Pain Medication Cut Downs (Page 3)


Is it just me or is all the pain management docs trying to cut everyone down or back!!?? When I went to my last visit the doc had the nerve to ask me if I still needed my Oxymorphone 20mg ER (56). I was like YEAH, what do you think?! This is after they closed down for 3 months and I had to switch to Subutex to not get sick. And I got dropped from the 30mg oxymorphone. And by the way the 20'mgs are garbage. Then my doc asked me to get an MRI on my lower back, which I did the month prior. It just goes to show what a dumb ass he is and how they're so not in tune to what is going on! All they want to do is lower and lower your meds. Has anyone else had their doc try and taper them down or try and lower your stuff? By the way, I'm in south FL.

195 Replies (10 Pages)

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Re: DyingOfPain (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Please don't think that way, pain on top of hate and the thought of harming yourself or others is not a good sandwich to eat because it will eat you alive. I know, I have felt at the bottom of the pit more times than I would like to count. I have generalized dystonia, at present my left eye is slammed shut, had over 20 storms yesterday, had been waiting over 2 weeks to hear back from my doctor. Was mad, sad, and sick. The pain I experience is excruciating. I have been up since about 2am, my twisting and contouring wakes me up all the time, which does not make for a good day, for me or anyone around me. Finally heard back from my doctor yesterday afternoon, it seems my meds were called in but the pharmacy did not get in touch with me. I feel like if I check with them too often I am looked at as a drug seeker, which I am. I'm sick. Sick as hell. I can't work like I used to do, and have been actually called out by neighbors for letting my dear old mother work in the yard. No one knows what is going through a person's body and or mind unless they have walked in our shoes or in my case more of a shuffle.I have to keep this in mind, there are a lot of people worse off than me. I wish you well.

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Re: Dying In Canada a true story (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I really hope you you change your mind. I don't want to see no-one in pain but j definitely dont want to hear about you dieing. I thought Canada had the best health care system in the world!!!??? I know pain management is different than the regular health care but dam their doing you guys dirty like that too Huh. The only thing I can think of if they start really messing with my numbers and meds is to go to a methadone clinic. Someone else on here said it was the best decision of their life and I know of people who have said the same thing. Yeah it's a bitch to get up everyday early as hell to go does but after awhile you get take homes and in Fl I know some people who are up to 280mg a day so if you have severe pain this may be an option. I'll be damned if I get screwed over again having my doc shut down forcing me to get on subutex witch sucked to searching around with no avail for a new pain doc. Just got lucky that my old place opened back up with a new doc. But how long until that happens again ya know. I do love my oxymorphone 30's they were PERFECT in every way but for some reason these 20's suck it takes 3-4 of these 20's to feel the same off one 30. After reading all your responses I guess I shouldn't be bitching.

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Re: DyingOfPain (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I truly believe thats their grand scheme! They want all us "useless eaters" dead, after taxing us to death our entire lives. Heaven forbid we reap any benefits illegals have readily available that exceed ours! They feel if we're in extreme pain and anxiety, we'll just end it; AS MANY LEGIT CHRONIC SUFFERERS DO WHEN ARBITRARILY CUT OFF FROM YEARS OF MEDICATION!


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And don't believe their "hyperalgesia" myth, where they postulate pain meds make it worse! And supposedly, Xanax causes "dementia" with no corroborating evidence by any Drs! I'm smarter than they are, as I know title 21 laws and see through their blatant lies. As Kris, says depopulation agenda 2030 is in full force! Stack n packs going up en masse here in Cali and elsewhere. They want us out of our homes, cars, onto buses and bikes! FACT! They're verifiable killing people with these DEW fires. Paradise was completely obliterated in under 24 hours. Like Napa, Santa Rosa, Redding, LA, OC, all started the same day. NOT FOREST FIRES. TREES DIDN'T BURN! See aplanetruthinfo,, neverlosetruth, grindall61, and mental boost for blatant proof. Glass, steel melt at 3000 degrees! Twice that of home/ forest fires where trees, wood fences, plastic play sets, random homes nearby are unscathed! Hundreds of innocent victims were fried alive. We are veritably under attack by our own country and US is complicit.

