P039 - Supposedly A 2mg Alprazolam
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I got alprazolam from a friend, and I believe they aren't real. Most yellow 2mg alprazolam I have gotten in the past has had the imprint "R 039" and not "P 039" Does anyone know if these are fake? Because I do not feel anything when I take them, even if it is more than one. They also do not have the normal bitter taste that normal alprazolam has.

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Thank you because I got confused and thought the pharmacy got my medicine mixed up just because I went to a different one this time...

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Verwon for once is not accurate. Minogueswue, absorbaloff & kd are pretty much correct though I must take issue with kd's assessment of pricing. $5 per bar? That is ridiculous for a generic alp.

The imprint is (& always has been) a 'P' with a little line which makes folks think it's 'R'. P is for Purepac right enough: and it is true that the company is now owned by Actavis. Being from the UK I can confirm that Actavis make the finest generics frequently dispensed - their oxazepam and diazepam are the best you can get here and if you want dihydrocodeine tartrate 30mg (I prefer the much higher quality original 40mg DF118 Forte brand by Martindale which seem subjectively twice the strength) they are what to go for - both available with prescription, copy included in packet from Greenhey Pharmacy. Cost a bit high due to ptescription charge but 100% in all ways. If they have Metwest 2.5mg lorazepam, order those. Top class pink 'MP61' generic superior to Genus; very few branded meds now sold here, Xanax being the only one I know that has no benzo generic. Back to the yellow bars. Several people have posted in a few places that the P039 Actavis/Purepac have risen in quality since the Actavis takeover. I have never tried them - currently have US made Pfizer/Upjohn Xanax with 'XANAX' imprint & large '2' on reverse side. These are definitely not as potent as European 'U94' Xanax and are slightly thicker though with the odd profile shape, rising to be thicker at each end. I have heard that yellow Purepacs are counterfeited mostly in Asia (Pakistan) so the question is, where exactly did you obtain them? Most US generic alp are bunk in my experience - stay well away from Sandoz US GG249 which is the most dispensed of all but are weak. Greenstone 'G3722' are the best I have had from there and are more potent than branded Pfizer/Upjohn Xanax. They are as good as Argentinian Alplax, a truly fine brand and after U94 by Pfizer Belgium would be my first choice. Getting Xanax within the UK is a non starter. They generally come from Italy or Malta and only go up as far as 500mcg at the highest Xanax price I know of, so I ALWAYS go to Belgium or get Alplax crom an Arg email vendor.

I have to say that I would love to try Purepac yellow bars as they are telatively cheap and I have heard good things. I notice Abs giving Mallinckrodt a big up. I hear that some of their meds contain fillers, binders and other excipients which in somd folks make it difficult for the body to take up the API quickly though there is no pharmacological reason for it not to be FULLY absorbed, even though it may take more time than others. I also had a friend (RIP) who was of the opinion that two 10mg M367 hydrocodone, not sold or licenced here, were more effective than two 40mg DF118, which are equivalent in strength according to the conversion tables. I do not like using anythong with paracetamol in it but admit that in combination with 500mg Prosoma, they gave my lumbar muscular pain (untouched by my Oxycontin or zOxynorm) better relief. Actavis A215 30mg oxycodone tabs are another I would like to try. Unfortunately my US med source also passed on and I have no replacement am thinking oc esus to find an online friend to send these mrds which we cannot get like 4/8mg Dilaudid by Abbott (tho Mallie would surely be fine at less than half that cost) and Roxane's 5 & 10mg oxymorphone; I hear the new '93 02' Teva is good as well, although generally Teva meds are not the best. Certainly not their UK generics.

Is it permitted to ask on this forum for reliable sources or for med swaps, prescription for prrscription according to cost etc? I am certain that many US consumers would like Euro meds as much as I would like some US made meds - yellow Purepacs, blue Actavis 30mg Oxy (which due to being tabletted are equivalent to original name brand 20mg Oxynorm capsules which many people here take intranasally) & the Roxane oxymorphone which I can't understand are not licenced here. Apparently they are around 1.5 x stronger than the equivalent milligrammage of hydromorphone but less debilitating and sedating - the reason I take Oxycontin 120mg tabs rather than MS 100 + 200mg bd. The 120mg Oxy do not interfere with normal life while Morphine is far too sedating and combined with my clonazepam, lorazepam and oxazepam (thank God my doc understands why I refuse diazepam!) make living without torpor and a reduced mental capacity impossible..

