Oxyneos 60 Mg I Need Diff Brakethrough Pain Meds (Top voted first)


My doctor for my pain condition is sending me to pain clinics to find out what I have for sure first it was fibromylaga then it was arthritus in my whole body at the young age of 19, put me on the oxy neos since in canada there is no oxycotin no more he put me on percoset for brake through pain then kept raising my oxy dose by 10 mg each time and tried me on diluadids for my brake through pain med since the percoset i didint find was working he then put me on fentanyal 50 mcg because I didit think the Oxy neos were working but I dont thik I gave them a long enough chance since i should wait for my dose to get higher then 60 , my patches never stayed on my skin i always has to medical tape them on and so forth that's why i want to go back on the neos because i thought i would int be getting my pain management ifmy patches wernt being absorbed properly through my skin, My ideal medications for pain would be oxy neos for main pain medication and a fentanYl lollipop or lozeng or tablet but my doctor wont give me an instant release fentanl because there so addictive but the way i see it is im allready on a dependance of medication i need to take daily, how should i make it clear to my doc that none of the brake through pain meds are working and I really want the instant release fentayl because i no it will help me go bak to school and have my quality of life, since i have to wait a bit in the morning to get out of bed my overall body pain is so bad i think a lozenge would be a perfect option for me, if he had me on the patches why cant he give me it in lower dose for my brake through pain, schools starting soon im finally getting my gr 12 since i had to drop out pain was bad i couldint attend school, i have an amazing doctor cuz no other doctor would help me with pain relief and pain management, THOUGHTS ANWSERS REPLYS INPUT THANK YOU.

2 Replies

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I can only imagine that your doctor is only trying to do what he thinks is in your best interest. I know you mentioned that you are already on one addictive medication, so why would you want to be on two? That might be what your doctor is thinking as well. I recommend that you calmly ask him during your next appointment if you can "try" the lowest dose of the instant release. Just ease into it and maybe he will work with you, I just wouldn't push him to a point where he's afraid to prescribe you anything for your pain. The pain you are dealing with now must make life difficult, I'm sure your doctor doesn't want to see you go through the pain of addiction as well. You're lucky to have a doctor who will help you and care for you!

If I can recommend anything else, it would be to stay hydrated and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pain is usually caused by inflammation, and many fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory. I recommend juicing, you can make some really tasty and healthy drinks!

I hope this insight helps, and I wish you good luck! Please post back and let the community know how things are going. :)

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Pain meds in Ga. and Drs that will prescribe them are everywhere. a lot pricier but were swamped and I can tell you not just pain drs. but regular internal medicine docs doin the same thing. if your serious about needin help I don't mind steerin you in the right direction.

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