Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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Kdog pls help me. I have RA, fibro, lupus, mast cell carcinoma syndrome, 3 failed hip surgeries on rt hip and now my left hip has torn labrum. I have ddd with spinal stenosis. I'm on disability with no money. I'm a retired nurse. I don't abuse my meds. I was kicked out for going to psych hospital due to a nervous meltdown and suicide attempt due to my pain not being controlled and a abusive marriage. I was only given a 10 day supply of something less than I've been on for 5 yrs. I'm going thru withdrawal and it can kill me due to mast cell. I have a very short time to get into 1. Please I'm begging for your help.

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I'm in severe pain and have been paying a high price monthly for my meds in hometown, I need a pain management Dr, in Nashville that accepts Tenn care, can someone plz help there are so many to choose from,I have all the required to receive the medications just don't want to waste several trips going to Nashville

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No, not yet still haning in with doctor who 5akes all day and forever.

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Pain Management Group in Antioch are good and thorough. You'll likely receive a lower dosage but, any relief should be welcomed.

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I went to pain management group in Antioch. I had just left my emotionally, physically and sexually abusive husband. I was in unbearable pain physically and emotionally. The questions were about if u had endured any of that abuse. My husband had raped me 2 days prior. I was puking from the pain and in tears. The NP walked in after a 2 hr wait and said ur too emotional for me to deal with. you have to see our psychiatrist in the next 6 weeks before we will do anything for u. I said I see DV counselor weekly, psychiatrist 2x a month. I was kicked out of my clinic after 10 yrs for going to a psych. hospital for help. I had my pain meds cut from 60 mg roxy a day to 30, only given 10 days worth. I've been on pain meds for 10 yrs because I have a terminal disease. I WILL NEVER go to that judgmental worthless place again.

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I'm in desperate need after a automobile accident that's had me bedridden for 3 months now. If you could help me God Bless you!

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I cant find this doctor on google for the#??? I am looking for a doctor that i can pay cash and isnt expensive if you take pain meds

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I just recently moved here from Florida and as I see as I was reading through these messages that I'm definitely not alone in my search for a good pain management doctor. I have been on 60 MG of morphine sulfate, 20 mgs of oxycodone(for breakthrough pain), 800 MG ibuprofen plus Prozac and xanax for depression and anxiety. The Prozac and xanax I have been on since the age of 17. I'm now 36. I was started on Lortab then percocet when i was 29 and the percocet worked great. I took it for lower back and knee pain I'd been having for years, Im guessing due to sports injuries when I was younger. Since then I've had 2 knee surgeries on the same knee and rotater cuff surgery on each shoulder. You would think that with records like that plus other legitimate doctors reports and proof of the prescriptions I have taken for most of my adult life with btw not one failed UA or one pill short for pill counts that I wouldn't have a problem finding a compassionate dr that can look at my history and say, "well, if this has helped you all these years and improves your quality of life what reason is there to not give it to you?" Instead, I've been embarrassed and humiliated and told that I was drug seeking (because I asked for what I know has helped) and then was once referred to a suboxone clinic, which at the time I was so dumb to it all I was thinking it was a new drug that would help even more. Imagine my surprise when I called to get info and they tell me suboxone is for ppl who are opiate addicts or who are dependant on pain pills, and honestly I do depend on my pain pills to help relieve my body of pain so I can lift my daughter without nearly falling to my knees or sit in my office chair at work all day and not feel like I'm going to literally break in half when I get up after several hours. I'm sorry for the rant I just need some help or a push in the right direction and I noticed that u seem to have the experience and knowledge that could lead me in the right direction...thanks so much

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Bad ankle. Bad back. Bad shoulder. Knee replacements. On meds for years tried everything. Hate pain. Suggestions?

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Who? I have two knee replacements. Disc issues. Shoulder operation. Exploded heal bone that will never get better. Need directions

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I've been in pain mngmt 17 yrs & have had all the injections (trigger, epidural, facet etc) numerous rounds of physical & aquatic therapy, tens unit, back brace anything any Dr recommended I have tried it with no relief! I have been seeing same Dr 4-5 yrs but now there closed I went every 28 days & got 28 day supply of meds. I walk with a walker & need to find pm Dr ASAP b4 my meds run out.i tried looking on TN registry for certified clinics but no info I've called lots of ppl even at state level sent emails etc to find help, there needs to be a registry updated monthly where legit chronic pain patients can find all the open clinics info in TN. Can you plz help me I have all documents can get referral & if Dr recommends something new I'm willing to try anything to get some type of relief & have some quality of life & not be bedridden. I have numerous diagnosis Fibromyalgia, DDD, stenosis, sciatica, carpel tunnel, arthritis, back spurs, 5 surgeons say I'm inoperable. Can only sleep lil bit at a time pain wakes me up even. any help will be appreciated. Thanks? in advance

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I was advised that if you discharge yourself, you cannot get a referral to go somewhere else. Is this true? I need help.

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I have all of that am actually bed bound st 46 due to pain my 22 yr old is full time caregiver I've had every procedure invented including 3 failed hip surgeries pls let me kno also died 3 times in June due to losing 7 units of blood so NSAIDS are an absolute no

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I just moved here from indiana need a pm dr. And a primary. I take methadone. Also have need for thyroid drim in mt juliet

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You might want to try Dr hilgenhurst. It depends on what kind of insurance you have

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You have a better chance of being seen by another doc from Voluntary Discharge than getting dismissed by them

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That's not true I discharged myself because I was being treated w no respect so I did and started a new clinic praying they help cuz I can't do this much longer

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Please share with me his name. I'm literally bed bound due to my unbearable pain. I can't take living like this anymore, it's unbearable.

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I would like to know the name of your pc. I am an amputee and also have a lot of other problems my Colon and intestines have small blockages and can not be fixed and cause me to have a lot of pain and I cannot eat I was sick last year and went from 220lbs to 118lbs. I have been in and out of surgery and the hospital scene last Sept there's two much to say what all is wrong. I got dismissed out of my last pc for not enough meds in my system on the count my husband was steeling my pain meds and I was up front with my np but they dismissed me. Needless to say he will soon be an ex. Please help.

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I have a very rare nerve damage and am searching for a pm doctor that is willing to prescribe me 4 30mg of oxycodone per day, which would make a huge difference in my life. I currently see a pm in Hendersonville who will only give me 15mg. These doctors have never had a patient with my problem so they dont understand the pain I'm in. I am going to have to go to john Hopkins hospital to be treated. So if you know of a doctor in my area that might be able to help please respond, sincerely rarity pain

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