Inactive Ingredients:
- Lactose
- Magnesium Stearate
- Starch, Corn
Ref: DailyMed
This capsule has been discontinued.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm looking for information on a blue and white capsule imprinted with "PFIZER 399 PFIZER 399".
Ziprasidone (zi-PRAY-si-done) also known as Geodon.
It treats schizophrenia and certain problems caused by bipolar disorder.
Blue and white oblong capsule, Pfizer 396 imprinted on both sides ## Based on the description provided, I found your pil...
1/2 inch long capsule, green on one end and white on the other, on the green is the word VISTARIL and on the white end i...
I have the red and white pfizer capsule. I want to know if it's addictive? I know it is not an opioid. ## This table...
my sister claims this is amoxicillin... no imprints with blue and white capsule. has anyone ever had amox. with this app...
capsule light blue gray middle red on end the letter l is onblue end and number 5 is on red end. ## This is a generic or...
Blue and white capsule with no markings ## I would need to know the markings or imprint on the pill inorder to locate th...
white powder inside capsule ## This is a 50mg Vynase capsule, which contains the active ingredient Lisdexamfetamine, it ...
I found a blue and white empty capsule in my mom's room. We have caregivers from Mexico. No numbers nor markings on ...
no markings...brown powder inside ## it is a little white and blue capsule and it says 4mg on it. all i know is it suppo...
it was a tiny blue and white pill with white powder inside was supposivley a stronger version of adderal. 50 mg a pill n...