Pain Med Compliance Surveys And Telemarketing Spam
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I am a 60 year old male. I have been taking a compliance survey every 30 days for the last 4 months. Have to do this or doctor will not give prescriptions for that month. Since I started survey am getting at least 6 calls a day trying to sell me other medical products. It is fast becoming very annoying. There is a privacy contract with the survey company. It appears that the survey company has sold at least my name and phone info to someone else. I did not have this problem until I started having to take this survey. Does anyone have a sugestion on how to stop this?

I have been taking pain meds since 1996 and am getting worried that all of the new regulations are going to cause me to lose my meds altogether. I do not have a left hip and just had to have 2 toes amputated on left leg. Right leg was amputated below knee in January of this year. Have had 3 major back surgeries, 1 neck surgery. Auto accident in 1999 caused my pelvis to be broken in 8 pieces.I have to have my pain meds or I have no quality of life. I am getting cut back on meds by doctor to the point to where I am on couch most of the day because of pain. Anyone out there having similar problems? Just need some advice on any positive action I can take with this problem.

17 Replies

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Re: Happy Man (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Well yes, that would then make it 2 party consent.

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Re: EDDY (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

It is perfectly legal EVERYWHERE as long as you tell them you are recording the call.

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Re: Tony (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Please DO NOT record ANY phone calls unless your State is a one party consent State. It is a FELONY to do so otherwise

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Re: Happy Man (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I wrote you about the Pain Patients Bill of Rights. You have rights that they have not eliminated. I myself will NEVER take OxyContin or any pill that has that impervious coating. It was done so addicts couldn't abuse them. I'm 65 and bc of THAT COATING, I have lost 1 molar and have 4 front teeth chipped. I get 3 medical journals a month and all 3 said the coating makes you nauseated and rots your teeth from the inside out. I am furious and wanted to sue Purdue Pharma but the Doctor that monitors this site said they put it on the patient info very small at the bottom so 'it's buyer beware' so to speak. Who reads all that stuff? I just needed out of pain but NOT at the expense of MY TEETH!!! Be forewarned, if it's coated anything, this will happen, even Morphine ER.

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Re: June C (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Workers comp uses narcotics as treatment, and we are pretty much forced to jump through their hoops; until 3 of my discs collapsed on top of each other. Then I needed 2 surgeries, with 2 artificial discs. I am physically addicted, but I weaned down from 120MGs to 25MGS TOTAL in a day, thanks to CT. having a medical MJ program. I am shooting for 10MGS BID. They told me already, I have been on them too long, and I would need 90 days of inpatient rehab, that nobody will pay for. I use the vape oils.

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Hi, I am answering your statement about the survey. Anytime you take any 'survey' it is sold; ALWAYS. Please tell your Pain Doc this is happening to you. With regard to cutting down your meds....MY Gosh Sir, you have so much wrong that I can't believe this is happening to you and I am angry and very sorry for you. I can tell you there is a PAIN PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS. You should be able to pull it up on any web search. And Methadone is very effective and will NEVER be taken away because it was developed for addiction. So if you can't move and are in great pain, you might ask your Pain Doc if you can try it. Make sure it matches dosage for dosage. I have 8 things wrong, 1 is the 3rd most painful disease. I take only 5 mgs of Methadone 3 x daily which a very low dose and have my life back. If your Pain Doc is not agreeing to help, you need to seek out another more compassionate Dr.

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So that is why I am getting calls for MEDICARE BACK BRACES? Also calls to sell me a MEDICAL ALERT thing. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It all makes sense now that you wrote this. I have had (3) cervical fusions (1 fell apart) 1 lumbar discectomy, and in 2016, I had a lumbar circumferential 3 level fusion with 2 artificial discs. March 27, 2017, and XLIF 2 level fusion at L3-4 with a plate, cage, and screws. They had to remove some of the hardware from the 2016 fusion to make the hardware fit at L-3-4. THEY NICKED THE DURAL so they had to perform a "cerebrospinal fluid dural repair". It caused me drop foot, that I NEVER HAD BEFORE the surgery. He did not even tell me. I read it when I requested my surgery(s) notes.

