Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 7)
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I've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP

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April 5, 2010 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Purdue Pharma L.P.'s New Drug Application for a reformulation of OxyContin® (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) Tablets.

The reformulation has met FDA criteria for bioequivalence to the original formulation, which means there is no significant difference in the rate and extent of absorption of the therapeutic ingredient.

While similar in appearance to the original formulation, the reformulated tablets have a different marking (OP) than the currently marketed tablets (marking OC) and the 60 mg and 80 mg tablets are slightly larger in size than the currently marketed tablets.

Purdue elected to reformulate OxyContin® to be bioequivalent to the original formulation and in an effort to make the tablet more difficult to manipulate for the purpose of intentional misuse and abuse, however, there is no evidence that the reformulation of OxyContin is less subject to misuse, abuse, diversion, overdose or addiction.

Product Shipment
The Company expects to begin shipping all dosage strengths of the reformulated product (10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg) to distributors and pharmacies during the third quarter of 2010, at which time Purdue will cease shipping the original formulation.

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April 5, 2010 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Purdue Pharma L.P.'s New Drug Application for a reformulation of OxyContin® (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) Tablets.

The reformulation has met FDA criteria for bioequivalence to the original formulation, which means there is no significant difference in the rate and extent of absorption of the therapeutic ingredient.

While similar in appearance to the original formulation, the reformulated tablets have a different marking (OP) than the currently marketed tablets (marking OC) and the 60 mg and 80 mg tablets are slightly larger in size than the currently marketed tablets.

Purdue elected to reformulate OxyContin® to be bioequivalent to the original formulation and in an effort to make the tablet more difficult to manipulate for the purpose of intentional misuse and abuse, however, there is no evidence that the reformulation of OxyContin is less subject to misuse, abuse, diversion, overdose or addiction.

Product Shipment
The Company expects to begin shipping all dosage strengths of the reformulated product (10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg) to distributors and pharmacies during the third quarter of 2010, at which time Purdue will cease shipping the original formulation.

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Prude need to understand that people are suffering and the women on the phone is not the one that makes the calls of whats to come.

I have talked to prudue and have left messages and wrote emails, I got people from Prudue all of the sudden start calling me and I have refused to answer any of there calls

I am going to just let the courts handle itPrudue doesnt realize what they have done to people
Put it this way that Prudue is negligent of breaching Implied warrantyy of merchenabilty
They have failed to excersize due care in the production of it Merchendise and has failed to provide a product that was once fit for its intended purposes as there action has caused injury as a result.
Excuse my spelling errors , but there are lawsuits that are going to start coming up in the near future
Dont call prudue call a Lawyer
It will not stop our suffering but it will keep prudue in court again over Oxycontin as we cant make Prudue do anything , but we can get the media attention as it did when people where abusing it and it was the talk of the country how Addicts and junkies have misused this drug .
Now Its Time to tell the world That we the ones suffering are victims because Prudue wanted to stop abuse but did not care about we who take it as prescribed and it has been a wonder drug, now its making us deathly ill in many cases and we are suffering
The Drug may never come back to how it was, but It should be taken off the market completely as its Poison to many of us

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Today i called Purdue. The gal i talked with must have ice running through her veins. I know i read Purdue's statement that delivery of oxycontin was 18% 23& yet she declared this was not true. In fact Purdue made no studies regarding the time release just the length of time it continued to work..12 hour's.
Also she said there will be no old formula made..period! sigh and if we patient's don't like it then we can talk to our doctor's and get something else. She also claimed those making complaints beleive this will cause Purdue to go back to old formula and it aint gonna happen. How can someone take patients concern's and complaint's and state they are only doing so to 'manipulate' Purdue. Do you feel that is a little 'nut's'? They refuse to even consider that their new 'wonder drug' may have serious flaw's.

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And how's this those abusing the drug Oxycotin, have already found a way to abuse the new OPs with microwaving them and still can use a needle. So Purdue will not lose money will they. I tell you, were the only ones being hurt all the way around..Keep records of this incase needed for a Class Action Law Suit, which has to be in the months to come.

