Oxycotin Question
UpdatedI have really bad back pain and I have been seeing my doctor for about three years. I have tried just about every med that there is. I finally settled with oxycodone 30mg. It has been a life saver for me. I now can work without pain. Lately, I have been experiencing it not working and that disappoints me because now I am starting to have more pain. Is it possible that I have become used to the medication and it is not working anymore??? Is 30 mg the maximum dose? I am now taking 30mg every 4-6 hours. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas?
Lakeka, unfortunately i had the same issues. After time, it seemed my tolerance for the oxycodone grew, and it became less and less effective. At this point, i take a 40mg oxycotin (which is time release) in the late morning along with my 30mg oxycodone every 4-6 hours. I start off with the oxycodone to help me move when i wake up, and on my next dose i take both....that usually gets me through the day. Some days i don't have to take the oxycotin, so i have them on the days where i need an extra. Talk to your dock about something time release, but make sure you let him know you want to keep the 30mg oxycodone since they seem to be doing the trick. hope this helps.
It is normal for a person to become tolerant to a medication when they have been using the same dosage for a long period of time.
It can happen faster for some people than for others, but it can happen with everything from narcotics to blood pressure medications. When it happens, you usually need a dosage adjustment or a different medication.
Your post title said Oxycontin, so I am assuming you are taking that, which is a time released formulation of Oxycodone. Yes, it is available in higher doses.
You said you are on 30mgs, so there are still dosages of 40, 60 and 80mgs available.
You should speak with your doctor about the problem and discuss your options.
Are there any comments or questions?
What is the difference between oxytocin and oxycodone??? I guess I am confused. My bottle says oxycodone 30 my. Is that different from oxycotin? I just thought it was the generic name. Could someone help me out on this???
Lakeka - there is a BIG difference between the two. Oxycotin is a stronger med. Oxcodone doesn't last long, where Oxycotin does. But just a heads up for you the new Oxycotin OP's don't work. So if you can stay with the oxycodone.
I have heard about the new pills and how they don't work. So I guess I will stick with the ones I have. I have had so much pain that I am now downing three of the pills. This happened when I was taking vicodin also. It started not to work so I changed to the oxicodones. I am scared to go to higher dosages. I do not want to become addicted to these pills. I must say that I do like the feeling it gives which has also decreased with time being on these pills! Hopefully my pain will get better. I have lost some weight and that has helped. Thanks
You definitely build up a tolerence for oxy codone, they work better for instant pain bc they kick in right away, as for oxy contin they are time released, I am in the same boat as you and I end up running out of my script early because 4 a day isnt enough..it sucks bc there sooo addictive..just try to control what you do a day, bc not having any...is a much bigger problem..another thing my doctor also put me on a muscle relaxer Somas and they work well with the oxy codone. talk to your doctor about that
Yeah that is how it is for me. I take two every six hours. I have taken three before because the pain has gotten really bad. If I take three at one time, that is 90 mg and i thought that was a lot but it is the only thing that helps. I thought I was getting addicted at one time because I was taking them and I was gettig happy a lot! So, I dialed back. The pills seem to give me energy and I was able to get a lot accomplished after taking them. So, I did not want to become addicted so I stopped taking them like I was. Now, I do not feel anything when I take them. I think my body is used to them now. Does anyone else feel this way???
First of all there is a big difference between addiction and dependence. You depend on the medicine to help you deal with pain. If you have no pain and are taking the medicine you are addicted. If you are in pain and are taking the medicine you are dependent. I have chronic pain and have been using pain medications forthe past six years. My body builds a tolerance to the Oxy so I switch to Vicodin. When my body develops a tolerance to the Vicodin, I switch back to the Oxy. Tapering off the Oxy while using the Vicodin eliminates withdraw symptoms. My prob is the generic Oxy is not always avail and I don't have health insurance. Thank you greedy pharm company.
