Paxil Withdrawal Symptoms After Almost 4 Years?
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I began to taper off Paxil in late 2018/early 2019 (I was on 40mg for almost 10 years.) I went from 40mg to 0mg in not even 2months. It was a fast taper. I was fine for a few short months then BAM...all hell broke loose. It's been almost 4 years now and I have zero relief. I am so sick physically and mentally, in pain. I feel like I died in 2018. I was never the same after taking my final pill of Paxil. I feel as time goes on I'm getting sicker. I'm grieving my old life everyday and think I'll never be the same.

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Your taper was way too fast. You just need to see your doctor. If he/she is clueless, then do some research to find a good psychiatrist. I am sorry that you have suffered unnecessarily for so long.

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What condition was being treated with the Paxil?

If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, these medications don't provide a cure, they just help alleviate the associated symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, disconnect, feeling helpless, and etc.

Ref: Paxil Information

Thus, it is always possible to suffer a rebound of such conditions, if you stop taking it, especially if anything in your life changes to increase levels of these conditions.

Are you currently on any medications?

Have you discussed these lingering issues with your doctor? You may need to return to taking Paxil, or some other medication.

Our bodies also change with time, so it is possible that you developed a new condition, or an existing one worsened, while taking, or after stopping Paxil.

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