How To Report A Narcotics Seeker The Proper Department


my husband has been taking RX oxycodone and several other narcotic pain killers for over 3yrs in high doses - he goes from one pain clinic to the next - it has changed his personality - how can this be stopped - he needs back surgery not narcotics which these doctors give out like cany

5 Replies

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If he is in true pain, you shouldn't be trying to report him. Did you ever stop to think that maybe he has been trying DR after DR to find one that may actually be willing to treat his pain with the correct amount of medication? Back surgery can sometimes do more damage than it can help, chances are he'll be on high doses for life if he does go that route.

Talk to him instead of trying to be a wife that refuses to understand the true nature of the problem.

If he is an addict and needs help... then help him get it instead of just trying to get him in trouble.

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Of course, the obverse is that she may have already tried to talk to him and help him, but it served no purpose and she is now forced to look for other solutions.

Learn more pain management details here.

But the question is, why aren't the doctors pushing him to get the surgery?

And is he abusing the medications or seeing multiple doctors as once?

Because if he isn't, then there is nothing anyone can do.

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Read this whole response. Perhaps instead of being a dumb broad, you should consider that he's probably in genuine pain which requires proper opiate medication. Now, I don't give a rats ass what your opinions on drugs are, if you don't like them then don't do them; BUT DON'T DENY SOMEONE ELSE THEIR RIGHT TO DO THEM BECAUSE YOU'RE A SELF RIGHTEOUS BROAD. Peace, biatch.

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after breaking my back 5 mos ago, I was seeing a pain doc. Had a contract, which I complied with.I reduced my dosage. Never bothered him. Over the last month. my dose was cut in half. I missed my appt (the only time), because I'm human, and forgot. Well today, I realized my pills were low. I made another appointment, and they said 2 weeks. I called the nurse, and he will give me no more until he sees me. I work, have kids, and told him just a few so I do not have withdrawl. again, "nope". I will suffer, he plays God and acts like these pills are my life. I am an RN, I have discs and just healed a broken back. My pain contract is done, with now, how do I taper off? I have anxiety and a very fast heart beat, and he doesn't care...does he even know? He lined his pockets with a useless procedure, which worsened my pain.

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I agree with the first person who replied to your query. My husband had a horrible, horrible accident at work, and it destroyed his back....and surgery DID make it worse, just as the other replier said it could. Now, he also has electric shock-like pain that shoots down his legs. His Oxycodone use has increased over the years, but that is due to pain increase, and tolerance increase, and the development of scar tissue, but I know he NEEDS that medicine. Without it, he is in agony! Can't stay in one position for more than a few minutes! And the doctors say there is nothing else they can do for him. So, even if he is addicted, and even if he has changed some, he can't stop. It is a necessary evil.

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