Bogus "opioid epidemic" like all else, is fabricated to design suffering! If patients have MRI evidence as I; 8 herniated discs, sciatica, osteo arthritis, we need our meds! My injuries are all from other negligent drivers on top of it! What angers me most is being persecuted for injuries not even my fault! And I need my anxiety meds. Blamed for childhood abuse and terror of "we're frying next", plus anxiety of getting meds is again, egregious! Many are on near double my dosages. Nothing makes sense in this reality!

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Re: Dying In Canada a true story (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I can not tell you how sorry I am that doctors are being bullied by your government just the same as ours here in the USA. which has made it much harder to get our medications because doctors are worried about investigations and losing their license not to mention prosecution!

Compassion however runs deep it my veins, even after losing a child to a drunk driver! Don't get me wrong, we need to continie to hold people responsible for their actions but I also know that people are human; the same as I .Be it for the. grace of God,; it could be me or my family or someone I care deeply for!

I have a friend who lost their only child; a son to an overdose!. I know for a fact that they tried to get him help many times. He was a good kid! He was a role model to other young kids trying to kick the habit but in the end the habit won! He had just started back to school when it hapened! There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about the hell that this has brought to my friend and her family! You see I know first hand what it is like to lose a child!

If the government were honest, they would tell the world that the majority of people that are now dying from overdose are dying from cheap heroin laced with fentanyl made in clandestine labs in China! Pain patients I believe are also taking their lives with the medications which they can still get but are not enough! Lets not forget those that have felt desperate enough to put a gun to their head!

You might say I am biased because my medications have not been cut ... but that would be wrong. My medications were cut in half after more than 15 years of use; four months ago. I do not believe I would have made it if it were not for my very rational thinking partner and the few fentanyl patches I had from picking up my medications a day or two before I needed them. You see my doctor knew I would end up with an extra patch every couple of months. He said they should be held for an emergency. One of those emergencies came last year when South Florida was hit by a major hurricane. I live in a low lying area in Ft. Lauderdale and was in a mandatory evacuation area. My partner came and got me and boarded up my home and then we spent the next 36 hours driving or impatiently waiting for a gas station to get more gas to drive 350 miles to get to central Florida where they were hit just as hard! Now with few roads passible and gas so scarce you were lucky to find a few gallons to keep a generator going, we were going nowhere fast! For two weeks those extra patches became my lifeline untll we could make it back home and get another appointment!

It is impossible to pick up a prescription even a day early now but thankfully I still had a few patches left which I rationed and used very sparingly when my doctor cut my fentanyl patch as well as my break thru medications, by 50%.

It had been four months of torture but on Friday October 16th. I saw a new doctor who put me back on my original dose of Fentanyl and now I have to fight the insurance company to get it filled! I am hoping it will be authorized on Monday!

What I want now and know how important is a new medtronic morphine pump! The same one I wore for 7 years till it had no more life in and I needed a new one. My insurance company refused to pay for a new one however based on all the new medications on the market! Listen, it does not matter how many medications are on the market if doctors are afraid to write for them and insurance companies don't want to pay for them, and dont forget the pharmacists who refuse to fill the prescriptions even when you have one! I want the surgery to get a new pump! Based on the reasons I stated above! I may have to wait a bit but my new doctor says it will be approved! I am thankful to my partner for his support and all his help in keeping a level head! When you can no longer think straight you need someone who can!

Lets always remember to place blame where it really belongs and try to remember that addicts are no different from us in God's eyes When I asked my friends son before he died; why he was doing what he was and putting his parents through so much ... he replied to me; "I don't know, I just know I never went to bed or woke up with the dream of being an addict!"

May God help all of us!

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Re: Beth (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Methadone 10 mg 4-5 times daily. Was cut to 2 a day. It wasn’t even worth going to the doctor anymore so I went to the Methadone Clinic. I’m currently on 100mg a day. I’m glad I made this choice. Methadone has truly been a lifesaver.