Thanks for that. That is what I have done. I ahve switched to Dilaudid and that has helped a little. The oxy's are great because they really help. How long did you have to stay on the vicodin for the oxy's to get out of your system? Vicodin did not work for me so I am trying the Dilaudid. It does not work as good as the oxy's and I have really bad back pain. Some days I just want to lay down and not do anything. That is how bad it gets. When its like that I need the oxy's. When it is just bothering me then I take the Dilaudid.
Paininco - thank you lot CLEARNG up being dependent an being a addict.! I'll make this quick and if there are sprlling mistakes I'll tell you why. Two days ago I had a stroke. NOTHING to do with my oxycotin. My hospital stay knrw of my my condition and REFUSED to give me my oxycotin! Can yiou belirve that? Well it's true and I was in constant pain. I also use an eletronic smoking stick, I want to Quit smoking cig., they told me I couldn'yt use it. It was a no smoking hospital. And wanted me to hand it over, I refused. Thse smoking stick is NOT nicotine, harmless vapers. So there are so mnty ignorent people, whether it comes to a dose of oxytin or even a smoking stick. PEOPLE wake up and discuss something that you know of, Not something that you Know nothuig about!!!
It only takes me ten days to ween myself off the oxy when switching to the vicodin. The last four days are only 1/2 to one tablet. I wonder why the vicodin does not work for you. That would be terrible and I am very sorry for you. Maybe if you tried a combination of muscle relaxer (soma) and the vicodin? I know the feeling of wanting to stay in bed and some days I do that. Try not to be so hard on yourself and remember you did not ask for this and it is not your fault. Does anyone know if or when the generic oxy will be back?
Also, the vicodin does not work as well as the oxy so I am in more pain while on the oxy but it is worth it to break the tolerance my body builds. i think this is better than increasing the oxy strength. Did you injur your back or is it a genetic condition?
I have scroliosis but it is not as bad as it could be. I do not know why the vicodin does not work. It did for a while and then I switche d tot he oxy's and they started to work. Not I think I have built up a tolarance and they are not working as well any more. I am not taking three at one time. sometimes they do their job and sometimes they don't. I am going to the docotor tomorrow so I am trying to figure out what I am going to ask my doctor for. I think I want to higher the oxy dose and take Dilaudid for breakthrough pain. Have you ever taken that? have you taken percoccets? I cannot spell that. Have you ever taken Darvacet? I need help. I am always on my feet and walking so I need something that is going to continue to allow me to do my job. I am a special education director so I do a lot f walking and traveling from different schools. What do you or anyone suggest???
I put Paininco name on the last post instead of Lakeka
So I went to my back doc today and he said my back was all twisted up in knots and spasms so I got a great massage from the nurse! he also gave me this muscle relaxer called Amirex which does not make me sleepy. I got a refil on my oxy 30's and 4 mg's of Dilaudid. My friend is on it and she says it gives her that euphoric feelin. It does not do that for me. Does it do that to any of you?? I would be scared of that!!
ive heard they are changing the roxy 30's the way they changed the oxycontin which does not work for me the roxy 30's do has anyone heard about the changes and if so do you know when hey are planning on putting them on the market
Hi Lakeka. Darvocet doesn't work for me at all. I was taking 20mg Oxycontin twice a day and had to increase to 40-80 mg day when my body became used to it. Thats when I change to Vicodin and Soma (generic Carpisol). Then when i have to start increasing my dosage of Vicodin to more than six a day, I go back to the oxycontin. The Oxy works my better but when the tolerance reaches a certain level, I know it will only be a matter of time before the medication loses all effectiveness so I switch it up. I have to add the Soma to the Vicodin to reach the level of functionality I have with the Oxy. THe Oxycontin is time released so it lasts much longer but it takes a couple of days to level out the pain threshold. Right now none of the pharmacies in my area have the generic Oxycontin so it's $120 for sixty pills which is insane. My understanding is that the pharmacutical company that makes the brand name Oxycontin is filing law suits to prevent other companies from releasing the generic version. It my opinion it is a greed issue. If you have insurance, you should try the Oxycontin. My experience is that i do not have a euphoric feeling, I just have a lower level of pain that is constant instead of spiking pain which is easier to handle. I've never tried Dilaudid and no nothing about it. I have been switching between the Vicodin/Soma and Oxycontin for six years now. It's usually six to eight months before the switch. Now that i do not have health insurance, i am not sure what i am going to do. I refuse to support pharmacutical companies that put profit ahead of patient concern. i'm sure the maker of oxycontin could produce a generic version (other than the Roxy which is not getting good reviews) and still make a profit. i guess $3M in CEO salaries has to come from somewhere. My doctor and i are going to re-evaluate within the next few months and consider new medications to try and address the underlying problem instead of managing the symptoms. For your circumstance, I'm afraid managing the symptoms is your only option. i hope you have a good relationshp with your doctor.
