Ozempic - Weight Loss And Side Effects (Page 2)


I started Ozempic in October 2021.

I was 209 pounds. I am now 134 pounds.

I first started taking Ozempic .25 mg for 3 weeks. I really didn’t lose that much weight and no s/e. I was still a little hungry then I was increased to .50 mg. My appetite started to decrease, and I did that for 3 weeks. Then I started the regular dose of 1 mg, my appetite definitely decreased. I started doing portion control. Eat 1/2 wait 20 min. I never wanted more. I always say to myself: you can eat anything .. just eat small amount .. wait 20 min .. still hungry .. you eat .. not you don’t. I never did. There are many times I had no or little appetite. I also learned you better eat because I passed out twice low blood sugar (I’m not Diabetic; I just needed to eat).

I always drink a lot of water, and I make sure especially on Ozempic that I do that because I do have IBS, and I tend to get constipated. In June, 9 months after I started Ozempic, I had constipation probably every week and nausea and vomiting every other week. I don’t know if IBS or Ozempic. I decided I’ve had enough. I was on on maintenance .50mg since July. Today I’m starting .25 mg. This dose won’t be every week but will slowly spread out 7 days, next 11 days, days, next 18 days whatever so my appetite comes back slowly.

Was it worth it? Yes!!

I needed to do this mainly for health reasons. It was TOTALLY worth it even if I suffered with the above side effects, but that being said, I’m happy I’m done, and hoping side effects were related to Ozempic and not IBS so now I can go out and really enjoy my life!

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Marcie (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Very sorry for your husband, but not everyone has that experience. He may have lost the weight too fast and destroyed his leg muscles because of it. Fasting weight loss is the loss of muscle not fat. Fast weight loss also causes low blood pressure. My doctor has suggested that I lose my weight slowly. I hope your husband has recovered by now.

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I am 63 yrs old, 5'7" and 190 lbs. I just began my 1mg dose of Ozempic and I am so afraid of what is said about the "Ozempic face". Has anyone else experienced it? I know older folks like have skin that will not shrink. Any advice will be helpful.

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I'm 81 and started at 244lbs. I've gradually increased my dosage to my current 1MG. I'm on a cruise and not sure how much I've lost, but I currently have very little appetite so I'm sure I'm continuing to lose. Just had one each occasions of vomiting and diarrhea since my smaller dosage start. I've been constipated for 3 days, so breakfast was 2 glasses of prune juice, and Metamucil is next. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids! I just stopped my shots because food is tolerable but very little is really enjoyable on this luxury cruise. I don't want to spend the rest of my life not enjoying the taste of good food. The Ozempic manufacturer doesn't mention the ruination of taste as a possible side effect, and I'm surprised no one else on this thread has mentioned it. Big decision coming up after this cruise: Discontinue shots versus continuing but not enjoying food! I'll likely stop Ozempic.

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Re: Gigi (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I see this type of side effect on Ozempic forums so I don’t think it’s only you.

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Re: Snick (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

How have you been doing so fat? I feel the same as you (a bit scared of the side effects that everyone seems to be having) just hoping I don’t get the horrible ones that I see some people writing like seizures?!?!! WTH?!?????????????????

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Hi :-), intro from a newbie on Ozempic

I have just started 2 days ago with a very low dose of .08mg (6 clicks) as per my doctor because I took Saxenda in the past and I had really bad side effects so I wanted to avoid them with Ozempic and also want to make it work and stay on this drug to lose my excess weight that I really need to lose. Here are what I can consider so far being mild side effects: thank god!!!

Few hours after taking it I felt dizzy for a few hours. Not to the point that I would pass out, but light-headed. When I went to bed trying to sleep I felt in my head like an elevator going up and down (weird I know) but finally fell asleep.

Had light constipation but took Metamucil and it helped.

Bad taste in my mouth so I chew gum a lot.