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Rawdog, I'm a 77 year old grandmother in South Carolina, with end stage COPD (which means I have less than 30% of my lung function as compared to other women my age and height). My back pain had caused my whole body to decondition to the point that I gave up hope and went to bed to die. They won't let me have more than 4 per day 50mg tramadol, Lyrica, and OTC's such as aspirin, which are destroying my stomach and intestines. Somehow Jesus Christ awakened the life force and I signed up to do pulmonary rehab online. Best thing I ever did for my breathing. I'm telling you this in case you know anyone who might need this. Let me know and I will give you the info. But back to my back. When I take that first step out of bed every morning I cry out to God for help. I scream from the pain. When I sit on the toilet I rub on a cream that helps a little, and then make it to the kitchen holding on all the way, to get a bite to eat along with my tramadol and lyrica, which also helps a little. My questions for my doctor and the government are: Are you trying to get me to commit suicide? Has anyone checked the increase in suicide since they took away the pain meds? What difference could it possibly make to anyone else if I become dependent on pills as long as they permit me to live out my remaining days in relative comfort so I can participate in life as much as my breathing permits? I am asking the pain doc, the GP, and the pulmonary doc. They can see from my MRI why I need meds. Our animals are given pain relief without question (thank God!) but we humans are left to suffer. If they cared they would dispense case-by-case instead of lumping white-haired grannies like me into the same pile as street junkies. I hope to start a campaign to change things.

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Re: John (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

OMG there are no laws or regs on prescribing pain meds... only guidelines put out by the CDC. And state medical boards are adopting these "GUIDELINES", AND DOCTORS USING THEM TO STOP RX SCHED 2 ,3,4 DRUGS FOR THEIR PATIENTS. Its bulls***. This is what a pain management specialist told me at a recent appt but I knew this "I read". I live in Oregon.

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Re: Lin (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so sorry to hear what you're going thru, I think it's a bunch of bulls*** the things we are all put thru (pain patients). I also take 1800 mg of Lyrica a day with Ibuprofen. But if that's all you get you need to start doing some serious looking for a doc that will help you if you're in that much pain. The only other option is just like the other person on here said and go to a methadone clinic. I know it's not what you want to do but what other options do you have left?? Good luck & keep us posted.

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Re: Shelley in Tennessee (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Hi go to your state medical board and look up Opiod prescribing Guidelines. There are no laws just FEAR TACTICS used against Doctors and their license to practice if they dont follow guidelines. YES it is futile to argue with a Doctor but if you all do this and know factually that thete are no laws then maybe your armed a little...print it out take it to your appts...maybe argue a little disagree a lot. Good tidings good people.

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Due to our feckless POTUS who can't get it through his tiny brain that the so called opioid epidemic is from doctor feelgoods and theft of a pain patient's meds, and Pharmacy suppliers - (google walgreens DEA bust, then google Walgreens Good Faith policy) ... it will make you sick to see who is supplying this "EPIDEMIC". So now Sir Liealot is watching every doctor who prescribes pain meds, one screw up could ruin a legit Pain M.D., so if they can get you off the heavy stuff and find something in a different class all the better for all involved.

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Re: CityguyUSA (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

120 mg. MME is the upper limit their guidelines recommend. I am there now from 265 mg Morphine IR and ER but that wad a post op dose from my 5th an 6th spinal surgeries. I'm also lucky to have a benzo and soma for CP m PTSD ANXIETY. But I might need another surgery and here in OR they are blocking surgeons too!!

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Re: DyingOfPain (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Thnx so much for sharing your story! I'm sorry for your loss! I pray that all works out for you! You're right about what's really going on and killing people is heroin and laced with Fentanyl! Pharmaceuticals are at the bottom of the list. There's more in chronic pain that need them than those being sold by others! There's got to be a answer somewhere! If we ban together and petition FDA ? I'm real tired of these special interests groups trying to make us live the way they want us to!! I've been told that our wounded soldiers can't even get what they need now for pain! Horrible! Inhumane!! Whats next ? A concentration camp?? I believe that its got a lot to do with the legalization of marijuana and the sale of recreational marijuana for Big tax dollars!!! The Government already has invested in greenhouse and growing it,I've seen a pic of the inside of a huge one in Colorado!! That's my opinion!