Yeah my body built up a tolerance for the oxy 30's. Now, it does not even work. So what I am trying to do is the same thing you are doing with the dilaudid. I am now taking 12mg of dilaudid twice a day. I am trying to get the oxy's out of my system so that they can work again because when I first started they worked great. It took me forever to find something that worked for my back that did not make me feel sleepy and flighty. The dilaudid is a form of morphine which I heard is addictive but it does not seem to have that effect on me. The only trouble I am having is the withdrawl symptoms from the oxys. It is not as bad when I take the dilaudid. My doctor is great. He really knows how to manipulate my back and make it feel better. He is smart and he cares. He is not one of those doctors who are more concerned with getting you addicted then making sure you are not in pain. He will give you what works because he does not want you in pain. I usually get 168 a month and my co pay is 10. But with the new year coming, our deductable is going to increase again so now I will be paying 65 a month until I reach the deductable. For now, my scripts are free for the rest of the year so I told him to give me all my meds so that I do not have to pay for them for a couple of months. So are you on oxycodone or oxycotin? I am on the codone and I heard it is better than the oxycotins because of what the companies have done to it.
Hey guys I have been following your conversation and I am hoping you don't mind if I join for some advice of my own. I have severe endometriosis, a fused neck as of September, and a gullbladder issue so needless to say I'm in pain all day everyday. My dr. has me on oxycotin 40 mg twice a day and oxycodone 15mg for breakthrough. My dr. Doesn't want me taking the 15 's more than four times a day but I'm taking 10-12. It seems nothing is helping or managing my pain, I am seeing a pain dr. On the 30th and I'm wondering what to ask for help or ask to for the pain control. I think I have a tolerance because I've been using some sort of opiate since July. Any ideas or advice? Thank you!
Hi Lakeka. i used to be on Oxycontin but they stopped working so I switched to the Vicodin and Soma about 45 days ago. I tapered off the Oxycontin by reducing the dosage over a week to ten day period. This way I did not suffer withdrawls. I have had to increase my vicodin dosage over the past two weeks so I know the time is coming i will have to make a change - probably in the next 45 days. If I can find the generic oxycontin. I cannot afford the brand version. THe oxycontin is a time released medication and I really like it. My understanding is that Hydrocodone is the generic version of Vicodin (which is what i use). It contains the same ingrediant in Tylenol (acetaminophen) mixed with codone/codene. When I am on the Oxycontin I usually do not need to take the Soma as well. Right now I take the Vicodin (Hydrocodone) and the Soma. Maybe you need to try a muscle relaxer as well to get off the Oxy.
Most Recent Replies:
Stop talking it now. Pain or not. If you want all your teeth to Roy out and to become mineral deficient, continue taking them. And I'm not trying to be a troll. I've seen what these pills do and it's scary. I have pain too, and I wish I never started taking these pills.
To painico
I started taking one and that was better. Two was knocking me out!! I am still on the oxy also. He just added the soma so that my muscle would relax at night. I would have so much tightning that I could not even sleep. So the soma has helped a lot. I am now trying to lower my dosage of oxy. It is just to hard when I do not take them. When my back is not hurting, I started not taking them and when I had the skin crawling feeling and insomnia, I had no idea of what it was. Then I read about withdrawl symptoms and I new that is what it was. I would like to talk with you privately if that is possible.
