Oxycontin Profuse Sweating (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been on oxycontin for about 11 years for pain management. I take 80 to 100 mg per day in 20-30 mg doses orally. In the last couple of years I have developed a severe sweating problem...I will break into a sweat for no reason sometimes but usually upon any sort of stimulation physical or mental. I just went for a 10 minute walk and my shirt is soaked through...even the sleeves. If I play a set of music with my band, at the end of 40 minutes, I look like I stood in a shower with my clothes on. Is this normal as a side effect of oxycontin use? Anyone else experience anything like this?
Been on pain med school for 4 years. Currently on 400 mg a day. I know a lot. I wake up in 3 or 4 times a night and pillow is soaked with sweat. I have to wash them constantly bc they get soaked then dry then soaked then dry and just gross. I get sweats during the day as well. Sucks. Lot of comments here but no solution s. Are there any? Or we just have to live with this
Suboxone is a pill used to wean people off of opiates (narcotics). It works WONDERS! Now there is also a drug called Vivatrol(?) that is used along with Suboxone to help your body heal. The Suboxone will help you until you get all the opiates out of your system, then the Vivatrol (one injection once a month) will block any receivers in your brain and body from craving them. They are both miracle drugs! Best of luck man!!
I take OxyContin and have terrible sweats .. Just sitting and have to wear girdle and binder -abdominal wall ripped out by seat belt -2 hours after taking wham ! Sweats for sure -doctor said could be screwing with my hormones but wasn't for sure Short acting oxycodone doesn't make me sweat like the long ( ha ha sure not 12 hour ) slow release -I'm a woman and sorry guys but I guess it's not just menopause but we all have hormones -man the shower sweats and temps above 65 suck -but I sweat sweat sweat -thanks for the keep hydrated reminder!
Steve -I didn't post not helpful but personally I'm a chronic pain gonna die of my injuries would like to do it without sweating like o just stepped out of the shower and you're posting about getting off narcotics -I have to have them to move or have the will to keep living -suboxin isn't approved as a pain reliever just blocks me receptors to reduce withdrawal symptoms from narcotics , then you have to get off it and deal with those withdrawal symptoms -so off topic so ... Not helpful -but hey -happy it can help if you need to get off the meds ! Not trying to be mean
I've been on them several years with no rotting teeth. I believe you may be prone to soft teeth, lack of calcium maybe?
Omg,YES,YES!!!I can't take a five minute walk without looking like someone poured a few glasses of water on me,this pain medication is great on my serve pain management, but whathell I have to pay with all this sweating,I hate it!!!!
soboxin is used to ween off of prolonged narcotic usage. i to will be in that boat when time comes to get off of these narcotics but there use in recovery is essential to getting stronger . btw ive been threw 4 back surgeries 1 lamectomy and caught mrsa in the hospital so i know a thing or two about pain and this topic... ugh hang in there bro it gets better .. there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi folks,
I too suffer terrible day and night sweats from using oxycontin MR and oxycodone instant release for chronic pain. Been on them about 9 yrs.
I was looking on this site for suggestions and then others. I read on healthcentral that one of the doctors was prescribing hydroxyzine (Vistaril) to her patients because it is an antihistamine, and she also said that many opioid side effects such as nausea, itchiness, headaches, and sweating seem to respond to the hydroxyzine. She also mentioned that reducing the dosage or switching meds may be the best option if the pain med's side effects are worse than the pain itself. I intend to speak with my doctor about it.
I don't see why so many ppl said your post was unhelpful! Just my two cents but the only thing I can think of is that you didn't talk much about remedy sweatiness from oxy, however I wouldn't go so far to say that you were unhelpful! Don't let it bother u, I don't see a problem
Hi, Ive posted on here before and i just noticed some comments about Oxycontin, Hydromorphone, etc causing TEETH to become soft and even rot in some cases ? Has anybody experienced this ? Ive taken a high dosage of these pain meds for over 14 years now and besides some constipation headaches, and sweating problems, ive noticed my teeth are becoming soft and ive lost 1 due to it. I dont want to lose my darn teeth obviously but the pain meds are a mandatory for the rest of my life thanks to severe chronic CRPS (Chronic regional pain syndrome ) and Chronic Osteo-arthritis and Tendonitis. If anybody has any info or advice regarding these teeth issues and if these pain meds are possibly creating it, Please reply to me, i would be very appreciative. Thank you.
Also if anybody has any questions about taking pain meds for pain control i would be happy to help anyway i can. After 14+ years on them, and many others and dealing with every angle regarding pain and chronic pain injuries, doctors, diagnostics, side effects, etc etc i have a good spectrum of info i can offer to anybody maybe needing some help.
