Pain Management Doctors/need Advice On A New One For Norco
UpdatedI am 39 years old. I have 4 herniated discs and 3 slipped discs my pain is sometimes too the point I can't move.I took 10 mg. norco witch worked then I moved to Cincinnati Ohio and the doctor I found wanted me to take Methadone and I don't like it, I just want too go back to the Norco. Please help me find a Doctor that can just give me what I need.
5 Replies
Hi, Amanda! I'm sorry you're having such problems.
There are probably several issues at play here that are causing them.
One is that due to the increasing rates being found of improper prescribing and over prescribing, general practitioners and surgeons are being transitioned away from prescribing medications like Norco for long-term pain management.
An attempt is underway to transition those to only being used for short periods of time, such as immediately after a person suffers an injury or has had surgery.
And people needing long-term treatment for chronic pain are being transitioned to pain management specialists to get the help they need, since they are specially trained in dealing with pain and getting it under control.
Learn more Norco details here.
What kind of doctor have you been seeing?
If it was just a general practice physician, then that is likely why he wanted to switch you to Methadone and away from the Norco.
I'm I just moved to Cincinnati and my doctor in Florida put me on methadone.. having troubles finding a Dr. To prescribe methadone.. do u have his name. Phone number.. I could really use it.. thanks
Hi. My name is jay and I'm looking for a Dr. Who will prescribe me methadone.. could I get get the phone number please
Why is it that suddenly benzos keep you from getting pain medication? I would prefer a valium to an anxiety medicine since I do not have anxiety issues.
Re: Laurag (# 4)
You can possibly die by mixing the two together.