Yes, I had that problem when I first started taking Soma. My advice is to cut the pill in half until you body gets used to it. Next, Soma is a muscle relaxer not a pain reliever so it won't do the same thing as the Oxy. I cannot believe your physician prescribed Soma in place of Oxy. When I transition from one pain reliever to another (Oxy to Vicodin), I taper off the Oxy while starting the Vicodin. It takes less than a week to complete the transition and I do not experience withdrawls. The Vicodin is not strong enough to manage my pain so I use the Soma with the Vicodin; however, I do not use the Soma as much when I use Oxy. My recommendation would be to go back to the doctor and address the withdraw problem. Managing the withdrawls and the pain will be miserable. Good luck.
You are in a dangerous situation. What if you accidentally overdose taking all the different medications? You need to go to your doctor immediately and explain what has happened so he/she can help you taper off the Oxycontin. A good doctor will help you.
As mentioned in my previous posts, I have the same problem as does everyone I know taking any type of pain medication. Your body becomes accustomed to the medication and it takes more to achieve the same result. My experience is to alternate medications about every six to eight months. I switch from Oxy (10mg, 4-5 times per day) to Vicodin (500mg 4-5 times per day) with Soma at the same time. It seems to work best for me (for the past five years). Good luck.
There is a difference between addiction and dependence. If you take the Oxycontin to get high, you are addicted and need treatment. If you take it to control pain, you are dependent and need the medication to function. People are dependent on all types of medication - from sleep medication to anti-depressant medication. Narcotics are just more of a focus. Trust yourself.
Hey I have a question for you. My doctor started me on the soma and it just wipes me out. Does it do that to you?? I mean I fall right a sleep!! I am in withdrawl kind of I guess because my body is not used to not having the oxy's. I am trying to get off of them. so basically I am asking two questions. Do you know anything I can do for the withdrawl symptoms??
Hey Doc - I know I'm addicted to these Oxycontin. Didn't ASK to be put on them and didn't know they were so addictive. Thanks for the advise as to HOW to get off them but WHAT am I to do for the PAIN then? I'll keep taking the s**t they are feeding us now cause they don't work and I don't want the pain or the withdrawal! Any suggestions as to what I can take for the pain, if I go through the withdrawal from the oxy's?
This is NOT medical advise, only information for you. Many times, Physicians prescribe Clonidine (Catapres) for Opioid detoxification. As it is a medication, developed for Hypertension, you need to be certain that your blood pressure is not too low, prior to taking this. I don't think they have really figured out WHY this medication helps with Opioid withdrawals, but is is commonly used.
Also, there is Suboxone available for those experiencing withdrawals, but you do need a prescription for both of these medications. Suboxone would make you the most comfortable, but you would have to make an appointment with a physician, certified in prescribing Suboxone.
The Benzos will help, but cannot take away that "crawling out of your skin" feeling. Again, I am not giving you personal, medical advise, but these are common medication used for Opioid withdrawal.
Try and get an appointment with a Suboxone, Certified Prescription Physician in your area. It is by far the best answer for any Opioid withdrawal. If you do not, or cannot see a Suboxone Physician, try the Clonidine (Catapres). It comes in tablets, or skin patches. Again, it is extremely important that you are not taking too much to suppress your blood pressure.
I hope this helps! Either way, you are pretty much dependent on a prescription. Any physician can write for Clonidine. Suboxone is a bit more difficult and expensive, but will mostly get rid of your withdrawal symptoms.
Hello group I need your help. I went and used my oxycodone pills up and I cannot refill them until a week or two. I got my wisdom teeth pulled and I used them for that also. Now I am having some withdrawl symptoms and it is horrible. Is there anything I can do to get through this? I have valium and zanex and soma but the soma knocks me out! I cannot take that. Please help if you can. Thanks
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