Paracetamol Diclofenaco/ Tafirol Acthe Doctor In Mexico Gave Me These Pills And They Are In My Medicine Chest. What Are They Used For?
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The Doctor in Mexico gave me a prescription for these pills, I don't remember why. They are here in my Medicine cabinet and I want to know what they are for and if I should keep them.These pills are white oblong tablets. 500 mg-50mg

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I wouldn't let a Mexican doctor prescribe Amoxicillin for a case of bacterial bronchitis or Otitis Media. And how old do you suppose this pills are?

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Paracetamol is just another name for Acetaminophen.

Learn more Acetaminophen details here.

And the Diclofenac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling.

Learn more Diclofenac details here.

As to whether or not you should keep old are they? Have you talked to your regular doctor about using them?

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