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Re: PAINMAN (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Trump did not do this ..... This started under osamabama when the troops got control of heroin poppy fields. Do your research ...... there were documentaries on air before trump was in office discussing mandatory pain med cuts this began before 2016 ....


check the date march of 2016 you can expand your own search from there

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Re: Tbones89 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

You are right on spot with your post. There's nothing else that could be said. I think about suicide every single f-ing day. As I have said before, there isn't a damn thing we can do. As a veteran, I thinks my country sucks to do this. I am all for the Mexican cartels bringing opioids into our country!! Been thinking about using heroin, even though that killed my brother. Then when all the pharmacy robberies start going up, THEY are going to blame gun violence. At night once I start thinking about how to pull one off & get away with it, I can't sleep!! So in the meantime I am trying to numb myself with alcohol & good old pot. Really wish all P. M. docs in U. S. would band together & end the madness. Even as a collective group of p. m. patients , there's nothing we can do. Doctors need to stick to their oath & speak up as a national coalition. Petitions, e-mail, letters & calls aren't gonna cut it. We should all know that by now!!

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Re: Roro (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! You are exactly right!! It didn't start with Trump!! I'm so sorry for the veteran who is having to do without!! Breaks my heart! 1 of my Dr told me this wk about this situation with pain medication and vets!!! She works with vets and says they can't get them either!! My God!! Why in the world are they having to do without??? We've got to figure out a way to ban together petion , bombard the FDA n CDC and let them know we're not going to tolerate being treated worse than a animal!!! At least they can get pain medications !!!!!

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Re: Beth (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Beth, it's horrible what they're doing to our Vets they were good enough to fight for our country but they're not good enough to get what they need that makes no sense. We are all having a hard time getting what we need. And I think this is T totally ridiculous. I don't even know where to start or who to call or what to do. I'm sick of tired of being looked at as a drug addict. This must stop. Where do we start where do we go what do we do? We need answers all of us.

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Re: Roro (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Beth, it's horrible what they're doing to our Vets they were good enough to fight for our country but they're not good enough to get what they need that makes no sense. We are all having a hard time getting what we need. And I think this is T totally ridiculous. I don't even know where to start or who to call or what to do. I'm sick of tired of being looked at as a drug addict. This must stop. Where do we start where do we go what do we do? We need answers all of us.

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Re: Beth (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

I understand very well what you are saying, I just don't like to blame misguided to create political misdirection but enough of that ...... I know too well about the med cuts & i am directly effected by this & it sux ...... I was basically told i should not be able to walk .... (still walking) THANK YOU LORD but i was receiving 300 cdc directed mg of pain meds ...... I have been cut to 105 mg & they are still cutting ...... I never was without pain but I used to live a near normal home life. I could cook meals, clean, sew, do small projects & fix things when i was getting the higher mg of pain meds.

Now i have a hard time doing anything. I have not cooked a good meal for awhile (I live alone), fix a single item (when up to it) & that's the deal ...... I have been fighting to lose weight & was winning slowly but now my eating is screwed up ...... i eat more garbage food again for quick fix with least amount of pain (beef sausage, lunch meat, cans of prepared food - all bad as continued diet mainstay but easy to fix) ...... Not sure why the govt is forcing these cuts. I have posted that it's a way to sell more heroin since the gov't has control of heroin poppy fields .... and north & gov clinton did smuggle coke thru Mena Airport Ark ....for guns for contras .... timing is suspicious .... But maybe they know the govt is gonna have a shtf era causing a major supply disruption ..... Thus no meds available & cold turkey withdraw which sux ..... We are not addicts but that does not mean our bodies are not addicted........ i don't know ....... keep praying for us all and our vets & success of our country ...... be well all

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Re: PAINMAN (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Oh i so understand what you are saying. I'm 66 yrs old and have witnessed the change in strength of most opioids. I think someone somewhere is benefiting from this, I remember in the 70s here in Australia things were a lot different. Seems they like playing god, trying to tell you that you're better off not taking anything that is going to ease the pain that they mostly introduced. I've even seen ads on tv trying to sell a stupid looking battery op pen thing that you put on back neck etc, and it takes away all pain - what a joke! Wish i could just go back to old days. Take care.

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