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i have been on the go for several days and i am on xzanx .5mg and hydroc/apap 7.5-325 tabs i dont like taking these two when i have a lot of driveing to do and i forgot to take them last night due to a fall alseep i go to the doctor today and i know i maybe tested for them i took them about 630 am and my doctors appt is at 915 am will them be in my urine when the do the test is 3 hours enough time

Updated in Norco

so this percodan is 4.8355mgs of the actual pain medicine? I was told it was a 10mg?? ## What an odd dosage, but yes, you are correct, it contains 4.8355mgs of the Oxycodone (with 325mgs of Acetaminophen) and not 10mgs. Who told you it contained 10mgs of it? This medication is a narcotic analgesic, so it does have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, dizziness and constipation. Learn more Percodan details here. ## It's very old the stopped making the, Percocet is the new name for it. But I did find some 33 year old Percodans and IM in pain, but I don't want to get sick or take it and it now even work because it's 33 years old the script was filled in 1980. Who knows if it will still work being 33 years old? They ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Percodan

I took two dilaudids and 1 vicodin how long will that take to get out of my system. I need an answer asap please!!! ## Hi Mike, Dilaudid can be detected in your urine for up to 2-4 days after your last dose. Vicodin (Hydrocodone) can be detected in your urine for up to 3-4 days after your last dose. In my opinion, if you give yourself a week, your pretty much in the clear as far as standard drug testing goes. Keep in mind though that these figures are only intended to be estimates, because everyone may detox and metabolize these drugs at different rates. I hope this info helps! ## Did you have any side effects from the mix?

2 REPLIES Updated in Vicodin

If I take 3 15mg oxycodone n I get a lab drug test in 7 days will it still show up? Plzzzz answer asap!!! Very important ## No it shouldn't show up unless your a habitual user. ## It can vary from person to person, depending on individual factors, but most narcotics are only detectable for approximately 4 to 5 days, after last dosing. Learn more Oxycodone details here. Are there any other comments or questions? ## itook 2 10 mg oxycodone on friday at 6:00am and have a lab screen on tuesdayat 2:00pm i drank lots and lots of water saturday,sundayand monday and peeed about every 30 minutes i weigh 190 and thats the first time i ever took any pills please answer quickly ty ## I took a 10 mg oxycodone for the first time in like foreever on Wednesday and had to take a drug test on Saturda...

6 REPLIES Updated in Oxycodone

Is there any problem with taking the Dart tablet daily? ## I've experienced back pain on and off. Will these Dart tablets help alleviate the pain? ## Dart tablets contain Paracetamol, Caffeine and Propyphenazone, it is used to treat pain and fever. And yes, the Acetaminophen may cause liver damage if you take it daily on a regular basis for a long period of time, or in high amounts. Prasad, what's causing the pain? ## Is the Dart tablet available in the USA? If so, where can I get it? If not, what is an equivalent composition of this tablet that is available in the USA?

3 REPLIES Updated in Paracetamol

I suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic degenerative arthritis, scoliosis, acute swelling in knees and ankles, possible neuropathy, have had a hip replacement and suffer chronic pain...I have been taking hydrocodone but, this no longer works...I am trying to find a physician in the virginia, dc, or tn. area who is willing to write me something stronger, perhaps oxycodone to relieve the pain...I have to work for a living and need medication to help me through the day...I don't abuse medication and need help...I don't want to appear as if I'm drug seeking but, some people have legitimate pain problems...also, do these physicians take insurance or do they operate on a cash only basis? ## no one would be able to tell you if the oxycodone would be more effective for your pain. you ju...

1 REPLY Updated in Oxycodone

I just had My Tonsils out and Uvula Trimmed. It is a very painful recovery so far. I was given 5mg of ocycodone to take 2 pills every 6 hours. one of my friends gave me 75 4 mg dialaudid. I have been taking 1 4mg every 6 hours sometimes every 4 hours. i found the oxycodone 5mg did not work well so i switched over after the 2nd day. I have a bit of an addictive personality and i do not want to get addicted to this. the acute pain should last about another week from what i was told. What is the best way to start getting off the dilaudid ? i tried taking less of the dilaudid, ie extending times between doses or skipping but the pain is unbearable for me. Im 30 years old and the tonsils were the biggest the surgeon has told me he has seen. I lost over a litre of blood during the procedure w...