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You have hit it on the head, And I do believe that another Opana Er has the same idea. They both have added gells which allows the patent to not go to generics. Purdue and I think Endo is for Opana ER if all of us check I also believe that the IR's are either having something added or are off the market? So this is another way to Sue the Millions out of these industries that play with our quality of life.

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What's incredible about this whole issue is test studied did show the new op's deliver less oxycondone per hour than new (am repeating myself) so patients who have started on their new painpill are going through withdrawl's..It's interesting that Purdue's patent on their oxycontin was due to expire ,thus this 'new formualtion'. They now have another 10 years before a generic can be offered. Is it 10 years? or 5..can't remember.I am all for a painkiller that cuts down abuse but please let it be effienct in it's delivery, not make so many ill! I just don't know what to beleive anymore due to so many rumors. I honestly didn't realise oxycontin was so abused to the extent it is.It is disconcerting to go to web forums and read patients ..no shame whatsoever who are now griping they can no longer snort..crush inject their oxycontin..they state after they leave the dr's office they can do anything they want with their pain med's. If they want to crush..then darn it that's what they are going to do. Do they not care that if they overdose..the D.E.A goes after their doctor with a vengence and can lose his entire carer. Simply because he had compassion and wanted to releive his patient's suffering. I lost count from all those who stated they abused their oxycontin. Has the world gone 'mad'?!!These patients who abuse meds don't give a rat's a.. about you and me who respect our medics and take our med's correctly..they couldn't care less.

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i have had 2 back suregrys *** an each time it got even more painful. went to pain clinic for six yrs, got shots after shots..had nevers burnt going to my brain to tell me there was no longer pain in that spot bull sh** that didnt work .i finally found a dr. that cared and new i was really in pain he put me on 30mg oxycodone. 2 times a day an80 mg oxycotin 2 times a day .they didnt give me a high in my head but they did in my life ifelt light i could live again. i could make myself a sandwish with out crying.an guess what with the new 80op here i go again.more pain than i fill like i can ***** take . please help what do i do my dr might think i'm, mad just because u cant snort them .i just wont something 4 pain

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May i please share what God tells us in His word? Jesus says that 'by grace are you saved by faith in Jesus Christ,not of works lest any man should boast.it is a free gift. We all do not know the time we have on this earth..Jesus says 'the wages of sin is death..But the gift of God is eternal life in Him. He paid for every sin of ours when He died on the cross..past present and future. And i also know He can heal..restore..and give life. I know of patients with cancer who were told they had 2 month's to live..that was 4 years ago. Doctors were astounded as they found the orginal cancer had melted and the mestasis dyed off. Where there is faith in the promises of God there is healing and grace and peace that passes all understnading. I pray that all of you facing cancer..that God heals and restores you. May God bless everyone of you.

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chemistry.79..yes polyethene glycol is in many things..toothpaste..yes..but one doesn't ingest polyenthene in the amount we get in the new op's. The truth is with the overload of many of the questible substances in op's and other thing's we are threatening our health..the rate of cancer has grown exponentially with all the substances we ingest. I try and eat organically..and anything i ingest i make certain it has no or very minute additives.I feel sorry for one who read's the concern and pain and feels the need to ridicue them. iYour loggin in here is suspect .Are you just having a bad day or do you get your kicks out of making fun of those who are suffering?

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We who are suffering because of this new formula are suffering more then any addicts would know, we have not taken this medication for a high as when ones in so much pain there is no high involved just relief of our suffering.
The ones who snort it and abuse it are the ones that has given prudue a excuse to do this to us the ones That take it as prescribed.
I do not think its funny when one starts joking about this or upset because they cant snort it or abuse it any longer
We Just want to be able to help control our pain not catch a Buzz
Instead we have been poisoned so the addicts cant use it any longer and that has made it Bad medicine for us who have found it once to help us live somewhat of a pain free life

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they should make you have the runs if you crush em haha

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someone said omg it has polyethylene glycol..... so does toothpaste

