Pain Relief Withdrawl
UpdatedI have been prescribed pain relief for th past 2/3 years.I have recently had surgery and am titrating myself of the medication. I have been on..Oxycontin 40 m.g twice daily,and. Gabapentin 600mg.3xtimes daily. What withdrawal symptoms,if any,should I expect?
6 Replies
If you are tapering off of them, it should help minimize the withdrawal and rebound symptoms, but you may still experience some nausea, diarrhea and rebound pain.
Learn more Gabapentin details here.
Learn more Oxycontin details here.
One of the worst issues you're likely to experience is feeling fuzzy headed, from stopping the Gabapentin, since it works on brain chemicals.
How soon will you stop taking them?
Kiss your ass good-bye. You'll never get off OXYS. They are a forever drug. you want feel the same if you stop and you'll never feel as good. Believe me. I started taking them in 1995 and I have tried numerous times to get off them. I did one time for about three months but the craving and pain were too much. Pray to God that you are not dependent on them b/c if you are, you're in for some really fun times. you will be considered a drug addict and unfortunately...YOU ARE!
Maybe move to one of the Staes where pot is legal. It's safer and less harmful to your body but your mind will never be thge same!
I am reducing my Oxycontin and Gabapentin. I also am taking Amytrpityline and Diazepam,which I have not started to reduce yet. My mood seems to be low, could this be due to the reduction .
I have been on opiates close to 7 years until right now..after a few back surgeries,and after being reffered to a pain mgnt Dr who eventually did more harm than good.I was on a little over 400 mg a day until I realized that I wasn't living..I WAS JUST EXISTING !!! I spent my time going from DR appt's to pharmacies in fear tht I would run out.the withdrawal from the oxy's would wake me up every morning rather than my alarm clock because it was time for my next dose,basically I was an addicted and though I would help with the pain in my lower back,I found myself taking my meds to feel normal and not get sick! whatever it was doing for my back pain was not enough,the bad out weighed the good.I spent months googling until I came across Florida Detox in Tampa Fl I went and visited the place before agreeing to treatment I had to attend a workshop where the Dr explains the effects of opiates on the brain and how they study each individual's brain chemistry to get them off opiates.I agreed to treatment with them though I was skeptical regardless I thought to myself "if this as as easy,wouldnt there be places like this all over?" Dr rick Sponaugle and his staff are heaven sent and I cant believe that this was real!
if anyone needs help...please go to them! I am still here as I type this but I can say that its been close to a week that I have not had any opiates in my system and I feel like I have my life back ZERO WITHDRAWALS, NO DEPRESSION,NO ANXIETY..nothing!
I admit that I have had a little trouble sleeping which may be from the pain pills or the pain in my lower back which is still there regardless , I think that having a couple of sleepless nights is nothing compared to what I was facing a month ago.I promised myself that I would help whom ever I could once I was clean and had my life back being that I know how dark it could be to see yourself in the state I was in.
I agree with Lola. There are many qualified professionals and facilities that with little or no discomfort, other than being away from home & work a week up to a month depending how addicted your body is There is generally a medical staff to handle the medical issues and a psych staff to deal with the mental side of addiction. Thy may prescribe a drug such SUBOXONE th lower the withdrawl systems then wean you of of that which is much easier to come off of than the usual opiate bassed narcotic nedicines
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