Paxlovid For Covid


Has anyone taken Paxlovid for Covid? I was prescribed this medication and could only take 2 of the 5 day prescription due to the awful side effects. Number one was the medication made me feel worse than I felt before taking it. Number two.... It literally felt and tasted like someone was continuously spraying hairspray down my throat for hours until the dose wore off. For me, the side effects were much too harsh and bothersome and unfortunately, couldn't complete the 5 day prescription. Has anyone else had any experience taking this medication?

9 Replies

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I was prescribed Paxlovid for Covid in August. Within 3 hours, I felt like a new woman! Seriously, the cough lessened up, the fatigue lessened up and I could breathe again. The milder symptoms did persist for about a month or so though. The only downside of this med was the terrible taste in my mouth while I was on it.

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Re: Comments Submitted (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've read several great success stories with taking this medication for Covid and most of them stated the side effects were brutal (And, they certainly were) but that they'd take it again and again due to the success with it. I guess I'm just a whomp because I couldn't handle it any longer after that 3rd day.

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Hi, sorry to hear about side effects. Did the covid end up making you sick? I'm 69yrs old with COPD emphysema, also on other medication for a neck accident after falling off a horse. I'm really worried that I may catch covid and not be able to handle it due to my bad breathing with COPD. Has anyone else had or heard of a similar situation? Thanks. Any info is greatly appreciated. I'm in Australia.

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Re: Lou (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Paxlovid supposedly is designed for folks such as yourself or older folks who are at a high risk of becoming critically ill from Covid or folks with underlying health issues. The medication supposedly, lots of times prevents hospitalization and deaths among high risk Covid patients. Let's be positive here and of course safe and stay home as much as possible or if you must leave home, always wear a good, snug fitting mask.

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Re: Comments Submitted (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I've recently had Covid and spent a week in the hospital on Paxlovid. I thought the anti-viral worked really well. The only side effect I had was puffy feet. Anyone else get puffy feet?

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I've just finished a course of paxlovid. I had no problem, only thing I've noticed is my feet are swollen and puffy. Has any one noticed this happening?

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I took it as well as I have RA and COVID could be very determental to my health. I took it immediately after I was diagnosed positive and I had no side effects. I also took muscinex to help with the coughing. I am so sorry you had such a terrible reaction! Hope you are doing well now!

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I tested positive for COVID March 25th, 2024. Was prescribed paxlovid for 5 days. Took it for 5 days and was sicker than my onset of COVID. Once I had a negative COVID test I went to my gp. I could not get a good breath in and felt so sick. Chest x-ray showed I had pneumonia, strep throat and a chronic UTI. I got meds for those ailments. Woke up on April 3rd struggling for breath. Went to the ER and my vitals were critically low:

Bp 60/40
Pulse 30s
O2- 50s

Hospital test showed I had a pulmonary embolism go thru my heart and attached to my right lung. Er nurse called cardiologist to the ER she stated to cardio she's done all protocol and we are losing this patient. Was admitted to the ER for 5 days. I am now since May 8 the on elliquis blood thinner for the rest of my life. I had 3 ER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS say the paxlovid is why I threw the PE for it's a side effect of taking the non FDA approved medicine. I since have had body aches muscle aches tiredness memory issues the list goes on forever and ever.
I say to any reader of this post if you haven't taken it in the past. DO NOT TAKE IT EVER!!!

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Re: Comments Submitted (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi thanks for reply about paxlovid ,it's been just over a month since ce I was discharged from hospital ,I'm not sure what's going on ,I'm asthma seems worse I get out of breath easily also brain fog lethargic ect my usual coughing at night is worse ,I'm not sure if these are normal for someone at 71 yrs of age with asthma ect after having covid or hopefully not long covid my Dr is on holiday so I can't talk to him prior to having covid I had 5 vaccine booster shots over last 2 years ,any info would be greatly appreciated thanks.

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