But how to hook up? Anyone with questions can write to {edited for privacy}, where I am an online counsellor and therapist. I can recommend our chronic pain, anxiety/panic, phobia, insomnia and dependence counselling but we are looking for people over the pond to sell us the kind of US meds I have mentioned - our meds are in the main from Belgium, UK, Sllovenia, Hungary, Serbia and Romania. We also sell Ethinazole, a methaqualone isomer quite popular in France, and some excellent other sleepers including Quiedorm; the only benzo sleeper (bar Halcion & Lendormin, short half life sleep initiators, proven to give Stage 4 REM sleep. M Lysanxia (prazepam) is a pretty non sedating benzo excellent for controlling agoraphobia and thanatophobia. If I have broken any rule then please, moderators, delete offending parts & let us know via email at company address. Thank you. The bars sound legit to me but of course all depends on their origin. Why Pakistani & Chinese companies counterfeot those Sandoz is beyond me though since the real things are so poor in the first place!!!

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Why is it when I take the blue Xanax 1 mg they worked on me but then i got Xanax bars 2 mg white ones & I don't feel a thing?? any suggestion i mean i looked em up they r real.. idk but i know this sucks. spent a lot of money I'm pissed

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Mallinckrodt products are amongst the best and cheapest US pain meds. I am always looking for their M367 & 8mg hydromorphone tabs but no US pharmacy will send to UK as minoguesque says, though no such probz exist sending meds TO there!
If anybody knows why this is so and how to get US meds to UK esp Prepay yellow bars, Greenspan benzos end Mallinckrodt goods. over the pond please let us know since it is so simple the other way. The yellow bars are, as I said, one of the only two alps from USA actually worth using. I have been buying online for 15 yrs, and the other impossible one to find is MORAL 15mg the only bad sleeper to give proper REM sleep bar triazolam. Vernon, your encyclopaedia knowledge should be able to give answers and by now you should have confirmed the veracity of P039 yellow 2mg alp bars too.

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Actavis/Purepac make these. US generic alprazolam is notoriously poor quality compared with that from almost anywhere else bar Pakistan but branded Pier & Upjohn are just too expensive. The biggest seller there is Sandoz GG249, one of the worst in the world. Greenstone and the Activist are the only worthwhile. US made alps. The mark is indeed a P with a little mark which makes folks think its an R but is P for Purepac 039 and are yellow.
I have tried them and for the price are worth it, just as Covidien's Mallinckrodt products are by far

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I have recently purchased the same pills. They do have the little p that looks like the ribbon but the little slice under to make it look like an R is not there. I do believe these are fake and most likely from an online pharmacy. A really good fake at that.

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what in the world is alprazolam 2mg tab purepac. this long yellow pill has nothing in it with the effect of a xanax. not even any affect it doesn't even touch anything for anxiety. not even one pill every four hours. you don't even know you've even taken one. What are these things, There are not (alprazolam) for Xanax.. What are these things.

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yes i know what you are talking about with the xany yellow bars with RO39on them . but never heard of the PO39.and if you don't feel anything then i would say they are definitely bogus.

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Did you get them from a doctor who prescribed them to you?? If you did, you can actually go to your pharmacy and make a request on the Generic brand you prefer. I did that when I got the 2mg xanax and they were round white pills. I freaked out, because I was not used to 2mg round pills? I found out later that it was just from a different drug company. If you received 1mg xanax bars from someone you bought them from, they very well are fake. Anyone who takes Xanax on a regular basis knows that the blue "footballs" and orange "footballs" are the lower doses. The only xanax that come in the form of a bar are 2mg xanax. My opinion is to go to a doctor and tell them you have severe anxiety and panic attacks and be honest with the doctor. He/she might start you out on a lower dose, actually they will def. start you out on prob .5 mgs, maybe even .25mgs. After your month goes by, if they are not working, then go back on your next visit and tell the doc that you had to double up on your dose because the mg. you were prescribed was not enough. You should actually call about two weeks later and tell them you need to get in asap to see the doc, because the dose your were/are prescribed is not working and you feel you need a higher dose. Once a doctor puts you on xanax, it is very hard for them to try and tell the patient that they cannot prescribe higher doses. That is inevitable with Xanax. You build a high tolerance to the main ingredient, which is benzodiazapine. (i'm not sure if I spelled that right) Anyway, that is why most docs do not like prescribing xanax, because you will eventually need a stronger mg, and there are side effects that are rare, but do happen...such as seizures, etc. if one stops taking it. My opinion to you is to go to a doctor- a psychiatrist, and tell them you have SEVERE panic attacks and anxiety. That is what I did. I do not have health insurance, either. They might want to start you on a different type of pill first, but if you tell them you want and need xanax, they really cannot do much but start you on a low dose and go from there. Also, if you go to a walk-in clinic, which I did when I first started taking xanax, the doctor gave me .5mg xanax. I went back a month later, and she told me she can only give me one more script for xanax because she could get her license taken away because she was not a psychiatrist. She then referred me to a psychiatrist and the rest is history. I take 6mgs a day now. Beware, xanax is a good drug and a bad drug, too. It is very addictive because of the tolerance you will build, and there are some side effects that are life threatening. Also, if you do not have health insurance, like me, you should def. ask yourself, Is paying 120-180 dollars a doc visit really worth it for xanax?? If your answer is yes, then look up a psychiatrist in your area, and when you get in with them, explain why you are there and your SEVERE anxiety symptoms, and tell them you do not have health insurance, that way they can give you a refill or two to last you through a couple of months. From my experience, paying a doctor cash, or a credit card, is a lot easier for them. They do not have to hassle with insurance companies, etc. Most docs will actually be more accommodating because they know the next time you come back for a visit, whether it is one month later or three months later, you will be paying "cash" and everyone knows that cash is king!! Hope I helped you :) Also, I pay 42 dollars for 90 bars a month. That is with no health insurance. If you do the math, it is a very reasonable and cheap price to pay for that much. Most people on the street will charge 4- 5 dollars a bar. Anyway, just giving my opinion once again on how to go about knowing what is fake or not, and if you are buying them on the streets as I once was doing a long long time ago, you are better off just going to a psychiatrist and paying their fee and not having to worry about getting caught with xanax and not having a script, or getting ripped off or fake xanax given to you. One xanax bar is a felony if you do not have a prescription. Just an FYI. :)

