Pain Management Doctors In Arkansas Who Have Own Office That Takes Medicaid (Page 3)
UpdatedI have taken methadone for about 9 yrs. and other pain medicines before that. I have chronic pain post polio syndrome, Degenerative arthritis, Degenerative disc. in back due to severe Scoliosis. New laws passed , so my Doctor stopped doing pain management, not sure why. The pain management clinics are expensive and they do not take medicaid. I need a Doctor for pain management that can prescribe pain medication, but who takes medicaid patients. The Disable and poor are out of luck now. Need Doctor from south Arkansas
There's a pain clinic in hot springs that takes medicaid
Wh [ is your dr. Are the the kind that doesn't take your insurance but you pay them and they will give you the choices you need to get reimbursed?
kb, If a dr doesn't accept Medicaid, you won't be able to be reimbursed for what you pay in cash. Medicaid reimbursements are only in a few situations.
What is the name of the clinic in hot springs because that is where I live and have to find a dr
Dr Brown prescribes pain meds he prescribes whatever u want I saw him for 6 years good Dr but his staff is rude and the nurses are the boss they will fire u if u look at them wrong...I just felt they ran the office as be is really quite
LOOKING FOR A dr that will subscribe Pain meds in ATLANTA GA.I NEED about 6 a day to function normally as a bartender due to back pain and arthritis ,CAN SOMEONE HELP????? Thanks
I need to c a pain mang doctor today! I can't get a referral because my file has been closed I could pay 150 in cash but I want to pay using my meducaid
serena, chances are a new dr will want to get a copy of your medical records. What do you mean you file has been closed ? Do you mean that you were dismissed ? If you use Medicaid, you will need a referral from your pcp.
To clear up misconceptions: It is NOT your doctor making the decision...Medicare and it's control over ALL insurance is behind it! Your insurance company, whichever you have, have threatened physicians to revoke their DEA license if they do not wean and stop certain narcotic pain management meds. Main culprits they want stopped: Oxycodone, Norco, Percocet, Fentanyl and Morphine type drugs. Sedatives, hypnotics, muscle relaxants: Xanax, Soma, Ambien. These are high on the list. I am working full time, have had 4 back surgeries, 1 neck diskectomy, fractured right lower leg with avulsion fracture..knee plate an 12 screws, left knee replacement, and on and on... I have been managed so I CAN be productive with no dosage increase or abuse over 25 years on Norco and Soma. NOW, I have to stop them or my long time physician is threatened to lose her DEA! I am a retired Nurse Practitioner, now a Rehabilitation Director. The ones that have abused the system caused the problem initially; now it is part of OBAMA and HILLARY's plan to cut down on accidental overdose, etc. Thank them, the Federal Government and BIG insurance for the service. : (
Working Strong, are you seeing a Pain Management Dr ? The drs are more selective in the patients that they write opiates for, the conditions and the dosages and other drugs. But, no one is telling them to stop prescribing them. Insurance companies have nothing to do with Medical, DEA, CDS, ect Licenses. So there is no way that insurance companies could threaten physicians with revoking them.
If a dr is responsible in how he prescribes opiates, gives patients routine drug panels, has them sign pain contracts, doesn't prescribe high doses of opiates, etc they aren't doing anything to lose their DEA and CDS License because they don't stop prescribing opiates. You say that you are an RN, but you certainly don't sound like one that has the unique view of a currently working RN.
As far as Medicaid is concerned. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) sent letters in 2010 and each year since then to a number of state medicaid programs demanding to know what the state was going to do to punish medicaid providers that were high prescribers of opiates and certain other drugs. If a dr loses the ability to accept Medicaid patients, they also lose the ability to accept Medicare patients. Losing Medicaid patients isn't much of an impact because Medicaid pays providers so little, but Medicare is much different. Senator Grassley is a Republican.
What dr in Jonesboro r u talking about
I am currently Director of Rehab,.a CRTS/ATP, Rt. CRRN, CCRN. It is United Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare issuing the edicts to physicians!! The Plan D insurances are likewise. They are requiring Pharmacists to call physicians to recommend alternatives to medications some of my CP and MS clients have been taking for years! In speaking with their physicians, I am told the DEA has a list to monitor and WILL take their DEA license unless improvement is furnished. I have one poor gentleman with CP that is like a pretzel, he is so affected from poor seating and mobility/sleeping equipment, lack of access for PT and tonic + clonic muscle spasms. He has been on Lortab 7.5/325 mg and a muscle relaxant (Soma) for decades! He is NEVER going to improve and has chronic pain. His physician told him he could only give him 3 days worth and refer him to a pain management clinic for his pain meds. This was on a FRIDAY!! He went COLD TURKEY with NOTHING for 2 weeks!! This is a very sad situation when people with genetic and traumatic physiologic problems can not get treated because they are on Medicaid!!! There are FEDERAL laws protecting them from discrimination!! There has to be something that can be done!! Very few take Medicaid, and Medicare pays as little and in some cases LESS than Medicaid. I know, I have to fight for payments on claims!!!
