Pepson Diazepam
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Can you tell me if pepson diazepam are a good brand? My brother got some when he refilled his prescription and i am really worried as I know there are some bad brands going about and folk are dying from them. I just wanted to know what he has taken? Maybe someone could put my mind at rest please? Thanks. I just want to know he will be OK.

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Re: kenny (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They do taste a benzo nice n sweet then a bit bitter and leave your toungue numb if ye get me

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Stop scaremongering Jack, I have been taking them for 6 weeks and they have the exact same effect as my usual brand!!

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white ww d10 are indian valium and are 10mg i believe.

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Well my friends now we know we can't fully rely on the meds given to us by the high street pharmacy, especially the generic brands. The pepson diazepam don't contain any diazepam at all. They are complete fakes and I returned to my local pharmacy and demanded a decent brand and finally received my usual actavis brand which worked as normal. Pepson might not make you ill but they are absolutely useless and you might as well be taking smarties. I am very surprised that regular high street pharmacy's would stock such rubbish. If your pharmacy tries to give you pepson diazepam don't accept them and demand actavis or some other trusted product. Only God knows how many thousands of these fakes are circulating round the streets and depriving money from people who can't afford to waste money on fake meds....Choose actavis or some similar well known brand and you have a much better chance of avoiding the fakes...but stay away from PEPSON...good luck fella's.

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I have taken them, they are fine, no problem with them, only fault I can find is that I need to use a knife to halve them, they are very small so it can be fiddly!

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I received my prescription of pepson diazepam yesterday and after reading the reviews here, I returned to the pharmacy asking for some other brand......I got a pretty cool reception and I was assured these pills were genuine and safe to take and I suppose it is unlikely a respected pharmacy would be giving out dodgy meds, but who knows these days?....A friend of mine has taken these pepson tabs to ease his alcohol withdrawal so as the pharmacist wouldn't give me a different brand....I guess I'll have to take a chance. I still think it's unlikely that a pharmacy would sell dodgy meds!

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Their vals are white with d10 ww, loose with no box. They're strong and there's definitely benzo's in them as I failed the U/A with them. They are sweet though.

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Probably 2s if they have any diazepam in them at all. There's that many fakes it's hard to know.

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Just got white pills with D | 10 on one side and WW overlapping a bit on the reverse. Couldn't find them online. What do think they are troops?

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i got 10mg Pepson diazepam in blister pack n from a white box of 200 yesterday in Glasgow, they were small blue n white inside with no markings but well made so curiosity got the better of me n a tried 2 n within 10mins my heart was racing n i was taking palpitations so heck knows what's in them! After half an hour i was tired and felt okay but i wonder what say 10 of them would have done, maybe i felt like that because i was worried when taking them but my opinion would be to stay well away n mine have been binned. Also my mouth turned blue with the dye so make of this what you like but as a very knowledgeable valium pro i'd say they were fake n don't know if any amount of valium are in them along with something dangerous! The pharmacist told me they were from canada and the strips and box were very detailed and well made but still it's the 1st i've heard of them n i use to live in canada and i can't find anything online about them either. Any info about them?

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Hi Matt, I have also just received these tablets, different from my normal ones and I'm frightened to take them, even though my anxiety levels are sky high. They are from adwin pharma which appears to be an indian company. They are small, dark blue with no imprint. I need them badly as I have run out. What is the worst that can happen if I try even half a tablet?

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I can , I got some Pepson today and I've tasted one. They do not taste nothing like Diazepam and more of metal taste, also they are not soft and have a crystal crunch inside which is white. I would bet anything that they are not Diazepam as I've taken it for years on and off. Also my lips feel like they are swelling slightly. I have done some research and the company Adwin that's printed on the strip are on India and don't even make or produce Diazepam

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Were they white inside? I have never heard of pepson. Can you tell me what they taste and feel like?

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Hi I'm back. it's been an hour and I'm afraid to say it has no effect, but I do have a very very high tolerance for diazepam, so my opinion might not be the best to go by.

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Hi, I just got some i p pepson diazepam 10mg from my pharmacy in the blisterstrip, 10 tablets per strip. Can anyone tell me if they are OK? I'll be back in an hour with my verdict any opinions would be helpful. They are small and roundish not like a typical valium.

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