Yes oh my God I am pig sick of these sweats from head to toe morning noon and night. I have to keep changing my clothes and bedding my hair is constantley wet it literally runs off my arms legs back chest face head it is driving me crazy I hate going out in public and have to carry a handkerchief to dry my face.. someone must know how to control this I have been taking oxycontin for 6years for fibromyalgia.......please help me I've just about had it.
Oh my heavens...the hair! I sleep with a fan on high every day and night of the year. I am sitting at my PC now with a fan plugged into it so I can actually see - the sweat fogs up glasses. I have been on Oxy for 11 years. Started at 360mg a day and after six surgeries and a neuromodulation device implant am down to 140mg a day. They are going to take me down another 20mg, but it won't stop the sweating. I always look like I have just gotten out of the shower and have taken to wearing caps or hats to hide my hair. Which is nuts because the hats make it worse. What can you do Though???
Hello my name is matt. im an injured fdny firefighter and have been on oxycontin and codone for 2 yrs now. I am a sweater normally, being a bigger guy. My friends call me a polar bear because im in shorts all times of the year. But these sweats have almost gotten so bad where i am afraid to go out because i dont want people who dont understanding judging me in any way, it causes an anxiety problem and a social anxiety problem as well... what to do? it's only my facial area. i wish i could spread deoderant all over my face so it wouldnt sweat but that would just be ridiculous and my wife would probably place me in a psych ward lol. Can i control this? Please help..
I've heard both sides of the use of Suboxone, but for the most part, people stated that it saved their lives because the dependency on Oxycontin became overwhelming inasmuch as they always had to have more to ease their pain. I've heard that some claim Suboxone helps them with their pain as much as any opiate. Everyone is different. I suppose one would have to give it a try before one can really know if any drug works for their problems. I intend to give it a try next month because I am so sick of being dependent on these meds. I'm sick of worrying about if I have enough and always feeling like I'm going through withdrawals well before the time to take them again. I hate it.
you know im sick of it also its like a second job
Yes! I am in the process of spending 15k to repair my decaying teeth. Because of these same meds I cannot have dentures due to dry mouth. MY dentist has systematically been rebuilding my teeth while I sit in that chair and he's has done wonders, but why should I have to go through that? I thought it was bad enough always feeling like I live through withdrawal symptoms and profuse sweating, but now soft enamel on my teeth has caused me to rethink these meds which is exactly why I am going to ask or beg my pain mgmt doctor to get me off of them. I would rather live with the pain and truthfully, they are not working any longer anyhow.
I know this is an old post, i too take C!! meds and i think they make me sweat although it could be from a cyst on my pituatary gland, your s could be hormonal. ive had my hormones checked to make sure and i drink lots of water too
Oh my god I timed out on the reply of all replies to you Matt. Just gonna do it quickly again.
1. Banana Boat sunblock "sport coolzone" made in USA not sure if sold there. Fantastic to stop sweats for a limited time. It is sweat resistant but in me for some reason it stops me sweating for a short period.
2. Cooling Pillow Pad for either on top of your pillow or just under the pillow slip. Has a cooling effect by drawing away the heat from your head.
3. Bandanas - not sure what you call them there. (Like the gangs use on the tv) You put the cloth in water, wring out as much water as you can and put in the fridge or freezer. When you feel the sweat coming tie around your neck with the majority of the cloth at the back of your neck (there is a zone there that controls heat). It will help cool you down but may not stop the sweating.
4. Small personal fans. I have ones that plug in the wall, into the computer - heck into anything. Position it so it is always on you and then others won't b**** about being blown onto.
Hope this helps a little. It is not a solution, rather a way of living with it. If you need the drugs you need them. If you are on slow release you shouldn't have withdrawals and if you are having withdrawals you need to be on a higher dose. Or have more prn meds in between. It took me nearly 5 years to sort my meds out. I have gone from 360mg per day oxy to 140mg per day and cut all codeine out. Getting there but still need the meds for the pain.
My boyfriend has always sweat like that ,with hardly any exertion, just walking in the cold.
But while he was taking oxycodone , he would never sweat. The oxy work in reverse fort him. I am wondering what that is all about.
Now he's off the oxy and started sweating at the dip of a hat again. Crazy
A good study could be involved.
I too have a parallel experience and when I spoke with my pain mgmt physician he stated that if I had just begun experiencing these sweats that it is highly unlikely to be from the medication. He suggested I ask my primary care physician to look into it.
I don't know about you, but other than being on these meds for pain, I have no other health problems. I wondering now if perhaps these meds have caused other problems that have not been diagnosed. It's a scary thought for sure.
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