Propoxy-n/apap 100-650 Tab Zen
Updatedoblong pink with 2 triangles and 4980 imprinted on it prescribed for pain
12 Replies
The pill you have is 650 mg Acetaminophen + 100 mg Propoxyphene a generic Darvocet
I have trouble sleping, I take a Ambien 12.5 before going to sleep.
If i take a hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/500 mg an hour or 2 before going to sleep, will it help me sleep. The doctor gave me the Vicodin to hrlp my back pain.
Will this have any side affects on me while I sleep.
Actually it could backfire, the whole reason some people become addicted to this stuff is because it gives them a jolt of energy. It may help you sleep or it may wake you up!
I was also taking hydrocodone when my doctor presribed Ambien. I started sleepwalking, almost immediately. I could have caused extreme physical harm to myself (one night I slammed full force into my refrigerator. The next night I caught myself falling into my 6-foot artificial tree. That was my last experience with Ambien.
tired of the fear tactics....yes it sucks to break the cycle of opiate addiction/ any source replicating.... I was on methadone for about 5 , 6 years total... got tired of it,, the inconvenience....the gov. control system in Colorado, I think this is why I got off of it............. for each there own,,, methadone feels good yet in the end your soul and spine are slowly taken away, I do not expect anyone on it to understand, it toook me a solid 3 monthes from 2 mg on to detox.....poison for sale- make you feel good....this is not my way of being mean, however- assears grow while oblivion is judgement ,
Wow, thanks for the insight; very helpful...
Ambien - for me it was a magic pill. My daughter and I both suffer from insomnia. The trick is - you take the pill - read for a half hour and make sure you go to bed. no driving or typing emails. (Altho they are rather amusing - make sure you don't send them). I wake up reffreshed after a full 6-8 hrs of sleep. No sleep aid is this effective.
propoxy-n/apap 100-650 -este medicamente produce sueno ?
I took oxycodone for a couple of months until I realized that I was experiencing two of its side-effects--insomnia and incontinence. My MD changed me to propoxy-n/apap 100-650 today, and I'm eager to see if it works without side effects.
i am taking oxycontin 80 2x a day and oxycodone 15 1 every 4 hours (i get 180 monthly.) The monthly hydrocortazone injections work wonders, the pain goes away after the pressure point injections for 2 weeks, should I taaper off the oxy's when the pain subsides after the injections.
I took myself off all the narcotics thid month after the injections in my cerical spine, amd slept for 68 of the 72 hours following the stopping the narcoticsa.
After I woke up I was very sleepy the forth and fifth day but i felt good there was no paim in my neck. I took 1 oxycontin 80 yesterdat and I could not believe how wasted I got . I could have really f***ed up if i were to have driven or had a meeting or anything else important. I was wasted and you could tell i was trashed. So no more oxy 80's untill the pain comes back with a vengence and I think it will work much better than if I take 2 a day every day even on no pain in my neck days.
Do you all agree? Stick to ther 15mg instant release is i need a pain pill for the three weeks after the pressure point pain injections in my neck.
Do not take ambian, it makes u do crazy stuff. Needs took off market.
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