Piracetam And Hydergine As A Treatment For Adhd In People Over 50
UpdatedI have heard that Piracetam Nootropil) and Hydergine are positively synergised for the treatment of ADHD (also anxiety and depression relating to the ADHD symptoms) I no longer find Ritalin that I'm currently taking, to be as effective as when I first started taking it. I've also in the past, have been on Strattera and also Atomoxetine. I also have heard that Dilantin works well with those symptoms. Does anyone know if the Dilantin is compatible with Piracetam and Hydergine ? Thanks.
1 Reply
piracetam and hydergine when take in small doses (1 mg hydergine and about 500 mg piracetam 2x daily--careful not to take too much: when added together they make EACH OTHER stronger as in hydergine makes piracetam 5x stronger and piracetam makes hydergine 5x stronger) is very safe and effective with almost NO physical side effects and they are side effects that will go away after a few days or weeks. it works with almost ANY and ALL mental issues of any kind (besides MAYBE personality disorders or environmental/cultural problems [as in: abusive home life, troubled past, war-torn countries, etc.]). these drugs also have very little abuse potential, tolerance building, and body/mind/lifestyle destructive side-effects that other drugs for the mind do such as some of the milder ones that you have been on or some of the worse ones such as methamphetamines or adderall (dextro and levoamphetamines). all in all make sure to take very small amounts (VERY SMALL!!) at first to see how you react to the both taken at the same time (they are most effective when taken together) and SLOWLY increase the dose until you get your desired effect. I also believe that you should take break schedule setup like one week off a month or only on the weekdays or one month of a year etc. so that you give your body a chance to be normal for a while. The absolutely most important aspects for ANYTHING brain-health related is always frequent, moderate exercise, plenty of deep, uninerrupted (6-9straight hours) sleep and avoid processed and commercial foods (companies put in cheap stuff that is bad for you and cut corners in order to make more money and they don't HAVE to tell you so they DON'T because if you really KNEW how bad the stuff was for you, you wouldn't buy it). sleep 8 hours per night, eat things from nature, avoid fatty meat and livestock (beef, sheep, etc.) get plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink ONLY PURE fruit juice and water with occasional tea and your symptoms will basically go away 100% in under a year guaranteed.
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