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This is so wrong!!!!! I have fibromyalgia, and degenerative joint disease throughout my entire body, so I am in pain 24/7/365 and have been on Oxycontin for over 15 years! THIS NEW CRAP IS NOT THE SAME NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY!!! As it is the old formula was just putting a damper on my pain, this new stuff isn't even touching my pain and I have had bad side effects from it since I got my script filled on the 25th of September, headaches, constipation nausia to the point i don't even want to eat at all!!! Yes I know some do abuse them, but why should WE WHO
DON'T AND NEED THEM SUFFER!!!!!! I will now have to go back to my doctor to see about finding something else to take because I can't keep going on like this, I am at the point of just wanting to bite a bullet and end all my pain for good, I guess you could say that my depression is greater now too!!!! I a sure hope the one who talked about a class action suit is right as I will be one of the first to sigh up for it that is IF I AM STILL HERE!!!!

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May God comfort you in your pain and may your journey be a peaceful one
May you find a warmth and love of knowing people do care and that you have no pain and only peace when He comes to call you home
I dont know you but My heart aches that you are suffering so much, When the angles come and take you in there wings where a new life will begin where there is no pain and no more sorrow as there will be a new tomorrow .
God Loves you and waits to welcome you back home as you will never be alone
God Bless you
I am so sorry for that you have had to suffer so much

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I think all this since the change in OP and my constant pain (Terminal Cancer), all I've been reading and stress over what to do, side effects, should not be on this Web Page at all to make matters worse. I just wrote Sound Off and after another research I was directed to a web page and hence this post. I may have overstated some things and should have counted to 10 b4 posting. I went to. The FDA web page and read an article on FDA and DEA and all involved with this epidemic of drug abuse. Although I do not like this new drug, and some side effects, I do have to think before I put someone down just because I am in the dark and not very trusting. I am also in so much pain, 24/7 its very hard to be objected and at the same time can't change a thing no matter what. I Pray a lot that God will find a cure for this Cancer, if not in my time but in my grandsons and will count on God from now on to guide me and show me what to do. I am sorry we are all going thru aloy and want, not to offend anyone, But God is the only answer. I just read a report where the Fda and others are aware that Cancer patients are not getting the pain relief they need and it is a big problem. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired, iget caught up in things that only worsens the pain and finding out the only drug to help has or maybe has been compermised to where I am having problems, side effects, just didn't need all this and want to get back to some normacy and see Oncologist in a couple weeks and just see what happens when I see him. I know to those who believe, Prayer works and God can and will help us. I will not be posting again, I'm letting go of all this, Cancer feeds on stress and I just don't want that nor to waist anymore of my precious time. Just believe God is MY answer and that's that. Drug abuse is an awful thing, I even am sometimes affraid to pick up my prescription, watch all around me hoping no one know what I have and get mugged, so I don't even let people what I have, like I said, Drug Abuse has and is ruining lives even to the innocence, like me and you. Didn't mean to go on, but wanted to say good luck to all who are honest about what they are saying. Hope you all have a happy ending and file those reports to FDA it is important they know and turn in those abusers if you know of any, they need something in life and trying to find happiness by abusing anything is not the way, God is, and with that said, God Bless. Bye bye!

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I say you hit this one on the nose
You have wrote what I have but put it much better, but who is listening to us who cares? They care more about the abusers the Junkies then they do the ones That are suffering daily and when will the first death come from this new formula, and what will they blame it on, will they say It was our illness that caused our death even though we had our pain somewhat under control until the changed the formula.
Then how about the ones that cant take the pain any longer and may commit suicide because they cant find another medication to control their pain, will they say hey they where just crazy. No one knows whats to come we all who depended on this medication are all in the same boat and its sinking, who is going to throw us a life perserver.

