Oxymorphone Er Generic By Global Pharmacy (Page 5) (Top voted first)



Since I heard that Impax finally got the green light to distribute Oxymorphone ER (Opana ER) generic through Global Pharmacy. I didn't hesitate to rush to my PM doc and he instantly had me switch to this new drug. He prescribed me 40 mg twice per day to treat my busted back & fibromyalgia.

I noticed the pill is round in shape with G74 on one side with nothing on the other. The color for the 40 mg ER tablet is an orangy/gold color. Ever since Endo ruined their product with the new TRF formulation. I promised myself to jump back on the bandwagon as soon as the generics were released.

Today is a great day for all who suffer chronic pain. Yay! 8-)


230 Replies (12 Pages)

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Absolutely agree. I have been to one pain management only. One pharmacist actually loudly said these people that doctor shop for narcotics, I'm sick of them. Excuse me I have cancer, fibromyalgia, degenerative back disease and arthritis. I am in chronic pain and still work. They have no idea what I go through daily. I work and live in my bed, no life at all. I understand there are abusers but do what they are paid to do, fill a prescription. Don't embarrass me at the pharmacy because of what medicine I am on. The oxymorphone works well for me. Yes the tablets are not as effective due to my digestive system. I have numerous issue's. There also severe acid reflux, thinning of stomach lining so to digest and metabolize them is not as effective for my pain unfortunately. I would eat a rat turd if it was going to get me out of pain. So abusers have caused issues for us seeking to just be out of pain to have some normal life.

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I took both the brand and the generic global. My doctor wouldn't give me any more than 15 mg twice daily with oxycodone 15 mg 4 times a day for breakthrough. The board of directors is very strict at this clinic and they will only allow certain ridiculous formulas to determine the dose my doc is allowed to give patients. They will only give up to a certain amount of morphine equivalents per day. Stupid I know but the other clinics in my area are either not prescribing opiates or even more ridiculously low doses. I am still only allowed to have 20 mg of oxycontin twice daily and the same breakthrough medication oxycodone 15 mg 4 times a day. A higher dose of oxymorphone could have helped me more but they won't do that so I had to change drugs.

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sadly I haven't seen the Actavis brand since this litigation issue cropped up with Endo. I've been relegated to just the Global brand but it does work far better for me than the TRF formulation Endo supplies

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I have been on opana for going on 6 years. The original worked wonders. I started out on ten mgs. I was amazed that it took away all of my pain. I actually had a life, then they reformulated them. As I stated in an earlier comment they did not work even close to the original. They do not metabolize in the system due to intestinal issues, thinning of stomach lining. I researched this. I also ended up getting the actavis. Yes endo has had a legal case for them to stop making them. They sold actavis their formulation before they reformulated them and was losing money. I'm in ohio. They lost the first legal case against them in indiana. Several drug abusers were somehow abusing them, causing deaths and a huge outbreak of hiv. So after that endo won the case for actavis to stop making them, after they were so much better than any others. Now global is not near the strength. I just recently had to go from a 15 mg to a 20 mg, and 5 mg for breakthrough pain to a 10 mg. I have read the litigation is also trying to get global to stop producing them. This seems like a torture to us that don't abuse and just want out of pain.