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Yes, it is by Purepac- That is the generic company based in the UK, and their 2mg generic Xanax bars are indeed yellow. It should say P039 on the bar. I have had a prescription for Xanax for about 7 years now, and I am prescribed 6mg a day. To some, they would be sleeping for a week on that amount, but the tolerance to Xanax builds quicker than other prescription drugs. I just recently got the yellow generic Xanax and on my prescription bottle it say :Alprazolam 2MG Tab Purepac" On the actual pill it says P039- and the bars are always divided by four lines. People often mistake the P for an R because the P has a small line underneath it. It is NOT an R. So, not to worry, these are indeed the real deal, and in my opinion, a lot stronger than any other generic companies. I have had the white bars, and the oval pills, and the yellow Xanax by Purepac, are quite stronger and act faster. Taking two pills a day seems to work quite well for me, even though my script is for 3 a day. Again, this is just my opinion on the strength of the yellow Xanax bars. I hope that helps! :)

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The yellow Xanax that say on the bottle- "Alprazolam 2mg Tab Purepac" are generic for 2mg Xanax. They are not time released, or else it will say on the prescription bottle, and your doctor should tell you before ever giving you anything that is time released, especially if you are not used to time released Xanax.. These are just by a different drug company called Purepac. Purepac is a UK based company I believe, and the yellow ones are just as strong, if not stronger than the white ones. I have been taking Xanax for 7 years and just recently started getting the yellow Xanax bars, instead of the white bars, or the other oval pills. (all from different generic companies) The pill should say P039 on it. The P is often confused to be an R, but really it is a P with a tiny line under it, if you look closely you will see. I hope that helped, and yes...they are real, and quite stronger in my opinion. :)

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I got ten 1mg Xanax left, hate em wish I could sell em back to pharmacy. Email xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} any suggestions?

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Many people think the Purepac logo is an R. It is NOT. It is P with a little line next to it. Why would they use the letter R?
P039 are yellow 2mg alprazolam. Bit temember that US generic alprazolam, rxvept Greendyone, is about the worsy quality alp in the world except perhaps Pakistani. Most are around the quality of the execrable Onax. In the US I would (were I not banned from entering that country) only buy brand, even though they have ofd imprints unlike regular Xanax, or Gteenstone, which given my cynicism at not having proper Xanax marked Upjohn 29, 55, 90 or 94, are probably better. Actavis should improve quality of P039 bars, they make the best generic benzos in the UK and have great quality control. Then again, so do Sandoz in Switzerland and their US GG249 alp is complete garbage...p

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That is most unlike you Verwon. This is a 2mg alprazolam by Purepac and should be yellow. You can not have done much checkimg, I am in the UK and have posted about these before, I would love to try them since the maker of the finest UK generics, Actavis, bought Purepac.
I am actually amazed you did not know that one instantly!

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Do you happen to know the country of origin?

I have searched our various U.S. prescription drug resources and I can't find anything with a P 039 on it.

Does anyone else recognize this tablet?


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