Pain Management Doctors In And Around The Baton Rouge Area That Prescribe Meds To People Who Really Need Them & Accepts Medicaid (Page 13) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know of a doctor in and around the Baton Rouge Louisiana area that will prescribe pain meds that takes Medicaid? I'm seeing a doctor now in Maryland but I really need to move back to Louisiana very sad that your pain keeps you from moving. I have a sister that is terminally ill and sad to say dying...and meds are keeping me from going to take care of her in her final days. Please help

287 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: BigMistake (# 274) Expand Referenced Message

You need to get a copy of your medical records from your last pain management doctor and read them. You will have to pay for the cost of copying the medical records. Depending in what your doctor wrote in your medical records. It may be difficult to impossible to find a doctor to manage your pain. A new doctor will want a copy of your medical records from your doctor's office.

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Looking for a pain management Dr that accepts Medicare/Medicade in Baton Rouge LA. I am on disability for my knee. The pain in my knee is very severe, also having spasms. I walk with a cane, and some days cannot even get out of bed. I need something for pain. Over the counter drugs are no longer helping me.

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Re: bob (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What other medicad do they have besides Bayou Health?

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I need a pain management Dr around Lafayette or baton rouge that takes Medicaid. Please help

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Re: BL (# 272) Expand Referenced Message

Louisiana is cheating the people it is not fair that they do not cover pain management and that they take their good old time to accept you for disability. Louisiana people are getting screwed. Shame on Louisiana

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I'm disabled and I have serious neck and back issues and I need help very badly. I suffer everyday with this. I've been through so much that it's taking over my whole life and I need help very badly and it is very hard to find a good doctor. So if someone can please help me ASAP {edited for privacy} I would really appreciate it. I'm so tired of suffering and I need help. Thank you so much.

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Re: Wanda (# 276) Expand Referenced Message

Almost all, if not all pain management doctors accept Medicare/Medicaid in Louisiana. Medicaid when you have Medicare is not the same same as Medicaid only. The link below is a good place to start looking for a doctor when you have Medicare. Having Medicaid when you have Medicare does very little, if anything to limit the doctors you can see.

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Re: Donna (# 277) Expand Referenced Message

Bayou Health was the name of the Louisiana Medicaid program until Louisiana expanded Medicaid. The name of the Medicaid program has nothing to do with what Medicaid does and does not pay for.

Louisiana Medicaid has never covered Pain Management for chronic pain.In recent years fewer and fewer private doctors accept Medicaid. Medicaid pays very little for reimbursement. Medicaid Primary Care Physicians (PCP) and other Medicaid doctors can prescribe pain medications for chronic pain. But, Louisiana Medicaid advises against it.

The disability process is complicated. It takes time for information to be gathered and evaluated. DDS adjudicators want your case off their desk as quickly as you do. As soon as your case is off their desk there is room for another one. It just takes time. Hopefully you will hear something soon.

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Re: Sherry (# 278) Expand Referenced Message

Louisiana Medicaid does not pay for Pain Management Doctors.

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Re: BigMistake (# 274) Expand Referenced Message

Were you able to find a Doctor??
I'm looking also....

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Re: Rlane77 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is a great pain medicine. You don’t get a mental high from it. I take suboxone and have had 2 spinal fusions and currently have 3 fractured discs in my thoracic spine, I don’t feel any pain; however, if I don’t take suboxone for a few days and take regular opioid pain medicine, I am in a tremendous amount of pain, debilitating many times. Suboxone is I think 20 times stronger than morphine…thing is, you become reliant on suboxone, it’s more difficult to get off of if you choose too. It stays in your system for 14 days, and the withdrawal is worse than other opioid withdrawal. If I knew then what I know now about taking suboxone for chronic pain, I think I would’ve just stuck to the opioid pain meds, easier to detox from. Yes, I know this thread is many years old.

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Good thing you aren't on Louisiana Medicaid. Beginning May 1, 2014 Louisiana Medicaid will limit the payment of hydrocodone containing drugs to 720 units in a rolling 365 days.

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You use Medicare Plan B for drs office visits. Go to website and put in Physicians Compare. That should take you to the page where you can find out what Pain Management drs in Houston accept Medicare.