4 REPLIES Updated in Dilaudid

Iv had this medication for 18months now and when I too it it took along time to kick in Should I get a new prescription? ## Hi Sandy, How did you have to wait before noticing any relief from taking it? Unless you took it with a meal, it shouldn't take very long (typically no more than say 15-20 minutes on average) to feel the effects of a medication you ingested. If however, you are simply not getting much relief or benefit from its use, I would definitely encourage you to speak with your doctor about other types of treatment options for your pain. I hope this helps! ## Do you mean you have been taking this med for 18 months or you have had the same prescription for 18 months ? ## the time it takes to absorb very's from person to person and the time you ate around taking the pil...

3 REPLIES Updated in Hydrocodone

does it cajse constipation,if so how do you remedy the problemAa ## Yes, the Hydrocodone in it is a narcotic opiate and they all can cause constipation in some people as a side effect. Learn more Vicodin details here. As to how to remedy the problem, when I was on them the best solution I found was to use fiber supplements and they are usually safe for more people, unless your doctor has told you that you shouldn't take them. Learn more dietary fiber details here. How long have you been taking them? ## ask your doctor to prescribe you a stool softener you only need to take a small pill once or depending if you want more results twice a day . good diet always helps but not everyone can live on a diet

2 REPLIES Updated in Hydrocodone

i have been taking morphine sulphate 90mg a day tablets.i want to start on subutex instead of the morphine sulphate tabs.i have subutex but i am worried if i take it first thing when i wake and i still have the morphine sulphate in my system i will go straight into this right please help ## The Subutex only contains Buprenorphine, which is a narcotic, it does not contain the Naloxone that would throw you into withdrawals. Suboxone is the medication that contains both Buprenorphine and Naloxone. Learn more Subutex details here. What instructions has your doctor given for the transition? ## Doctors dont like to hear that the medication simply does not work anymore. However hydrocodone, out of the family of opiodes is literally the worst one for your liver and kidneys. and o...

2 REPLIES Updated in Morphine

Blue pill Oxycodone 30mg marking on one side 224 on other side a line ## I cannot post a picture due to copyright reasons, however, I can confirm for you that this does contain 30mgs of Oxycodone, a generic for Roxcicodone, this is a narcotic pain reliever. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. You can read more on it here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## hi ## dfgh ## I was told these were roxycotin 40's and were stronger than oxycotin 30's ## i regret to inform you that everything you heard was incorrect. you little blue pill is a 30 mg oxycodone. , another thing is that there is no such thing as " roxicotin " one more thing wrong is that even if he was referring to roxicodone the highest strength they make is 3...

5 REPLIES Updated in Oxycodone

round pill, pink on one side, white on the other with par 246 imprinted on the white side. Prescribed as a muscle relaxant. ## The pill in description is Aspirin (325 mg) + Carisoprodol (200 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Which side on the par 246 pill (soma compound) is the acetaminophen and which is the carisopradol? the white is carisoprodol I'm assuming but I don't see acetaminophen being pink? My friend has some and I cant take any drugs b/c of work but need an aspirin and we are out in bfe so a quick and accurate response would be greatly appreciated.

2 REPLIES Updated in Aspirin

I can't believe they took darvocet off the market because people abuse and over used it. Even aspirin is toxic work over use!!! The drs did not force you to take them around the clock!!! ## Hi! I'm sorry you're upset! However, that's not actually why Darvocet was removed from the market. It contained Propoxyphene and Acetaminophen and it was found that Propoxyphene and its relatives were cardio toxic. Compared to its very low level of efficacy, it was was deemed that the benefits were not greater than the possible risk and that's why it was pulled from the market. That is how any medication is evaluated, the benefits must outweigh the possible risks for it to be deemed acceptable for human use. Learn more Darvocet details here. There are other options available that ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Darvocet

my husband has been taking RX oxycodone and several other narcotic pain killers for over 3yrs in high doses - he goes from one pain clinic to the next - it has changed his personality - how can this be stopped - he needs back surgery not narcotics which these doctors give out like cany ## If he is in true pain, you shouldn't be trying to report him. Did you ever stop to think that maybe he has been trying DR after DR to find one that may actually be willing to treat his pain with the correct amount of medication? Back surgery can sometimes do more damage than it can help, chances are he'll be on high doses for life if he does go that route. Talk to him instead of trying to be a wife that refuses to understand the true nature of the problem. If he is an addict and needs help... t...

