Pain Medication Shame (Page 7) (Top voted first)


First of all, I hate taking pain meds but I was almost completely bedridden for 2 yrs. They gave me my life back and I'll be grateful for the rest of my life. My insurance company dropped me right before I was gonna have surgery to get some relief. So I had no choice but to go with the pain meds. I've been on oxycodone 30/150 per month (5 a day) and MS Contin 200mg 2 times daily since 2009. Had breaks when I could. My point is, nobody knows what my daily life is like. I feel ashamed every month getting refills. Maybe it's in my head but the staff at the pharmacy gives me that "pill seeker" look. I guess all that matters is my doctor trusts me and he knows my complete history. I know I'm not taking them for fun. I'd much rather be normal. Can anyone relate to what I'm saying?

168 Replies (9 Pages)

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I was pretty sure before they took me off my pain medications that I could not live in this world without them. After coming off of the Klonopin and fentanyl I am more sure than ever that I cannot live in this world without something for my pain! To be very honest, I would at this point purchase from the street if I only knew where to go as it seems like a better choice than others that come to mind! I'm in so much pain I can't stand it and I have nowhere to turn! I would go to the ER except that the last three trips I was sent home with nothing and got nothing at the hospital that helped! $100 deductible for every trip!

People call us selfish if we take our lives but I don't see selfishness; maybe it's because all I feel is the horrible pain from my 60 plus year old body and no one willing to try and help me!

Although the hurricane has turned to the north a bit and I'm in South Florida I am still in the midst of the worst storm of my life and believe me when I say I have a weathered some horrible storms! I will leave you all on that note! I tried to write a kinder more gentle message but I could not get there I'm so sorry!

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Re: Fpharmacists (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

I lived in Florida for many years. I NEVER had any problems. First, I bought the things that I needed to buy in advance way before they were needed. If I made it through hurricane season I used up the things I didn’t use and just rebought it in the spring before hurricane season. As far as my medications went thankfully I never ran out or had a problem. I kept my gas tank topped off during hurricane season so I never had a problem there either. I also kept 20 gallons of gas in my shed in 5 gallon cans just in case. I live on a fixed income bu I spent my money wisely. If there was a choice between a convenience item and an item I needed for my hurricane supplies I made sure that I never put myself in a position to have to fight the crowds at a gas station or grocery store. Again, as far as my meds went I never ran out so I can’t comment on the meds situation.

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Re: Focked (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

You can move out of Florida. NO GOVERNOR can ORDER a Doctor to refill a prescription early. They can lift any State sanctions but they cannot ORDER a Doctor to refill a prescription early. Many Doctors are recalcitrant and just will not do anything to help out Chronic pain patients regardless of who says what. At least you have a 12 day supply on hand. If most Doctors did anything they would write a 10 day script and not a full refill. There used to be “pill mills” in Florida and along with this fake opioid epidemic they went too far in the other direction to try and correct the issue. It is not and never has been a problem until the Doctors said it was. The forecast has improved somewhat and the direction of the hurricane may miss most of Florida. Be safe.

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Re: Beth (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

You’re going to have withdrawals coming off that medication that are worse than pain medication withdrawals. Good luck.

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Re: w John (# 119) Expand Referenced Message

People don’t realize-there are medication shortages all the time. Stuff people need to actually live. And yeah, I need my pain medication to have a life, but I mean there are shortages of stuff people need for survival.
Look at the FDA shortage list once in awhile. It’s alarming. Last year there was a shortage of one type of anesthesia. And bags of saline.
Always always always try to get a little stockpile for yourself. Wallgreens lets you fill up to two days early if your doctor doesn’t write “not to be filled before ___ “ on it.

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Re: Sherish (# 122) Expand Referenced Message
First of all I will start by saying that I am sorry for all of your issues. However, I do not know to whom you are replying because it is not listed. I know that there are issues with providers prescribing different amounts of pain medication for different levels of pain. One thing you must understand is that pain affects people in different ways and most people are not going to disclose their complete health record on why they have been prescribed like they are. I will only address your recommendation that this patient be prescribed suboxone. From people, I have understood that substituting suboxone for whatever pain medication one is on is just substituting one dependence for another dependence. If one does not want to stop their dependence then they will not stop. I know this from speaking to many other dependent and/or addicted people and my tobacco addiction. (I stopped smoking back on July 1, 2000). Until I made my mind up to stop I could not stop anything. FOR ME there was no stopping for the wife or kids. I had to stop for myself. Suboxone does not work for all. Try titrating down first. It is a slow process but it can work if the person has made a commitment to stop.