Working Strong, Medicaid patients not receiving proper care is nothing new. There are reports done regarding the disparities involving Medicaid patients. Medicare does pay a lot more than Medicaid, in almost, if not every state. I worked at a public hospital a number of yrs ago. The thinking then was that Medicaid patients didn't know any different and if they complained, no one would listen to them because of their lack of education and resources. I didn't think it was right, but I noticed that there was truth to it. Unless a patient has had private insurance or been treated by quality private drs, they don't know the difference in quality care and the usual Medicaid standard of care. Ocassionally, there would be a patient that for varies reasons was temporarily on Medicaid that was educated and had resources. When those patients made this known, they received quality treatment.
It angers me beyond words when I see the words "access to quality care for Medicaid patients" because I know that this is not true. If there was enough evidence that the treatment some Medicaid patients receive meets federal discrimination criteria, there would have been something done about it by now. It has gotten much, much worse in recent yrs.
In Louisiana, Medicaid will not pay for a Pain Management Dr and very, very few PCP's or other speciaists will prescribe opiates for chronic pain patients. Each State Medicaid Program and Each Medicaid Managed Health Plan has their own policies, restrictions and limitations regarding some opiates as well as certain other drugs if the patient is also being prescribed opiates.
Up until recently, a dr could be barred from participating in the Medicaid Program but still participate in Medicare. Now, if they are barred from Medicaid, they are also barred from Medicare.
Medicare has sent out letters and other info to Part D Providers regarding Overutilization. I'm sure you are aware of this, but i have put the link below if anyone would like to read more on the topic.
Improving Drug Utilization Review Controls in Part D-
THANKS BL!!! : )
Sounds like we are cut from the same cloth!!! : )
Yes, it infuriates me when coverage fails to separate COMPLEX Rehabilitative clients, covered under specialized entities for those specific fields! Unfortunately, the fact most are genetically affected from second #1, escapes today's Payor's, and they refuse to change!! I know we both agree, PUBLIC EDUCATION ON WHERE HEALTHCARE IS NOW, and...WHERE IT IS HEADED!! I too get soooooo frustrated, probably because when I was a practicing Clinician, we actually got to BE clinicians. Not currently! So ......... any suggestions how we "wake up" those affected? I would love to meet you, in another life, we could have been "besties!" LOL. : ) Have a great holiday weekend!!
Working Strong, I thought about you when I read what is at the link below. I have no doubt that other companies will follow. The powers that be start out with making changes to Medicaid, then Medicare, then regular companies follow in their footsteps. Another thing that is bad is that very few, if any, insurance companies, Medicaid, Medicare, etc will pay for non medication forms of pain management.
Working Strong, Have A Safe Memorial Weekend!
Cigna plans to cut opioid use among U.S. customers by 25 pct-
I have heard wonderful things about Columbus Brown. Have friends that have seen him. He doesn't treat you like a pill seeker. He can tell if you're in true pain.
I will also say with Dr Columbus Brown, your drug panel better come up positive for the meds you're prescribed, and only those meds. And do NOT miss very many appts without calling ahead in the specified required time frame. He will dismiss you for that. Other than that, he prescribes pretty heavily. Honestly, I think a little too heavily. But hey, if those are the meds you need, you can always always save the extra for hard times. Just make sure not to have more than the correct amount with you when you go in case of a med count.
Well, another Holiday is around the corner; July 4th! Wishing you and family a great and safe holiday weekend. Meanwhile, the battle for healthcare goes on even more furiously here in AR. July 1st we will start with Cigna's cuts to even more needed medical equipment and supplies. Rural areas will be the most hard hit. I am curious to know if anyone else has been following the DME and Insurance companies United Healthcare has been gobbling up? 50% total cuts in reimbursement from Cigna in 2016 PLUS the competitive bid reduction is going to close many faithful, Mom and Pop companies, many rural. Competitive Bid has limited choice of suppliers to only those that were awarded a bid. This is a nightmare about to happen. I have been advocating our 2 bills before the House and Senate to protect rural individuals and urban access to home care equipment, but as the deadline nears, it looks like nothing will get through. :( We were fortunate (or maybe not) to receive one of the bids for our area. The prices to reimburse certain equipment, are BELOW our dealer price! There is no way a business can remain viable losing money on every piece of equipment! Just to follow up, my CP client finally got into a pain management clinic that accepts Medicaid and is doing much better. For myself, I am working with my physician in substitution and am very happy to report to you I am off 75% of it. Thanks BL for all the info you share. :)
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