Ozempic - Weight Loss And Side Effects (Page 2)
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I started Ozempic in October 2021.

I was 209 pounds. I am now 134 pounds.

I first started taking Ozempic .25 mg for 3 weeks. I really didn’t lose that much weight and no s/e. I was still a little hungry then I was increased to .50 mg. My appetite started to decrease, and I did that for 3 weeks. Then I started the regular dose of 1 mg, my appetite definitely decreased. I started doing portion control. Eat 1/2 wait 20 min. I never wanted more. I always say to myself: you can eat anything .. just eat small amount .. wait 20 min .. still hungry .. you eat .. not you don’t. I never did. There are many times I had no or little appetite. I also learned you better eat because I passed out twice low blood sugar (I’m not Diabetic; I just needed to eat).

I always drink a lot of water, and I make sure especially on Ozempic that I do that because I do have IBS, and I tend to get constipated. In June, 9 months after I started Ozempic, I had constipation probably every week and nausea and vomiting every other week. I don’t know if IBS or Ozempic. I decided I’ve had enough. I was on on maintenance .50mg since July. Today I’m starting .25 mg. This dose won’t be every week but will slowly spread out 7 days, next 11 days, days, next 18 days whatever so my appetite comes back slowly.

Was it worth it? Yes!!

I needed to do this mainly for health reasons. It was TOTALLY worth it even if I suffered with the above side effects, but that being said, I’m happy I’m done, and hoping side effects were related to Ozempic and not IBS so now I can go out and really enjoy my life!

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Marcie (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Very sorry for your husband, but not everyone has that experience. He may have lost the weight too fast and destroyed his leg muscles because of it. Fasting weight loss is the loss of muscle not fat. Fast weight loss also causes low blood pressure. My doctor has suggested that I lose my weight slowly. I hope your husband has recovered by now.

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Re: Pmickey (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I call BS because just your calorie intake alone you would lose weight let alone eating healthy, working out and taking the OZEMPIC.

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Hi all. I literally did my first Ozempic injection last night. I am curious of your ups and downs, how long did it take you to start losing weight? How long have you been using this and what, if any, advice could you give to a new person?

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I'm getting ready to start Ozempic but all the side effects are worrisome...

1. Can cause major muscle loss:

Ozempic triggers muscle loss and can actually make patients fatter, a leading doctor has argued because it leaves them with a higher body fat-to-muscle percentage.

What can I do to prevent that from happening?
-Exercise, Lift weights? I have Fibromyalgia and chronic pain so I am limited.
-Resistance training…how intense? Again, Chronic pain issues.
-Eat/drink protein… how much?

2. Hard to maintain the weight loss/keep the weight off if medication is stopped. Recommendations from those who have experienced this??

3. Vitamins/Minerals deplete. We eat less and are not as hungry, so we lose out on essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids that our body needs. Recommendations from anyone on Ozempic??

4. Side effects:

* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Stomach ache
* Constipation and irregular bowel movements
* Weight loss
* Gallbladder problems

Anyone else worried about these side effects?? Do you have any recommendations?

More severe side effects include:

* Thyroid tumors, including cancer, especially in people with a family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)
* Pancreatitis
* Changes in vision
* Kidney problems
* Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
* Serious allergic reactions can occur

Now, this really freaks me out because well, who wants to have any of these. Makes me wonder if this drug is safe or not?? Anyone have any of these problems after being on Ozempic?

5. Diet recommendations. What foods are ok? What foods to avoid? Portion control.

Any advice is welcomed. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Oneaglswng (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on .25 for 3 weeks and lost maybe 3#. I am going to increase to .5 now. (No side effects so far but also no decreased appetite) will .5mg do much for wt loss

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Re: Mags (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

See my ost above I really didn’t start losing weight until I was on 1mg dose then it fell off. I needed to remind myself to eat.

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Re: Lee (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Small portions intermittent fasting. You’ll lose weight

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Re: Pmickey (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Eat smaller portions. Try intermittent fasting. Pick 6 hrs to eat. You will lose weight just make sure you eat! You’re probably not eating enough

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My husband took Ozempic. After 5 months he had lost 50 pounds, BUT he also got weak legs so bad he could barely walk, he hallucinated, couldn’t swallow, no appetite, slurred speech! We were on a car trip in California from Canada. I barely got him home! He looked pathetic. Immediately admitted to the hospital with a 60/40 blood pressure. By the grace of God, he made it through. I wish we could warn EVERYONE not to take Ozempic!

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Re: Snick (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck , I hope it works for you for the cost I am not sure if I will continue with this , keep me posted on your results,

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Re: Pmickey (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Not eating enough perhaps? Picked up my very first injection at pharmacy last night, reading about it this morning because I’m a little nervous.

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I have not lost any weight after 5 weeks on Ozempic, exercising every day and eating a 800 to 900 calories a day. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Gigi (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I do. I have a sore skin everywhere/ feels like a mild sunburn But it is Not stated as a side effect.

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I have only lost 10 pounds in 4 months on Ozempic. I followed the diet I got from my doctor.

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Does anyone suffer from being sensitive to the touch while on Ozempic? My body feels very sore and sensitive to temperature with Ozempic. I have not seen that listed as a side effect,

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Hi, I started Ozempic last Friday. Lost 1 lb. overnight but was a little ill, nausea the second day. By Sunday I had lost 3 lbs. and felt great. Sunday evening I had some wine and by Monday had put 2 lbs. back on! This is day 4 now and I haven't budged. Is this normal?

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Re: Mags (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Edit to my previous post: I’m on 0.25 mg and will in 2 days take my 4th inj. (sorry for the previous omission). Thanks.

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Is this medication dosage dependent? I haven't lost any weight thus far and will in 2 days. I've been watching my diet and keeping very well hydrated. Thanks for any comments

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I was on 0.25 and I didn't lose much at all. Now my doctor put me on..0.5. Is that stronger? I've been wanting to get the weight off. My weight is 315.

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I've been on Ozempic shot 4 weeks. How much weight are you suppose to lose? I am on 0.25.

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