If I overeat it comes out right away. Better than being constipated :-)

I don’t feel that I have the full effect of the loss of appetite yet but being on such a small dose I think that’s normal.

I wonder if that means that it will pretty much be my side effects and I will probably get them amplified if I up my dosage? If those of you that are experts could let me know I would really appreciate your input.

PS: To be honest I am still really scared of taking taking a bigger dose and getting way worse side effects even if I know that if I want it to work better I do need to take more. I guess I just need to reach the proper dose that I need for it to work but not feel miserable.

Thank you for reading this far. Hopefully I get some answers from the more experienced ones :-)


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Has anyone had an itchy or runny nose within half an hour of taking their Ozempic shot and an itchy for head and itchy scalp? It doesn’t stay constant, just comes and goes.

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Is the 2 mg dosage of Ozempic for weight loss the most effective dose? I have plateaued on 1 mg and hope that 2 mg will continue the weight loss?

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I have absolutely no appetite at all. I feel sick at my stomach even thinking about food. However, I do eat, but I am not losing much weight. I am going on 3 months of Ozempic. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Happy I have been on ozympic since the last part of July 2023 I saw the doctor yesterday she said I had lost 9lbs by her scales however I am struggling to eat and drink I feel dizzy and tried but I can't sleep more than an hour each night with out waking up she had me go back down to the low dose because most of this started after I went up however I never saw weight loss until I went up on the dose what do you think

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Re: SmileyBear (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Have a friend who’s been on ozempic and what a major decline in cognitive functioning. Delusional, paranoid.

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Re: Ela (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry I don’t buy that one. Seems like lately everyone is blaming Ozempic for any health issues to discourage people from using it. Because of shortages with this medication maybe?! Who knows.

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Re: Tee (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I started Ozempic in mid-June before a cruise. Ultimately went from 244# to about 222#. It worked for weight loss, but the ads and most articles don't mention the biggest side effect I had of food tasting disgusting even on the luxury cruise. I'm 82 and enjoying good food is more important to me than losing weight. (I don't have diabetes). So I discontinued Ozempic. I'm no longer weak from insufficient calories, but my taste enjoyment is still only at about 90% of normal and I'm unsure if I'll ever get full taste enjoyment back. I'm unwilling to give up food enjoyment as the price to pay for non-urgent weight loss from Ozempic.

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Does anyone wake up in the middle of the night with their heart racing and elevated blood pressure while taking Ozempic? This happens at least 3x week.

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Re: Nursey (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have that issue with my heart racing in the middle of the night waking me up and lasting a while. I didn’t check my blood pressure because I don’t have a history of having high blood pressure.

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I’m losing about 1 lb per week at the .25ml dosage of Ozempic. I’m planning to increase to .5ml this week. My question is, can I safely drop back to the .25ml dosage if I lose weight too fast at the .5ml dosage?

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Re: Rita (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Rita im just curious how your weight-loss is going. I too am 58 5’7 and 190.
Thinking about trying Ozempic.

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I took Ozempic to reduce my A1C for about 5 months. Then I stopped it, titrated down and stopped. After 3 weeks of stopping, I had a terrible episode of what I thought was heart burn. It happened a few days later and I was hospitalized for gallstones and had to remove my gallbladder. I didn’t really have any other side effects that most people talk about. Now I am back to my usual weight and I am afraid that my A1C is back to where it was before. My question is, has anyone else had that issue and what did they do after the surgery about the A1C?

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I started Ozempic and have nausea and vomiting with constipation. I do feel less hungry and I eat less at meals but still want snacks. How do you deal with stomach upset in the morning> What are good foods to eat to get rid of it? I eat alot of nuts and seeds but still can't go. Please, any tips?

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Re: Pmickey (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

900 cal.???? ...Your body is starving ... you're not eating enough!!! Yes, it's a bit of a paradox for weight loss, but it's true. It is essential to calculate your daily calorie intake and stick to it.

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