were able to taper to such a low level so quickly? Did you have any withdrawals? If so, how and what did you feel like? I am a mother of a 3 year old and am looking to stop but tapering is the way I need to go as no one knows of my problem plus I need to be there for my son... Thank you for your help.

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It depends on each person. Please I am a 42 yr old who does not even do nearly as much but as a mother I want to be able to raise my son sober... You may need medical help with the amount you have taken and then try quitting cold turkey ... Do u have the will power to taper??? Cut dosage down little by little...please don't be like me... U are a young kid who will lose everything to this demon... You really need to want it...

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You are addicted and you need to stop taking them. I have a family member that was addicted to them for more than 12 years. If she was reading your post she would beg you to quit and tell you the hell she went through and what addiction cost her .. her jobs, her home, her belongings, her car, her children and for quite some time .. her mother. PLEASE, stop taking them before you lose all these things.

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Msg #89 Joe
Broke my heart. Stay strong because you definitely have the passion to live clean. It's what keeps me fighting. I'm amazed a little white pill did this to me. SMH keep fighting!!!! Xo

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I've read a lot of comments on here and haven't seen anyone taking as much as I do. I was wondering if anyone had any information on an estimate on how long it would be until I get my energy back. My habit hasn't been very long but it has been about a year. On a typical day I do anywhere from 10 to 15 perc 30's a day. Its consuming all of my time and my money and really want to get off of them. I've quit before for 4 days but had absolutely no energy still so I went back on them. I'm only 19 years old and haven't told my parents anything about it and want to get clean before they find out. If anyone has any idea how long it would take for me to get some energy back after I quit cold turkey would be greatly appreciated because the big unknown factor and terror of my parents finding out if keeping me from stopping. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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How did you feel for that week going from 100mg to 20 mg in one week?

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Jo, if you are seriously looking to get off the percs, my advice is see a Dr and say be honest with what u take and they will give you meds that will make it easier cause at that amount you take I know the withdrawals will be very painful any Dr will help you, if you dont get the help now the path gets worse youre life will end from the evil of addiction. Good luck to you, Jmari

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