Pain Management Doctor Who Will Prescribe Oxycodone 30mgs In Philadelphia (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Seeking a pain medicine doctor who will prescribe pain meds along the lines of Oxycodone/Roxicodone 30mgs in Philadelphia where i now reside.

I have recently in the last several months beginning with a slip and fall accident, prior to that years ago i had right knee surgery and last year had two surgeries on my right hand which lead to putting pins in and also out. Now my biggest issue is the chronic back and neck pain (which also i have a son who just turned two) i had an Orthopedic doctor in Philadelphia send me for MRI's that came to prove i have buldged/herniated discs in my neck/C3-C4,C4-C5 also lower lumbar/L5-S1, also two pinched nerves in lower back each side, a pinched nerve right side of neck down into my shoulder and they found carpel tunnel in my left arm/hand. (not to familiar with carpel tunnel, doing research now) i was living in new jersey and had prescribed pain medication from my Orthopedic doctor and was taking up to four 30 mg generic Roxicodone a day for my pain which has become chronic pain due to like i mentioned an accident.. Etc.

157 Replies (8 Pages)

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Please my friend need a pain dr the injections affected his bladder and he has to cath himself. Any in phila

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Please my friend need a pain dr the injections affected his bladder and he has to cath himself. Any in phila south phila or ne

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Hi I just moved to philly and I desperately need to find a Dr here. Could u please let me know of the Dr you were referring to. Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Hi lee can you please help me i have so many medical problems you can read about in my post i am trying to find a dr with no luck please if you can give me name or place dr is at really appreciate it i cant even walk and im not allowed shots in my back cause of my protein c diffency, no surgeries

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Can you please let me know the name . I'm in so much pain have mri and emg.

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Hi Lee C my name is Roberta Brown, I have chronic pain due to having cerivical and lumbar sciatica from c2-C5 and S1-S3, L2-L5, spinal stenosis this when the canal that is wrapped around the central nerve is narrowing and squeezing the central nerve which causes severe pain in my back as well as spinal radiopathy, bulging disc L2-L5 & C2-C5 which causes the muscles around my neck and then I can barely turn my head. My legs give out and I fall down sometimes. These drs. Seems to think that everybody is medication seeking know matter if they look at your MRI and see all that is wrong with your spine they still don't seem to care. That's why were all on here trying to help one another. Can you ease give me the name of a dr. In Philly that prescribes percocet or oxycodone please let me know! Thank you so very much!!!

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Hi Lee .. is this DR still accepting patients?
Walking from one side of the street to the other I was stuck by a car 5 years ago. My DR retired 2 months ago and haven't been able to find a new DR

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Can u give me his name please i need a doctor that takes cash and is a sure thing i have been taking 30mg oxys for 2 yeats then i moved to nj and now i cant get my meds wirhout jumping through hoops

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Could you please send me the name of this wonderful doctor

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Hi Lee C, I have been posting looking for help for over a year and I see that you are offering to help some of us. Thank you for this. I have well documented pain issues from cervical and lumbar sciatica and spinal stenosis and radiopathy and other things. I live in Phila PA. Could you please reply to me with the name of your dr that you're talking about. I would greatly appreciate it. I have basically become a hermit because I can barely get around because I don't have any pain meds to relieve my pain and live some sort of semblance of a normal life. Thank you Lee C.

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I moved to pa do you know a doctor I could go to I have a really screwed up back and hip and can't walk good no more. My doctor had a heart attack and left us pAtients.

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Did you find someone? Depending on where you are I heard there are a few specialist that are being referred patients from PCPs.

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is that PM Doctor going to Love you for sending all those people to him, that will raise a red flag if he is writing out a bunch of pain meds.
if people tell him you recommend him he may not write anymore pain meds, Chances are people would have to get a refer from a PCP and not just come off the street.
don't get me wrong if that doctor he recommend helps you that is great, i hope he does.
I was just saying i wonder if you will need a PCP Refer.
Good Luck everybody :-)

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I agree Tracy, people can not recommend a doctor, you have to go to PCP Doctor then they Refer you to a Pain Management doctor. Like i said before people can not tell you where to go, cos if you go there and 100 more people go to the same doctor that would throw up a red flag to the DEA or someone like that.. where i go is PM they can only write out low dosage of pain meds, like i get Oxymorphone 10MG ER and that is all i can get cos they told me you have to go to another PM that can prescribe higher dosage but for now the Oxymorphone 10MG ER helps enough for me that i don't need to go for more, i get 90 pills 1 every 8 hours and it helps me enough. i used to take 2 hydrocodone 10/500 every 6 hours and 1 oxycodone 30MG every 4 hours and that was too much cos i got to the point where my wife told me she would be talking to me and i would like pass out for a second and then i was alright. I am so thankful that Oxymorphone helps me and that i don't pass out for a second or 2 anymore and the pain meds helps me good enough i can function and i am not bog down by heavy pain meds.

Your best bet is too find a PCP that will refer you to PM instead of depending on people that don't have the authority to send you to a doctor who if he is accepting people and writing out pain meds all the time to a bunch of people then don't be surprise if someday you go to him and he tells you i can't write pain meds anymore cos that will happen, i know a practice i went too and this past january they put up a memo telling the patients that they would have to refer them to a PM cos they are no longer writing out pain meds anymore. So please be careful to the doctor you go to if he is the kind that is writing out a bunch of Pain meds but like the guy that answers all the questions on this site said one time that anymore PCP doctors are referring patients to PM cos they are being limited to what prescriptions they can write or they are not allow to write Pain Meds anymore.. Good Luck to all and i hope you are able to get what you are seeking and i hope everybody has a great Christmas and a Very Happy New Year! :-)

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LC I am in real need of your help. Primary Dr no longer wants to do my pain management. Told me to find a PM Dr but so hard cause I am home bound disabled. Please need help.

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Michelle, you are better off going to your doctor and having him refer you to PM cos LC can't help you and he has no right leading people on like that. I highly recommend that you do like i said and if your primary care doctor won't refer you then i find another Doctor that will; cos nobody on here can help you get a doctor. The way it works is you have your PCP refer you to a Pain Management Doctor, then if you really need it then they will provide you help, but they will probably have you get a MRI or CAT SCAN. Where i go they told me i had to get a Cat Scan done cos i can't get an MRI cos i have artificial valves in my heart. My Cat Scan showed them how bad my back is and they said they would keep me on my pain meds. Good Luck Michelle. I hope you get the help you need.. But please talk to your doctor about a referral. Take Care! Hope you have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! :-)

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Hi I'm in desperate need of your doc is still around..

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Hi Lee C, I am also looking for new pain Dr, could you send me his # please

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Sorry SuzyQ but its been a few years since he posted that message. You are better off going to a doctor and getting a referral to a PM cos a regular doctor can't write our pain medication anymore cos they have to send you to a Pain Management doctor. It's the law now.
Good Luck!

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Hey Red, I'm near Fort Dix and I know a Dr. They only will go as high 15mg Roxi's and 30mg OxyContin. They also do various injections and ablations. They have a few offices in South Jersey. Let me know if you the info.

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