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If the dr is only seeing you every 6 months and is writting you meds for a Schedule II, especially if they accept Medicad, be ready to find another dr. The Laws state a dr must see a patient at least once evry 3 months if they are prescribing Schedule II pain meds to them. They won't be in practice much longer if they are only seing patients once every 6 months. It does not matter what type of dr it is.

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Well mine United healthcare says under specialty pain management. If I could, I'd show you to prove it. It's finding someone who will accept it.

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You call them they'll tell you the same thing they told me,I get the feeling you don't believe me.

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When I was working part of my job was dealing with people on Louisiana Medicaid. I know what Medicaid Receipents are told and and I also know that what they are told is not always correct. There are no new Pain Mangement drs signing up to be Medicaid Providers because Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for a Pain Management dr for chronic pain. They will pay an Anesthesiologist for pain management during surgery.

Also, massive cuts are getting ready to be made to Louisiana Medicaid by Gov Jindal. Drs are dropping out of Medicaid right and left, not signing up for it.

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My Family and I moved here over a year ago from Nevada where My husband and I were seeing a Pain Management doctor in which I was prescribed Pain Medicine, a Muscle Relaxer, Ibuprofen, and also did as I was in doing 2 Steroid inj's., that did nothing for my lower back pain at all, I also have Neck Pain, this was due to a car accident that we were in 2010, I was in 3 previous car accidents prior to meeting my husband, none at my fault one i was hit by a drunk driver, I also had back pain with twins that were born 17 days earlier via C Section 7 lbs each baby, and two pregnancy that were Hell on my Neck and Back during the pregnancies.... I wish we never left Nevada as we had a wonderful caring Doctor that actually did test MRI's , Discogram that was painful procedure from that I have 2 torn inner Discs Both Lower Back one that didn't hold the dye to see on CT scan that it's a Level 5 tear the inner jelly part, and another Lower back disc inner jelly part that is a level 2 tear, I seen a Neurologist that did test showed Nerve Damage on my lower back and nerve damage in both legs., But my next step was to see a Neuro- Surgeon but we moved to Louisiana and it has been difficult finding a Pain Management Doctor, one was Dr. Troy that at the time last year 2014 their office took our Medicaid but stopped towards end of year taking Medicaid, and cash pay every 3 months, but he no longer works there and had to find another Pain Management Doctor in 3 weeks after receiving a letter that he no longer works there, called a few places but said the "don't accept Cash Payments" some referrals from people said they go and do Cash Payments, so that was odd, Finally found a place LouisianaPainSpec. and it was so expensive first appointment, and follow ups as well, I just want and Need a Pain Management Doctor that Listens and Cares and doest cost $500 first appt. and $275 monthly, it's a burden on our finances, I've been on and off the Pain Medicine due to pregnancy not taking than seeing doctor again as my lower back killed me as well as my Neck, doing activities and taking care of my 5 kids 24/7, when not taking Pain pills I'm dying as my back hurts like Hell and my back locks up and it takes a long time to straighten out, If anyone can give me Referrals on Pain Management Doctors that are on the Northshore or in New Orleans or anywhere in Louisiana that are Caring and Helpful in understanding my situation and Pain I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

I'm looking for a Pain Management office and doctor that is caring and Affordable since no Pain Management place in Louisiana takes my Insurance. I have to private pay since the doctor I go to now was nice at first visit and nothing but rude when I try to ask about my Back & Neck pain and if he even look at my entire file I had on disc I provided for them to print out and my previous doctor in Nevada. I even printed it out it shows everything my Steroid inj's., X-rays, MRI's , and Discogram that show extreme tears in 2 of my lower back discs. First visit was $500, and monthly payments are $275, my first visit which I paid insurance didn't cover my $500 bottle of pain meds a extended release pill, so I was SOL and said he wouldn't prescribe any meds until I pay for another appointment, I just want Recommendations of Pain Medicine doctors clinics in Louisiana. If anyone can provide doctor names and or phone numbers for these doctors it would be greatly appreciated.

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Thank you CC,I think I may know who you are referring too I wish there was a private way to let me know.

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Where he is located and what does a visit cost?

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