Pain Management Doctor Who Will Prescribe Oxycodone 30mgs In Philadelphia (Page 5)
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Seeking a pain medicine doctor who will prescribe pain meds along the lines of Oxycodone/Roxicodone 30mgs in Philadelphia where i now reside.
I have recently in the last several months beginning with a slip and fall accident, prior to that years ago i had right knee surgery and last year had two surgeries on my right hand which lead to putting pins in and also out. Now my biggest issue is the chronic back and neck pain (which also i have a son who just turned two) i had an Orthopedic doctor in Philadelphia send me for MRI's that came to prove i have buldged/herniated discs in my neck/C3-C4,C4-C5 also lower lumbar/L5-S1, also two pinched nerves in lower back each side, a pinched nerve right side of neck down into my shoulder and they found carpel tunnel in my left arm/hand. (not to familiar with carpel tunnel, doing research now) i was living in new jersey and had prescribed pain medication from my Orthopedic doctor and was taking up to four 30 mg generic Roxicodone a day for my pain which has become chronic pain due to like i mentioned an accident.. Etc.
Have broken wrist, seems to have healed. but left nerver damage to ulnar nerve which has died. going to now have surgery on hand . will put in a sensor nerve to replace. pain is excrutiating. will not prescribe any medication for pain. .will surgery help plus the pain can't take much more. any help or advice
hey I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable and in so much chronic pain! that's horrible! I was in your exact same position last year and felt so stuck in a hole bc no one would help me, my dr left me to come off pain pills myself etc I even resorted to buying my pain pills off the street bc I was so desperate!! then I found my new PM dr and he truly saved my life!!!! if you can't afford him then you can just google search PM drs in your area or like the others said ask your PCP for a referral to a pm practice bc they may be able to get you seen sooner! now I want to ask a question now ... I was getting 180 15mg roxi, I asked my dr to bump me up bc I was going through the meds way too fast, so he gave me 90 30mg roxi, which is basically the "same" but not.. which do you think would last longer?
pls post the doctor's info. I have chronic pain from a terrible car crash and my dr stopped practicing.. {edited for privacy} thank you!!!!
Hi Sam. I am also fron nyc. I have been looking for a dr here for quite sometime. Kindly share your dr informstion with us.
Thank You
I am having such a hard time I never was insured only for a company I worked for about 10 years ago. I can't work anymore because of the pain and anxiety. They say I need med records but 10 years ago was a long time ago any docs where I don't have to jump through hoops to er pain and anxiety mess quick so I can get back to work? Ty
Hey I was wondering if you could help me with that information also much appreciated
Lee c could u please tell me how to go through that dr you were talking about i don't know how to get ahold of u
Hi lee c. Ineed a doctor who will prescribe pain medication like percocets my pains are worsening and i cant get no help so if you know any doctors in Philly can you please send me the information thanks alot
hi this is Nikkie i also live in phila and cant find my meds anywhere please help!
hey mark...imin desperate need of some help finding a giod dr. i have numerous problems some of which include 4 herniated discs n 2 bulging n degenerative disc disease n too many other problems to list n i hve had all the tests n been to two diff surgeons they do not want to do surgery on me cuz they cant fix all the problems etc n ive been referred to pain management places n have had the steriod injections n they dont help n have done everyrhing they have asked n ive been on numerous meds but my pcp wont continue to write cuz he says hes not comfortable w that so i need help please! i have a kid to raise n am tired of being in this pain n miserable everyday
Hi Lee my name is Robbie I'm from philly, I just seen Ur thread and you said you might have a doctor! If you have one that might right me for methadone or Roxie 30's I can give you a doctor in bucks county if you want? I would be great full for that! I'll leave you my email {edited for privacy}. Ty
Mark could you please help me out with a doctor , in too much pain to work to provide for my family my family and I would love you for ever
Hi, I've seen your post and I am having problems finding a doc to give meds , I have issues with my back as well as ankle issues and elbow problems from when I stupidly played football if u could help me find a doctor I would be ever so greatful
My doctor moved to California and I am looking for a new one I have a torn rotar cuff , which causes server neck pain , and a separate disk in my back , I am a delivery man and carry 1000s pound of items every day if any one could help me it would be greatly appreciated thank you
Thank you for ur info can u send me the doctors name and number and location {edited for privacy}
Hi need pain manage doc in Phila. Just moved here. Was in car accident. My doc wants me to seek pm doc. Someone help me.plz
Yes that prescribes way I'm used to oxy 30 please help me
I need it... Please help.
I have all sorts of documentation. My dr simply decided to stop writing scripts for 30 mg roxicodone. LeeC, if you could get back to me with a referral, it would be great. {edited for privacy}. If I don't get help and pain relief, I'm calling 911 and going to the ER!
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