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Amen to you Sean! Everything you said is so right. I am so sorry for your situation but I thank you for your brave service. I have had chronic pancreatitis since 2005 and it progressively get worse. I am only 36 years old and see others my age out and about having a good time and I an stuck at home because of pain and other problems. I never knew one young body could have so many disease at the same time.I have learned a new routine that helps my pain and extreme fatigue. I can deal with the fatigue much better when I am not screaming in pain. So I began pharmacy school and pain management. I didn't want to take too much medication while I was in school and treating patients so I was only taking minimal medication and just working through the pain that as left. After school I worked for a little while and then became so sick I was in the hospital all the time. I had to give up the career I worked for 10 years in college to get. I was devastated but I was of course more worried about the hospitalizations and the pain and vomiting and fatigue I was feeling a the time. Finally it got so bad that I was put in the ICU nd came so close to death to scare me. I got all new doctors to help find out why all these things were happening to me and all these years later still no real answers just pain management. I was on the fentanyl patch is a long time and it did work but I couldn't go any higher than 37.5 mcg because I would overdose. So we began trying the extended release tablets which has been a nightmare because of my digestive problems. Some would work for a little while then stop others never seemed like they didn't digest at all. I turned out to be allergic to morphine and that was a disaster. After trying several drugs they put me back on fentanyl saying that is was the only way to get pain control since it doesn't involve the digestive tract but as soon as the fentanyl got into my system my feet ankles and legs began to swell up. That was when I was put on the Opana for the first time. It seemed to also work at first but then it stopped like the others so the doctor increased my dose to Opana er 15 mg which I was able to get the generic impax/global. It was worse than the brand name for me. I was very disappointed. Recently meaning 6 or 7 days ago I was put on oxycontin 20 mg twice day and the same oxycodone 15 mg 4 times a day as I have always been on. So far so good fingers crossed. My pain is minimal and I feel pretty darn good for a change except the exhaustion from the chronic fatigue syndrome which can't really be changed. I have epstein Barr virus that won't go away (sorry different issue). I am glad more and more and more people with chronic pain are speaking put about this so called "epidemic" there have been drug addicts since there have been drugs. An addict will find anything to get their high. Stopping patients like us from getting the drugs we need just to survive a day isn't going to stop the drug addicts of America from using. It jus damages good people. Also in that report or a similar one that came out st the same time, it showed pain patients who have been kicked out of their clinics or told by their clinic that they will no longer prescribe opiates have started killing themselves or yes going to illicit drugs. Not because they want a cheap thrill but because they can't live with the pain everyday. The FDA has really screwed things up for us. They just barely mention the people that died were addicts for the most part and taking their meds with alcohol or other substances. I am sick and tired of being treated like I wanted to leave my brand new career that paid awesome and I got to help people on a daily basis for the measly money disability pays. Most people who falsely apply for disability are making no money or money on the side somehow. I was in a job that paid 55 dollars an hour and I loved it so much.I don't normally ramble on this long but there was just as much to say about my situation and the situations of all chronic pain patients.

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Just a quick question to all has anyone heard of SUN PHARMA or TEVA BRAND oxymorphone I just did a quick look up and found that these are the only other two generic brands besides Global. But I've never heard anyone mention these and I was just wondering Why? Are they non- existent or not available anymore? Anyone ever get these or tried these brands before? Any and all replies welcome please help THANK YOU!!

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Curious 80- Wow, I'm terribly sorry that you have all of those horrible medical conditions. I can certainly sympathize with you as I have said, I have several medical issues but it unfortunately appears that you are on a worse level, especially at such a young age. I'm only 51 and have been pretty beat up since I was 44. I hate going to the doctor as it seems that at just about every visit they find something else. I have GERD, severe obstructive sleep apnea, sinusitis, rhinitis, PTSD and anxiety that were all certified by NIOSH as being conditions that I developed from 9/11. Thankfully the government now pays for all of my medical bills and prescriptions which is a huge relief. They discovered a "destructive polyp" in my left sinus above my eye. That polyp ate away part of my orbital socket and was eroding the skull into the frontal lobe. I had a six hour sinus/cranial surgery last April to remove the polyp and mass. They had to break and drill through most of the bones in my face and sinus cavities to remove all of that debris. I looked like I went about 12 rounds with Tyson. Besides the two narcotic meds I'm on 15 other prescription medications. It's absurd. I have a kitchen cabinet for all of my prescription bottles as they won't fit in the bathroom medicine cabinet.

