Please Help Find Oxycodone 30mg In Sarasota Florida Need To Fill Script Asap (Page 4)
UpdatedMy husband has been relentlessly trying to fill my scripts for over a week, spending hrs on end daily, going from Parmacy to Pharmacy, with no luck. I've had CHRONIC pain for near 8 yrs from car accident, where I was sole survivor. I've never had a problem filling my medications until now. I can NOT function without them and have no hope of any quality of life without the assistance of these. My pain is unbearable and I can't stand that my children have to see me in pain. It's humiliating for my kids to see me cry, struggling to do simple tasks. I REALLY NEED FOR SOMEONE TO HELP ME find a Pharmacy that has in stock in Sarasota FL. I've even called my Dr to see if they could change my scripts, so I don't have to be in so much pain, and apparently he's out of the office until next Wednesday. Ug!!!! I feel absolutely useless. Please, if anyone can suggest to me where to go, I'd be grateful. I feel that the DEA is screwing with the "legitimate" patients lives!!! Instead of making it "unavailable", because of all the people that have been "abusing or mis-using" it , maybe they should take the time to do their due diligence on patient's medical records, and determine it on a "case-by-case" basis.
I'd really appreciate ANY help anyone can provide.
Joeymots your a total douchebag and its unfortunate the weightlifting accident didn't just end your worthless existence on this earth. Florida is not prescribing painkillers hardly at all and definitely not at the rate u stated. Back in 2000-2009 yes but not anymore. I'm sorry for the people with CP. Especially here in florida. Time to move to Canada where they came back out with the original oxycontin formula under 6 different generic companies. That's all I got. I couldn't not say anything to that dumba**.
@ Joey Motz: WHY are you still replying to these threads?? Haven't you gotten the point that we all know you're an uneducated moron with no experience in this arena?? What do you suggest for her crippling pain, doctor? Oh yeah, you have no clue. Because you are a judgmental i**** with no medical training or experience with real pain. Do everyone here a favor and disappear. Your words are 100% worthless.
@ Joey Motz: seriously, no one believes a word you say, and I will tell you all, as a third year med student, this guy has ZERO medical education and has never experienced severe pain. So disregard him as an idiot and a judgmental, arrogant moron. Thanks :)
But you said her dr. was a criminal, in another post...yours must be too...especially if you know he's going to leave you onthe drug indefinitely, low or not. That's hypocritical.
Joey, shouldn't you stop taking these meds, as per your own advice? If you are unable to stop on your own perhaps you should go to a clinic? In your own words you state how much better your life would be.
As an admitted addict, isn't it dangerous and unethical for you to be working at a pharmacy. You are currently getting your drugs, but what happens when they stop? As an addict (admitted) your self described "honor" will not prevent you from acting inappropriately out of desperation.
Joey, you are spot on. I genuinely feel bad for these patients thinking this is their only way to survive; what a sad life. At the end of the day, it is all about money just like you said. I blame the doctors for purposely prescribing large quantities of narcotics to get their patients hooked so they come back and pay for a new script each month.
I was in a horrible motorcycle accident. A car took my leg from the knee down, I was in the hospital for over 300 days and I am now confined to a wheel chair. I had multiple failed spinal and leg surgeries. When I was finally released they had me on pain meds of course, but after a few months I was able to decrease the extended release OxyContin, and only took the oxycodone IR or Percocet when I needed it. In less than six months they weaned me off the meds and only then was I was able to start rebuilding my life. I was literally on the verge of death, had multiple surgeries and even have missing limbs...and I don't need to take 180 oxy 30s a month!! In fact I only take a couple Tylenol a few days a month! If you are really taking your medication as prescribed, isn't it time to take accountability for your own health and have a conversation with your doctor?? Best of luck to you all.
Whatever. Can this threat be closed now?
Well,Norwegian, if ignorant people would stop commenting with baseless opinions, maybe it would be a more efficient thread.
Wow, I am blown away by your arrogant and misguided representation of people/persons in pain management. Let me explain something to reading your post, I feel you are in perfectly great health, you have no pain, never been in a serious car wreck, lost any parts of body inside or out (well maybe that labotamy) but other than that is great health. I also feel as though you are one who could be a perfect candidate for an alcoholic, dry drunk or wanna be street junkie. (Maybe you went to prison for illicit sales)...who knows. The only thing I am sure of is you are so misguided it makes me sick. Let me tell you something sir..I had my spleen removed in 1992. I woke up one day in so much pain with fever i had to call an ambulance to get me to hospital. They took me to ER which diagnosed me with pluracy and sent me home. I had to call my bil to get me, and he went to pharmacy to fill my prescription for percocet 10/325 30 tabs. I had taken that entire bottle in 10 hrs..and was feeling not only like i was dieing, I literally welcomed it. Day 2, I had my sil get me a bottle of tylenol pm...I took more than any human should consume in a 24 hr period..and still was so riddled in pain, i could not walk to the restroom alone...the 3rd day, early that morning i called again 911 since i could not walk down stairs and they again took me to er. I laid in that ER room for 12 hrs while they thought "she's just after pain meds" mind you this is the one and only time I've even been to a hsptl or dr in this state. I was given chalk to drink, tests, then pressed my entire abdomen with force against xray machine, I cried and screamed, and it was worse than labor..yes ladies WORSE, you know when you are close to death and I felt as though i was one person not going to make it til the next day. About 8:00 that night an awsome osu surgeon came to my aid and had me in an mri room I assumed ready to do a test...and he was conferenceing with another dr in a room surrounded by glass. (have I mentioned they have not given me not 1 crumb of a pain pill since they did not know what was wrong and did not want to mask any symptoms) The two men were chatting for the best part of 3 mins when this awesome surgeon comes out and sticks a pin in my side, I felt a releif of pressure and this warm sensation run down my side..he went back to the glass room for a minute or two and comes out to me with a big smile an says "Arlene, did you know you had a ruptured spleen" only reply was Did you know I did not have pluracy..I was whisked away to ER that very minute when finding out i had bled 3 pints of blood into my stomach, I had 3 transfusion and spent 14 days in hospital wich 10 of those I dont remember at all. I was told that another 30 mins top count, and I'd of met my maker.
