Please Get Your Levels Tested , Again! (read My Whole Post)
UpdatedTo all of you: Besides myself , my mother-law and three friends have Hypothyroidism. My mother n law was so over active, she had it remove. She is on "The MAX." dose of this medicine AND "JUST FINE!" (Never sick) In total myself, her and 3 other people take Lev! NONE OF US have any of the above happen. However, Before I found out, I was hypo, there was the main issues 1) Depressed, 2) Anxiety Attacks, 3) Constipation, 4) No energy. Plus, I "Always needed a nap daily, after work." 5) My hands and feet were always cold and 6) FELT DETACTHED like DP OR DR , more D.R. (Derealization) Lastly I was losing hair, more than normal. A doctor did a T3&T4 (just to make sure it wasn't my thyroid being so low) and it was! I started medicine in 2003, and I stopped Spring 2015 (no reason, just stopped) and Bam, felt like I did before so I started the medicine in September. When I stopped, I had a lot of anxiety, and worse constipation. I think some of you have too high of a dose or too little. My friend is checked every month because her T3/T4 goes too low and then too high, that MAYBE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, SO PLEASE GET YOUR LEVELS TESTED AGAIN! P.S. "THIS IS A CLUE" TOO MUCH MED. CAUSES YOU TO STAY UP 24/7 AND WITH A RACING HEART. (TOO LITTLE , OVER SLEEP WITH A RACING HEART WHEN AWAKE) "THIS IS SOMETHING I LEARNED IN COLLEGE."
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