That rare disease that I contracted due to breathing in that toxic stew in lower Manhattan after 9/11 is called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome or CVS, like the pharmacy. It's pretty awful. Besides the nausea and irretractable vomiting it's also accompanied by an abdominal migraine. You're probably familiar with the enteric nervous system located in the belly. I forget how many neurons it has but they refer to it as the body's second brain and you can get a migraine there just like you can get in your head but I find it more excruciating. When one gets an episode of the CVS they refer to it as a cycle. I used to get a cycle every three months like clockwork. I eat Zofran ODT tablets like candy since I experience nausea just about every day. Almost every time that I do have an attack or cycle I end up in the ER. IF I catch it early enough I can save myself a trip to the ER and the horror that comes with it. I was fortunate for over a year as I went into a remission of sorts and didn't have any cycles that put me in the hospital. I had a couple at home that I was able to fix with Zofran, Imitrex nasal spray, Ativan and Dilaudid. If I got to the point of keeping the Dilaudid down it would stop the cycle and the Dilaudid killed the pain in the stomach. The day after a Christmas I had a cycle that I couldn't stop and ended up in the ER for the first time in over a year. In CA 95% of the doctors that I had in the hospital had never even heard of the disease let alone how to treat it. There is another condition called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome which mirrors the symptoms of the Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome with the exception of the abdominal migraine. That condition is caused by smoking a lot of marijuana, a lot, like every day, multiple times a day. It's funny, the doctors that have treated me in the ER know about the condition caused by smoking marijuana but are clueless about the CVS. I have been told by many of these doctors that I was smoking too much pot and that was the cause of my illlness. Now they take blood and urine in the ER and if I had been smoking marijuana it would undoubtedly turn up in my system. I would point this out and they basically ignored me to the point that I've had some fairly intense arguments with them over it. Ironically I've had two doctors recommend medicinal marijuana for my nausea. I tried cannabinol oil which stopped my cycles cold but I stopped taking it because God forbid THC showed up in my system in the ER because it would validate their claims that I smoked too much marijuana. It's a damn shame because as I said it appeared to be something that actually worked and worked well. Now that I moved to Texas even if I wanted to add the cannabinol oil to my medication regime I can't because they don't have medicinal marijuana here and if THC came up in my U/A from the drug panels that I get at the PM doctor I would be discharged. The doctor that I saw in the ER the day after Christmas was familiar with CVS but they said they didn't have Ativan and wouldn't administer the Dilaudid. Texas is funny, unless you're at deaths door they won't administer any narcotics in the ER. This doctor, actually a PA gave me some Zofran and Phenegran in my IV. For the pain they gave me a IM inj. of Dicyclomine which gave me some relief. They also administered 2 liters of fluid by IV while I was there. They discharged me and while I awaited my wife sitting in a wheelchair outside the ER I started vomiting violently all over again. The. PA came outside to check on me and asked if I wanted to come back into the ER and I declined. They would have administered more fluids and anti-nausea meds but that's the best I could hope for. I went home and spent the next 6 days in bed. They never broke the cycle, they only interrupted it. I drank a lot of fluids and took Zofran, promethazine and between vomiting I was able to keep the Oxymorphone down which relieved the stomach pain. They PA diagnosed me with a virus on top of the CVS so those 6 days were fairly miserable. I was so out of it that I couldn't differentiate between my dreams and reality and was hallucinating as well. I was driving my wife absolutely insane.

I moved here at the beginning of August and couldn't get in to see a doctor until October. I had to go to the VA to get the meds I was running out of. They prescribed Morphine and Dilaudid for the pain but for some reason the MS Contin ER provides very little relief. I only went to the VA until I could get a primary physician for referrals. Knowing the state of the VA and all the poor bastards coming back from the Mid East that can't get in to see a doctor, I didn't want to take the place of someone who needed it more than me but it was only a satellite office and they assured me that I wasn't delaying anyone else.

I've rambled on far too long but it's nice to unload all of this nonsense to someone who's in the same boat.

Keep the faith.

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I've had 30mg oxymorphone er for last year I have quite a bit left that I don't even take anymore. They worked well!!!!

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Hey definitely are hard to come by I've been on mine now for over a year but I don't use as many I've kept saving quite a bit of them because you never know how the pharmacy stuff changes so I've saved up quite a bit in time never know when somebody is in need

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So my last post I asked if anyone has heard of Teva or Sun PHARMA. I found out TEVA only makes the IR oxymorphone not the ER and no luck yet on the Sun PHARMA ones so again any and all help appreciated. If I find out the answer myself I will post!! Thanx

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My pharmacist told me an easy fix.The doc must write may substitute Oxymorphone xmg er. or have the write it that way if u definately will get generics.Them signing the line "may substitute" is not sufficient. Wierd,slme are STICKLERS while other pharmacist are not(frustrating). I knew from the get go that the generic is not the BIOEQUIVALENT of NB Opana.