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Re: w John (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

Hey John, do you still want the name of the PM group in Sarasota? Let me know if you do. I'm seriously thinking about going back there

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Re: Jack175 (# 125) Expand Referenced Message
Yes. Thank you. They will not let me reply with a simple “yes”.

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Re: w John (# 126) Expand Referenced Message

Ok, it's Called "Sarasota Pain Relief Centers - South Sarasota
Look for the one @ 3945 Clark Rd. Sarasota 34233. With this info you'll be able to go to the website and start the process. When do you plan on making contact, as I will wait to see how it goes with you.. Good Luck..

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Re: Focked (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Can you make it to Sarasota? There's a pain mgt clinic that offers top notch pain mgt, especially with the pump systems, I'm a former patient, so I have an insight.. Maybe John w, you, and myself could coordinate a visit there and help each other out..

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Re: Jack175 (# 128) Expand Referenced Message
I am currently out of State but I am going to relocate back to the Sarasota area, hopefully soon. I have lived in the Sarasota area twice now and I want to go back.

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Re: Karen (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Karen, they say you look good because you "present" well. This is something most people don't understand. When you go to see your doctor and you're dressed well, clean clothes, make up is perfect, clean shaven, ever hair in place and well you get the picture!
When you "present" like this the doctor has a hard time understanding the high levels of pain you're saying you're in... I know this sounds a little ridiculous, but I'm related to doctors by blood and marriage and this is how they're taught to observe the patient by they way you "present" yourself to them in their office.
If you're saying you're seriously suffering you shouldn't look your best. That's the way they think, but not all doctors are like that. Just most of them!
So you should look the part if you're in severe pain.
Your doctor doesn't personally know you and only sees you for a few minutes. Those few minutes is where they're observing everything about you including how you "present" yourself to them. So if you look like a million bucks a doctor is going to have a hard time believing you're in severe pain no matter what scans or tests may say!

This is just something to think about before your doctor vist...

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I used to be harassed by my pharmacist, I left the place, I have a very nice pm pa, she is very kind,she looks at my mri s and know that I really have bad pain in my lower back, she hasn't threatened to lower my meds, hope I have her for awhile

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It’s almost like I was reading my post because I get treated the same exact way at my pharmacy. I’m 45 and had to have 4 major surgeries on my spine due to a nerve sheath tumor. Ended up with a spinal fusion from L2-S1 that failed.

I’ve been on a bunch of narcotics ever since then. I get serious anxiety whenever the lady behind the counter says “one moment” and I see her talking to the pharmacist. One time I was handed a brochure and was told about rehab. Just like you said, I would love to never have to refill a script again and be normal.

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Re: Curious80 (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hey curious80 it's been a couple years since I heard from you on this site. We used to have some good conversations and some back n forth. Just wondering how your doing and if you still check out this site every now and then. I hope everything's going well for you. Was wondering if you had anything new going on, n seeing if your meds are still working for ya. Let me know hope to hear back from ya stay well

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I was in a wreck 10 yrs ago, damaged my spine and after months of pt (made it worse so they stopped), every treatment every Dr recommended, the only thing that is effective enough for me to function and work are narcotics. I got spinal injections twice, first time seemed to help but the second time was awful and instantly worse. They said oh you just have to give it time to work. Never got better. The bone in my back is cracked and disintegrating. 2012 I was in pm getting 120 x 30mg oxycodone a month. They shut down and the way I was treated by another supposedly great pain Dr made me give up and deal with it on my own. I'm at the point I can't handle it anymore. I can't afford $25-40 a pill (when I can even find it), the pm clinic I got into is an absolute joke.

The first Dr I saw was very nice but only put me on 7.5 mg hydrocodone, which really does nothing unless I take several at a time. The next visit they sent me to the Dr everyone hates, he cut me to 5 mg. I'm not going back, it's not worth it especially with how he acts. I'd give almost anything to not be in pain or need anything. I've tried going without. I went 4 months and I wanted to die. I couldn't do anything but lay in bed. I will lose my job if that happens now. Idk what to do. I've been scammed out of hundreds of dollars, I'm not sure yet. I know nobody here is going to prescribe anything that will work, not even Xtampza (sp?).