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Re: June C (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hi June, you are right about pain meds and the effect of their usage and the way I used to take them, the more I was in pain the more I would take, I thought was better. But, if you know how to use them, they work good. Before I had stopped taking them completely a few months ago because of D. visits & med costs I was taking between 15 to 30 mg. of Morphine per DAY. (sometimes less on a good day and to keep my tolerance in check). I found out that I could take a bit and sometimes a big edge off of pain. I was prescribed the instant relief because I did not want it to linger in my system and my doc agreed. Morphine sounds like it is more potent than most pain meds. I am no expert but I would bet milligram per milligram Hydrocodone and Oxycodone would be equal to Morphine because I've had all 3. Anyway, I got to get off of this forum because I think I'm becoming addicted. LOL!

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I feel for what u r going through. But, unfortunately pain meds are not meant to be taken for a long length of time. After awhile, the narcotic pain med that is supposed to relieve pain, actually causes pain! I am currently taking oxycodone for spinal stenosis and pinched nerves in my spine. Nerve pain is so bad. But I am just starting cortisone shots in my neck every 3 months. Plus am looking into medical cannibus. I have heard all positive reports on how effective medical cannibus is! Don't give up hoe! A tens unit may also be very helpful. Let's keep each other informed of our progress. June C. BTW I am 66 years of age and have been on narcotic pain meds for six months so far. I don't like the side effects, moodiness, sweating and severe constipation!

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RJ, I'm so sorry for all the pain and abuse you're going through. The way you've been treated is reprehensible. What you don't need are all the phone calls. Go online and get on the National No Call list for your phone/s. It doesn't always help to be on that list because scammers manage to get through anyway. But it's an improvement. I also got an answering machine - I can't tell you the peace of mind it has brought me. I screen my calls to make sure the call is one I want to take. This doesn't help with your meds question or your health issues, but if you can do this, that little bit of peace can help.

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I'm required to fill out a questionnaire each time I go to the doctor each month in order to get my pain meds. But there's no survey calls. Something is fishy there. Are you sure the calls are related to filling out a form with the doctor?
It's getting tough all over to get pain meds scripts. My doctor has set limits, both in count and mg. I read where CVS pharmacy may only fill 7 days worth of a pain meds script at a time, in order to curb abuse. This could cause issues, even for those who take them as prescribed. Good luck!

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Sorry for all the pains you are going through RJ!! There is not much you can do about the spam calls because you will never be able to prove who they are, where they got your number and where they are calling from. I went through a similar incident and kept telling the callers, "Oh, I'm sorry, he passed away...." & the calls eventually stopped.

As far as pain pills, they were never meant to be a life long thing, they are a short term fix after surgery or major trauma. The government and pharma companies really screwed us for the all mighty dollar! Amazing how the US - 10% of the worlds population uses 90% of the pain pills.

I finally got off them and now get by with some soma, xanax, cannabis, tens unit, inversion board, etc. I highly suggest trying medicinal cannabis as it is a life saver. Good luck to you & God bless!

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Dear R J.. Sorry about all of your pain and your leg. I too have bad back and neck problems for a long time.1987,I have a prosthetic knee too. My question to you about the survey you are doing. Do you remember if it had written contract with it that all of your answers would be confidential and you signed it? IF so, and you can prove you are getting harassed because of this, I would look for an attorney Your medical history is supposed to be private only to the doctor that you are seeing. If that contract is breached without your consent, He is liable for any problems it concerns.

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We probably will lose them I work in a pharmacy and someone said his dr will only write for a week supply of pain meds and not 30 days anymore

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I know how hard it is to find doctors that will give you the pain medicine you need to have a somewhat comfortable life. I have never heard anything about taking surveys to get a prescription. It seems to me the doctor is somehow involved with people taking these surveys. I would call an attorney and see why you have to take these surveys and maybe that person can help you. Good luck. I know what it is like to be in pain all the time, but it sounds like you are in more pain than I am. I am lucky to have found a doctor to give me the pain meds I need. Still in pain even with them. Life does suck being in pain 24/7.

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Can totally get where you are coming from. I have now been bedridden for 11 months. It is one hell of a life. The only thing I can assume is the DEA has something going on with SS so if we get desperate and commit suicide -- the SS Administration won't have to pay out for those pain suffering individuals.

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Go consult this matter with a lawyer. I think you could at least sue the company who's calling you without prior consent. You would need to know what the company's name is, save the call logs, or even better - record some conversation between them.

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