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sorry but that does not make sense what so ever! :-(

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I have posted this before. Oxymorphone is not the generic of Opana. There is a very small chemical difference. Some pharmacies may fill Opana prescriptions with Oxymorphone. My pharmacy did so for a few months then told me that the prescription MUST be written for Oxymorphone. Opana will be filled with Opana. I just came from my PM doctor and had this discussion with him. Again the difference is minimal and with true Opana he said will be in the tamper proof tablet and costs a lot more than Oxymorphone. I could care less tamper proof or not but the Oxymorphone I.R. has been difficult to get. I went to fill it two days ago and it was on back order until 2/23 because of that my doctor changed my break through meds to hydromorphone/Dilaudid 4mg at great reluctance. When I got home the pharmacy left me a message that they had a delivery of the Oxymorphone 10mg I.R. I'm going to try the Dilaudid 4mg for now only because they have them in stock and if not can get them within a day.

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Good Luck Sean, Hope Dilaudid 4mg helps you! :-)
Let me know how they work for you.
is that Dilaudid 4mg ER or IR or just regular?

Thanks Sean

Wish you the Best!


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Timalin -Thanks. They're the 4mg I.R. I had been on the 8mg prior to this new PM doctor. He doesn't like to prescribe Dilaudid because he says they're very addictive, abused and fetch high prices on the street. I had a discussion with him yesterday where I told him that I have been in PM since 1996, before he even started college, took regular drug panels, never failing one or I wouldn't be in PM anymore. I'm on Oxymorphone 40mg ER twice daily and had been on the Oxymorphone 10mg IR which I didn't find as effective as the 8mg Dilaudid. I guess he finally made an exception with me with the 4mg. I don't see him for another 3 months so I'll see how it works. As I said, I thought the 8mg's worked well and assume the fours will do for now.

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I have read alot of of different forums but never wrote anything....this is my first time. I am like all of you with chronic pain. Degenerative disc.. spondylolisthesis...nerve damage I have had several back surgeries with the last one being a 3 lvl fusion with all the hardware and looking at another surgery. I too am offended by the laws grouping me in with the abusers. I am lucky i have a wonderful Dr but abusers should be treated as such while chronic pain patients should be treated for their legitimate pain. I have also been on opana for a few years and it helped my wonderfully without feeling all medicated...i actually got my life back. But it has changed so to anyone wondering if its just them or if you have built a tolerence...its not the case. Like a previous post stated they changed the formula and the generic form is hit or miss due to the slack regulations of chemicals and ingredients. Im finding there are alot of us out there with this problem its not just a few cases here and there....but what can we do?

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So are you on the Opana or oxymorphone? And yes the oxymorphone is hit or miss, some months they work great and some months they suck. I've been on them for a year and a half. Of course I used to get the Actavis half moon 20mg ER's until they discontinued them. Now I'm stuck with the Global 30mg ER's. I'd love to get bumped up to 90 a month but I just had to fight with Florida Blue a total of 4 times before they could cover this medication. They made me jump thru so many hoops it was crazy, I mean stuff I never even heard of before. They finally approved me last week.

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Is the the global more effective than the brand made by endo? Is it TRF also. Is there any way to get the old non TRF anymore?

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The Endo TRF any milligram are GARBAGE END OF STORY!! You couldn't pay ME to take them!! Now the generic made by Global are the only ones available. BUT you HAVE to get your doctor to write the script to say OXYMORPHONE then what ever the mg. Is you take. I get 60 30mg ER'S and NO THEY HAVE NO TRF in them thank GOD!! Do you fill at a mom and pop spot or do you go to a mainstream place I'm only asking cause of you go to mom and pop spot you may be LUCKY enough to get the ACTIVIS brand and if you get those their the best ever made!! Other wise you'll get the Global brand,witch I have experienced up' s and down's with them but mostly good things. Please let me know if you have any other questions I'd be glad to help

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i get IMPAX from Cannon Pharmacy and they are better then Global, i mean Global are better then Endo so if i had my choice i take Global over them but i rather have IMPAX. i couldn't believe it when i found this pharmacy and they have my meds so far all the time and i don't have any problems with them. so on my bottle it says IMPAX. :-)

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