WE need some media attention and just maybe that will help to get the word out that patients are being deprived of their medication, How can they call this oxycontin any longer , It needs a new name as its not Oxycontin does the OP stand for Oral poison as I know the OC was for Oxycontin.
This drug has ben reformulated where it is making us deathly ill The original formula did not do this it was a medication that helped so many of us, but the Abusers and Junkies are more important then we who suffer from a legitimate condition Thats why the oxycontin was produced for us whom need it
Is there a FDA approval on Oxyposion as There is no way this new formula is Oxycontin there is nothing about it that even gives us the results we had from the original formula so how can this be the same drug
Our Best bet is to get Media attention to this I did write one reporter from wall street but never got a reply, I will keep trying and will do what I can, The abusers the Junkies got so much Media attention with this drug but we who suffer have got nothing but the run around making it seem like we all our crazy
I hope someone is reading this and I will talk to anyone who cares about us and let them know we the innocent are being used as Lab rats and again whats going to happen when this becomes fatal to someone will this be broadcasted around the country.
I Think The Media is our best bet and there is enough of us to prove that this new formula not all they say it is

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I want to know who Governs the FDA? Who do they take orders from, who do they answer to? Another thing, you mean to tell me, to stop drug abuse, this was the answer? Take a 2 year study, and what kind of people and where did they come up with these people to take study on. Who were they? Are we allowed a copy of this report and what these people had to say. I mean really people, we need to wake up. This is just another TEST on us, see what happens to us, what this new formula will do with the ones that have a desease or forwhatever reason out DOCTOR put us on this type of medication. It is only to be used or perscribed for long term Chronic Pain relief and we all have a medical History, so when your Dr gave you this med and knows you then how did it so happen to become, since 2008 so they say, the most abused drug in the US. Are you kidding me, give me a break. So they did a two year study, that would be UMmm, 2008? Or when was study done since abuse, bad abuse in 2008, this is 2010, am I wrong or does this add up? This is just one more STUDY and we all, who are NOT abusers are there experiment, or that's how I feel. With all the FDA controls and deals with, how did this drug become so important to be change to stop abuse. They, FDA, can't even stop us from getting poisened by EGGS, not to mention Baby Formula recall, Tylenol poisen, Denture Creme, lettuce, on and on and on. I guess when all those things getting by the FDA, they were busy trying to stop drug abuse of ONE drug. Good Lord, do you realize what all is being abused these days? I really don't have a lot to list because I Do not abuse anything, except Ciggs and I know they have done their best to help the Surgion General with that problem, yeah right. I may not know a heck of a lot, but I know what makes sense to me and these stories coming out and reactions or the absent of any at all, well its just doesn't make sense. With all the problems with deseases and us being poisened by who knows what, but that's not important, we have to stop abuse of Oxycontin, those poor abusers, I feel so sorry for you, if you are still alive, and the familys of these abusers, they or someone had to know, so how did it become such a problem to cause this much of a problem for us that have Chronic Pain and our Drs saw fit that this was all we had with the help with breakthru meds to help us and they knew our situation and desease or sickness they chose this to be best, and knowing us that well gave willingly knowing we would not nor are we abusers. Is this a test? We don't have anyone else out there, with the POWER and Knowledge to stop the abuse of a drug and have that much Faith in the FDA to let them handle it? Are you people in charge CRAZY or just don't care? I know the FDA controls the approval of drugs, but who controls their decisions? When did the FDA become an advocate, if that the right word for drug abusers? I thought that is why we pay govenment agency to allocate who does what and undercover police, why could they not stop the abuse? Why go the way they did? I mean the FDA is messing up so BAD these days I am shocked at all this, but that good ole USof A, what are these special DEA agencys doing right now? Sitting back giving the job to FDA because they can't handle it, well if you can't handle it get some NEW DEA people who are willing to protect us and stop ALL abuse. My gosh, I thought it was what taxes were paying for, evidently the head of DEA can't handle it and called in the big dogs, FDA, well you go boys, turn YOUR job over to someone that can't even stop food poisining and all the other stuff being recalled as I speak. Well, guess if the right person reading this, they aint happy, but would like a feed back. What yall think? FDA or DEA????????????