I just can't live like this I'm so tired of being in so much pain I can't do anything. I've tried so many NSAIDs (forced to by Dr's) that just make me sick and don't do anything. I'm so lost and I'm really scared. I even tried suboxone for a few months (and the pm Dr yelled at me for that) because it can have some pain relief effects, but I couldn't afford $400 a month for something that barely works. I know nobody will share if they Do have a Dr who will actually write anything and I understand. I can't tell if any of the online places actually send you what they claim. I found one that had been around a few years, and probably lost $120 in BTC to them too. If they and the other one I tried don't do anything but take my money then I'm out about $900 total I'll never get back and I don't have hundreds more to waste.

My ex has my son, gets half my check so if I lose my job and can't pay I'll be arrested. I'm at the end of my rope here and idk what to do. I found this site through another one that says they sell, but I'm scared they're all scams and I don't have any more money to try and see now. I'm not a druggie I just want to be out of constant, mind numbing pain so I can function. I'm done with Dr's, getting treated like a druggie and told things like I can't possibly be in that much pain cause I'm too young is too much. I never went to the Dr or took ANYTHING unless I was super sick and had no choice. I never took pain pills or smoked anything never even tried any street drugs. But that doesn't matter to anyone either.

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I understand your point. I have taken hydrocodone 7.5 x 120 per month for a skiing accident and a back issue. One of the pharmacists where I get my refills (only when the Pharmacy says it is okay) tries to challenge my treatment program every time he is on duty. this has pretty much subsided after I asked him has he ever looked at my treatment plan? Has he ever examined me? (Of course he hasn't--he is not a Doctor only a Pharmacist. He may have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree but he is not a medical Doctor.) I asked him if he has ever even spoken to me to ask what my problems were. Of course he hasn't. I have been offered stronger pain medication but refused it. I understand your shame in getting refills but BEFORE I even attempt a refill I call the Pharmacy and ask if it is okay (time wise) to refill my prescription and when they can have it ready. This seemed to make the rogue Pharmacist lighten up a bit.

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Re: Catryna (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

if you know of some medical marijuana that would do that you'd be a millionaire works great for anxiety depression appetite General all-around Good Feeling for mood but like I said if you really found something that does anything for pain I'll jump on that bandwagon

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I could not believe this fell in my lap... Wild Lettuce. Not only does it work better than morphine... it is not addictive & has no side effects. I am absolutely floored at how well this works for pain.

It is from a weed the Native Americans called "Opium Lettuce". It's a weed that grows almost everywhere, but can be ordered online.
When my doc. prescribed Norco when I tore both rotators cuffs & more - I took it 1 time... The Wild Lettuce works better.

Prayers to & for you.

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Re: wayne (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

1st sorry about the book! I don’t know what your response to my post has to do with anything I said. I was replying to statements made by Pain man, did you actually read his post? He is saying that pharmacists can order as many C2 pain meds that they want but if they don’t want to dispense these meds to certain people, they will tell them that they are all out of stock because they are not allowed to order anymore. He was basically saying that pharmacists are lying to their patients and withholding meds for legit scripts and I was simply correcting him. I’m just so tired of some people judging pharmacists and techs and doing to them what they feel we are doing to pain patients. We really don’t have any control over how many C2 meds we can get in a week. This is something that the DEA has control of. We really hate having to turn people away or telling our regular patients sorry but we ran out you will have to go without your pains meds for this many days. There’s so many things going on in pharmacies that the public has absolutely no idea about and just don’t understand and some people can tend to be horrible to us and treating us extremely bad you would be shocked if you saw this behavior. I know there are pharmacists and techs out there that can and will judge people on these meds and it really does suck! But I for one am not one of those people so thank goodness there are some good ones out there! I hope you all have or can find a pharmacy with these great people there. I hate the ones that judge or discriminate. I do feel like it’s none of their business and it should be between the patients and their doctors. And that if people are prescribed these meds it’s for good reasons and that both patient and doctor have weighed the pros and cons and risks of these meds. Oh by the way, I may work in a pharmacy but I am also a chronic pain patient and have been on pain meds for 18 years now. So I know first hand what it can be like when picking up these meds. But anyway, best wishes to chronic pain patients out there that feel they are to be made a shamed of when they pick their meds up. I wish it wasn’t this way, few bad apples spoiling it for the ones toeing the lie, being responsible and compliant and following the rules. But have some faith that some people that work in pharmacies actually care about their patients and truly just want to help.

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