5 REPLIES Updated in Oxycodone

I had a double heart valve replacement in 1999. As such I am a chronic warfarin patient. I recently had a hysterectomy followed by another emergency surgery the following day. I then recouperated at home. 3 weeks ago I had a stroke. The cardiologist said it was caused by the several surgeries and the neurologist prescribed ecotrin as he felt that warfarin was not enough any longer to protect my heart valves. Since taking ecotrin I have a constant head ache, my eyes are swollen all the times, I feel very tired, I feel depressed, I some evenings have stomach ache, initially I lost weight and suddenly I am picking up weight rapidly. I experience dizziness at times and my eyes feel as if something got stuck behind them. I used to run around 48 kilometres a week before the hysterectomy. I as...

1 REPLY Updated in Ecotrin

How do I stop taking opana er40 mg. I also take 10/325 Percocet. Should I try cutting down month to month or go to a rehab and have that instant detox done while I'm under? ## How much are you taking? Are you actually addicted and abusing them, or are you just taking them via a doctor's prescription and not taking more than prescribed? That's really what will determine your best option and you didn't provide such details in your post. Can you please post back with more information? Thanks!

1 REPLY Updated in Opana

I have been taking the generic Hydrocodone 10/650 made by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals for a few yrs. i have severe pain in my neck & lower back which has resulted in RSDS in my right arm and my left leg.These have worked fairly well for me. I picked up my prescription a few wks. ago and after taking one out of this new bottle which were from a sealed stock bottle. In a few face turned bright red and began itching terribly, esp. my nose.These tabs.did nothing for my pain and i felt as though i had about 5 cups of strong coffee. Pulse rate was staying at about 100 beats a min.Over the next few days my skin on my face peeled & flaked off.The new tabs. were from a sealed stock bottle. I had 2 tabs i keep in my purse which were from a bottle a few mnths. ago and they looked exac...

2 REPLIES Updated in Hydrocodone

Does exalgo er affect sperm count? ## No, Exalgo ER contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone in a controlled release formulation. It is a narcotic analgesic, these medications work similarly to downers, so they may lessen your libido, but should have no actual affect on your spermatozoa production. Learn more Exalgo ER details here. This medication also carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Exalgo

I have been on two or three pain medications for almost 20 years that have kept me going but my old pain management doctor is not there now and the ones who took over for him say they cant see me again because I did not tell them I was on meds from another doctor but I did let the doctor that I had been seeing know I was on the medicine plus the medicine he gave me. I am totally very upset. I am not a person who wants to do the drugs that I do but if I want to live a normal life I need them. I have had a life for the last 10 years and because of some people who abuse pills we all suffer.Why can't doctors listen to you. I need a new pain doctor that can just look at me and see that I have pain very severe pain. ## I am very sorry about what you're going through, I really hate to ...

1 REPLY Updated

I have had a hard time filling my prescription in broward county and sometimes cant fill for two to three weeks and pay as much as 9 dollars a piece for them this is an outrage can you help me to find a pharmacy or even a mail order pharmacy in the state to help ## HI, Walt! Sorry about the problem that you're having. To find a mail-order pharmacy, your best bet is to check with your insurance company. Most will have a preferred one that they use and may not cover prescriptions provided by others. Learn more Dilaudid details here. As to a brick & mortar pharmacy, there's really no way to know which one will have it in stock, at any given time. Have you discussed the situation with your doctor? You may be able to try and alternative medication that's cheaper.

1 REPLY Updated in Dilaudid
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