Pain Management Doctors In And Around The Baton Rouge Area That Prescribe Meds To People Who Really Need Them & Accepts Medicaid (Page 5) (Top voted first)
UpdatedDoes anyone know of a doctor in and around the Baton Rouge Louisiana area that will prescribe pain meds that takes Medicaid? I'm seeing a doctor now in Maryland but I really need to move back to Louisiana very sad that your pain keeps you from moving. I have a sister that is terminally ill and sad to say dying...and meds are keeping me from going to take care of her in her final days. Please help
This is a joke, physicians and professional nurses are trained. We do not need government telling any of us what to do.
The United States has countless laws and regulations that governs everyones Medical care. We can't pick and choose. In Washington State when they put all of the Medicaid Receipents that were receiving pain management on Methadone due to cost the deaths soared. Unfortunately, not all medical professionals are equally trained and educated.
I think you mean OxyContin. Although it's interesting: oxytocin is the "Feel good" hormone released when we cuddle a loved one. Touch is a very important pain reliever.
colleend, Cancer patients and patients with non cancer related chronic pain are Not the same. Any dr can write prescriptions for chronic pain patients. There are other specialists that will write pain meds for chronic pain patients that also take Louisiana Medicaid but they are very few. Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for the management of chronic pain. And even if they did, no pain management dr is going to accept what little Louisiana Medicaid will pay when they can be paid close to $200 or more in cash. Not to mention the additional hassles and cost of Medicaid when it comes to paperwork and prior authorizations. University Health will not write opiates for chronic pain. They will for acute pain, but not chronic pain. Louisiana Medicaid will pay for pain meds when you pay a pain dr or any other dr cash, as long as they would have paid for it if you had gone to a Medicaid Provider, because the prescriptions and provider care are handled differently.
i just found that out today. i have been a month without my pain medication. i have djd and spinal stenosis. i have undergone two back surgeries with the second one being a lumbar fusion. called numerous pain clinics and no one takes medicaid as a primary insurance. the one i called today advised me that louisiana medicaid does not pay for pain management. that stinks
lee ann, those that need pain management and have Louisiana Medicaid have to pay out of pocket for it. A pcp can write prescriptions for pain meds. But, very few, if any, will write pain meds for Louisiana Medicaid patients.
Hello Coleen what's up with you? Remember me from awhile back?? I had asked you to please just let me know who that doctor is in Hammond who takes the Medicaid program?? Please help me out and let me know. Thanks!! {edited for privacy}
thanks. i cannot get disability because i did not work enough in the last 10 years. i do not have enough quarters in. even though i have djd and spinal stenosis, i do not qualify for medicare.
#206 leeann,
The only other thing I can think of you possibly to try is finding a new Dr., who just started practicing, possibly specializing in Sports Medicine, but also as a PCP. Usually they will accept Medicaid for only a short period of time, as to build patients. But will lock you in with your medicaid, after they quit accepting other patients with it. Normally they will be in a Physicians office associated with a Hospital and their office is normally beside a hospital. They will be practicing in a Clinic, with other long time established Dr.s. Once you find one you have to get in quickly, as when others find out they take medicaid they rapidly fill up and no longer take new medicaid patients. If you need some help researching some of this, as to try to find one I could possibly help with that. Good Luck!
lee ann, I assume you're receiving Medicaid because you have dependents since you said that you don't qualify for disability. Although there is no difference in the Medicaid that you receive if yo have dependents and the Medicaid you receive if you are on SSI.
Everyone that is on Louisiana Medicaid, needs to contact your reprsesentative in Baton Rouge. NOW. They are going to make drastic cuts to Medicaid in the Special Session that begins Sunday Feb 15, 2016. The cuts will affect Everyone that receives Medicaid. Among the list of cuts is paying less to providers, reduction in the number of prescriptions that Medicaid will pay for in a month, reduction and elimination of services, etc. Very few drs will accept Louisiana Medicaid now, it is going to get worse.
Reply to love post 225,
Agreed, no one should suffer when modern techniques,treatments or surgery is available to correct those conditions.Perhaps if that was a reality a large portion of patients dependent on these powerful mood and mind altering drugs their dispensed in lieu of appropriate surgical intervention. It's so sad to read post after post of desperate legit chronic pain sufferers going to unimaginable lengths to secure these potent narcotic opiates in order to satisfy there growing dependence on these agents that were never developed for lifetime use.Imagine going through this excruciating process monthly and the stress that only magnifies that pain and need for upward dosing over time.If that isn't hell I don't know what is.Id love to know the number of accidental addicts that resulted from the negligence of the profession to medicate as opposed to rectifying the condition surgically.For those who suffer this indignity God bless you because the medical community as a whole has failed you.
Allison,reply to # 245
That's the problem the ones who you line the pockets with cash have staff that can bypass some regulatory restraints OR can afford specialty staff that exclusively deals with these issues. Unfortunately practices that accept Medicaid receive a fraction to what others that can bill for. To be fair many folks who can have interventional pain treatments or surgery refuse because either they fear these procedures or simply desire the effects of these opiate pain killing drugs. That's what providers who refuse to prescribe these opiates say in there defense . So as you can see it's a complicated issue and it's hard to know who's telling the truth.I hope you find relief once and for all God bless
Re: bl (# 5)
Since when are our legislators & senators physicians?? That’s right, they’re not!! they need to stay out of our medical records.
Re: Jen (# 270)
Medicaid with Medicare is Not the same as Medicaid Only. When someone has Medicare and Medicaid they see providers that accept Medicare and Medicaid together. But, it is Not up to the State Medicaid Program which providers Medicare Beneficiaries can see. When someone has Medicare and Medicaid, Medicaid can help with co/pays, deductibles and Medicare Premiums. With Extra Help, Medicaid can also help with the cost of prescriptions drugs.
Louisiana is the only state that Medicaid does not pay for Pain Management Doctors. Each state decides what providers, treatments, etc their Medicaid Program will and won't pay for.
I have been seeing a pain management dr for 5 years and also just had hip replacement surgery a few months ago. (I live in Baton Rouge LA). When I went back to my PM I was honest with him that I tried marijuana (had never tried it before-and I’m 59 yrs old) I won’t be doing it again! However he dropped me as a patient. I desperately need to find another doctor soon and I’m scared to death I won’t be able to! I know it was a stupid choice I made. I
need pain management for severe conditions and need any advice you can give me. Thank you...
There is 1 doctor in the entire state of Louisiana that practices pain management and he is in Vidalia,La. And understandably according to reviews, has developed a very Godlike attitude and may or may not grant you his services.
Thinking of moving to Texas, personally.
It’s a crime how the government has taken over and cutting the ability to have joy
Do you know of any pain mgmt Drs. in or near Baton Rouge that will take cash pymt that are reasonable b/c I've had to go on SSD due to chronic pain, from severe Fibromalygia,Lupus, lung and kidney disease. I'm only 36 and all of this has struck me in the last year, I'm now bedridden and can barely walk. I've read Suboxne works miracles, I just want to finish enjoying my daughters finish school more than anything. I will travel a bit if necessary too, Thanks...
Similar to another question asked earlier, I would like to know where there is a pain management clinic in Houston Texas that takes Part D Medicare. Most places I have contacted do not accept it?
Medicare Part D is for prescription only. You just need to ask if the dr take Medicare.
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