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I have called Prudue Numerous times now they are calling me back and I am not going to return there calls any longer They are not doing anything but trying to pick our brains for some reason It sounds as Its The PR staff calling , how much can I tell them but what I have told them before. Have contacted The FDA and have gotten nowhere

Prudue is making The original formula for canand but the only difference it has a Magnesium compound in it that The FDA wont approve. Many people take Magnesium nut the FDA will not allow it but will allow this epoxy
All we can do is just keep writing and contacting everyone we think may help

I feel here come another lawsuit as Prudue has had there share, but a law suit and no amount of money is going to help our suffering is not going to give us the pain relief we have had, I am a poor man but when one has to suffer with severe pain Money doesnt mean a whole lot, I could have sued many times over in my life but I felt a law suit was never a answer to my condition
I just wanted to be able to live my life with the less pain
Living with these head pains for over 20 plus years being told I am a rare patient as there is only ahndful of people that suffer from Multiple head pains as this 24/7 but thats only whats reported, The Oxycontin gave me hope and was the best help in combination with my other meds to give me the best relief
all the money in the world wouldnt help as how could any of us enjoy it when we have to deal with the pain we have,
I do not know where to go from hee but just to keep doing what we are doing and hope for the best

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Clay, when I went to restroom, same results here with stool and when I used to be constipated, ( Dr gave me prescription of the same ingredient in new OPs, poly glcol something) but have not had to use it. I got the OPs back on the 7th, not knowing of the change I read insert and its was same, looked on internet, and that's when I got this Web site and can not believe all this. I am on 80mg, every 8 hrs with breakthru 5mg other and really can tell the difference in all kinds of ways, the main thing, pain, since I had Cancer, Metastatic Desease, so no cure and now this? They say Oxycontin is the best, or was, for Chronic Cancer Pain and what we will do now no one knows. My Oncologist is the best, been taking Chemo every week for two yrs. After Radiation and going thru that pain, that does come back, but mine is in bone and bone marrow and other places, could go on but just would like to know why our stools would be like that and it has to be the new formula, because I don't have to take the other, since having regular bowel movements. I can't understand why when we are complaining that the new formula is not doing like old formula because they say its only change was to prevent abuse, and why would people say we are going thru withdrawals, why would they say that? I take every eight hrs, so meds getting in my systems but it just doesn't work on my pain like before. I'm dying, I would not lie! I did a research on the difference and on this and it clearly states, in the trials there was a decrease in how much pain meds we are getting than we did on the other OCs, its right there, FDA report, percentage of pain release is less and takes longer to take effect and new formula is causing all our problems with OPs. Anyway, just wanted you to know you are not crazy, the way my bowel movement is described to the tee with yours. I even thought my Cancer was in my Colon now, but had my Pet Scan on the Cancer sites in my body, this keeps a check on whether Cancer growing since its very aggressive and since no cure and not much study on it, the Cancer is smart and can move so fast. Oh well, guess I've lived with this for two years, maybe I can Pray my way thru it. Even with this much meds, I have not been without pain and the Dr says take one day at a time. I have heard of new study on Chronic Pain and researching being done for something new to help and get off OPs period. I really can't believe all I am reading and learning why this change was made, Drug Abuse, well hope those are happy now and the ones who in pain, STILL, are not the abusers, there Dr could tell first of all you idiots who call us the abusers and going thru withdrawals, well walk one day in my shoes, God will fight my battle and for all who are still abusing will answer to him as we all will in the end, and the way this world is going, He is not happy, I Pray everyday we all will find some relief with all new drugs coming out. My life is too short to deal with this and know there will be an answer soon, very soon! God help us all and have mercy on the ones causing all this needless pain. I also don't think a two year study was enough to say this would be safe. I wonder what this new formula mixes with my Chemo. My Chemo doesn't give me as much side effects than this new OP. I am documenting and telling my family about what is going on, to keep eye on me. I am so sick with the Cancer didn't need sickness along with a pain med. And they said this was, WAS, the best treatment for Cancer pain, now what. I talked to my Cancer Group, the ones whose Cancer has Metastasized and no cure and plenty not happy and the experts in our group are working hard to find some answers. OCs are gone, but another Pharma Co is gonna pick up and make a lot of money, I hope and really am Praying HARD with Gods words in the Bible and he will not let us down. God bless you all and just hang in there, tAke your meds as you are directed and stay strong. Thanks for the info to all! Hope help will come soon! If we stand together, Pray, the Bible say when two or more are in agreement, our Prayers will be answered, and believe!!!!

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