Since then, its been one nitemare after another, with being cut breast to naval no less than 11x to repair hernias..i had mesh to hold intestines, it kept pulling off and then it was sewed bak in..this was @ least 6x then it was determined well she's allergic to mesh, use gortex a raincoat material with a stretch tore off 4 more times and was sewn back in..ea time breast to naval and 28 staples...last year that mesh tore off the right side, it snapped and wrapped itself around my intestines like a rubber band while cutting off the bowels and other functioning parts. I went to er after 2 days, and again whisked to surgery...11 days in hospital...and the mose severe pain.. In the meantime I was diagnosed as a diabetic and contracted severe nueropathy towhere the pain is so bad I sit an cry and cry..and cry...i am taking lyrica gabapentin, percocet, methadone keppler, and anitriptyline (mom said that worked for dad, but it makes me too delirious and i cant work) i have no business holding a job but noone is going to help me pay bills so I have no choice. I cant have ssi because I have a job...most people can live with someone an they will support them til ssi comes in and that first check has the waiting period, they pay them and the rest goes to themselves. Today I feel like I have no peace in life. I am being tortured most days and if I over eat a pill because the weather was so bad I could not sit in chair all day and work, or if my nueropathy pain is shining thru or even those really fun days when it all hits at one time....I could easily run out of meds, and have to wait til my next refill. I have an awesome dr and I will not ask for early refill because I want him to trust me and respect my decision making and he does exactly that. If I say well maybe we can increase this and take this down, he does it. He knows that I am the only one that knows my bady, how it works, what makes it better and what makes it intolerable. I was sitting in his office last month in full blown tears explaining how hard it is to live this way...he so understood my words. I was dirty with cannabis my first 2 appts in meeting him and am now in the clear, but was using it for pain, it works very well but it is not legal in my state...he let me stop using it because he had faith i would do it. Now as I finish let me run this by you also, have you ever had or felt what fibromyalgia was? Oh your in for a treat, or back pain where you can't stand up, or needing a knee replacment? all the other things I mentioned..Sir I live a life of what feels like 24/7 labor, but I am just an addict. You sir are very vulgar.
please, i need advice from anyone who has it to give. i have searched and searched on the internet for years now both my primary care doctor and i have known i need to be under the care of a pain specialist. his practice tried to no avail many times to find one who would see me, with no luck. this is because i have no insurance or the pain specialists they tried to get me into only gave the pain for the past three years my primary care doctor has prescribed me lortab all the way up to percoset 10-325. he was not interested in scripting anything but tramadol for breakthrough pain. i did sign a pain contract with him which states i must let my doctor know if i get a script for narcotics from another doc. i had shingles about two years ago and couldn't get in to see my primary. i went to another doctor and was prescribe the normal medicine for shingles and i was given a script for lortabs. i called my primary and told him about it. i would not get the script filled for lortab till i talked with doctor. i was told to take 1 lortab if pain was intolerable.on my future visits with my doctor, he would look up my narctoci history and see that i got several 3 days supplies of lortab from dentist.i did not call and let him know about these scripts. on my next office visit he commented "well it was only 3 days supply " yesterday i recieved a certified letter from him dismissing me from his care for having less than an honest relationship with him. a new pain clinic has opened up in my are which serves only cash paying customers and insurance is not required.i have an appointment at this clinic in a few days.. will i be given the chance to right a wrong .i know i did there anybody out there who has done what i have done?
You've probably already gotten this answered, but I couldn't find it. Roxicet almost certainly has tylenol (acetaminophen) in it, while Roxicodone doesn't.
Joey is right. Every poo be and I mean everyone who takes pain meds and your not dying is a addict. You might need your meds but admit the truth . My mom had rheumatoid arthritis and eventually died from it,how you ask by the freaking meds that's how. First she was taking tramadol then loratabs then Percocet after that Percocet and fentanyl. My mom legitimate pain but was a.addict. so much so after she would take her patches off she would chew them,a 60yr old grandmother,teacher and a wonderful mother. When you take pain meds it's never enough till the day you overdose and die,then the horrible cycle finally has won.
O.k. maybe you can help me I have never been in pain management before I am 53years old and had a accident and went to one this month I took my script to the Pill Box and cafe in Arkansas and they refused to give my script back and said if I called back they would get me for harassment I called my doctor he faxed a copy of my script to them please tell me what I can do
Joey, are you a doctor? Unless you are, you have no right, you should b ashamed of yourself, unless, you know the whole story!!!! Hope you never know, how it is to have chronic pain!
Who do you go to? I am looking for a compassionate doctor to treat my knee pain post injury.
The best advice I can give you is to have your husband call the specialty pharmacies that fill meds mainly for HIV/AIDS, HEP C ect. They're out there. I'm in Pinellas county so I understand your problem. I was having to deal with that very issue every month until I found a specialty Pharmacy that understood and cared. Good luck to you.
Did you ever find a solution? Currently have same problem in Englewood :(
OK,anyone that goes to a pharmacy where you work should count their pills.I can't believe you work in a pharmacy and have no compassion for people in real pain!!
You knew all this about your mom and didn't get her help?
go to an emergency room asap !!!!! go to the hospital that your doctor is allowed to practice........
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