Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 3)
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I've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP

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The only one they say they work for are the people that work for purdue posing as cpp they are telling u a lie

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Good question, some people so they say are fine with the new OP. They have changed the outer coating with a plastic material that cannot be tampered with, as well as the filler that holds it together. The company claims the exact dosage is the same and that most likely is true. But it does not dissolve the old way and therefore is not as effective. Most people who started this when it was OC are getting sick from the medicine not getting in to there system in the way it did. My doctor is going to make a change for me on Monday since I am sick real sick from it. Not sure if I am sick because of withdrawals or it is the new filler.

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I was on the OC 160 mg twice a day for over 8 years until the OP came out same issues as everyone else mine changed in June and one of the first to get sick off them and I mean sick
I was switched to Opana even though it took some time to get through the withdralws from the OC, The New Ops are just poison , and I feel in the future many of us is going to suffer from what they have done to them.

They may have stopped the abuse but they sure have put a hurting on everyone that has taken them as prescribed and that relied on them to have some relief from their pain

They need to pull them like they have Pulled Darvon It took decades before they admitted Darvon has been killing patients,damaging patients Hearts They need to pull the OP before its to late and people start dying from them
No Use of calling Prudue or the FDA we have all done it and they are still selling this poison

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No insurance.

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Is that $$$ covered by insurance??

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I did see the Doctor and had my blood work done. He did switch me over to the Opanas 40mg ER 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. I also was prescribed opana IR 10mg 4 times a day for BT pain. I really like these new pain relievers. They really take care of the pain as well if not better than the Old OC's. I lost the head aches and the stomach issue's along with the withdraw feelings. They did at first make me tired but I had pretty good energy levels today. They are starting to really work now I think. They are VERY expensive. But cheaper than the Oxy OP's....120- 40mg ER opana's were $1574.00. less than the OC's that were $1683.00 for the same amount. Unfortunately I dont see the Doctor again until Feb 11th. I will get a copy of the new blood work test results. I have a copy of my old one the nurse made for me from July 2010. I will post the new vs the old when I get them for all the people that dont believe what we are saying about this new formula in the OP's. Good luck to all of you.

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Please , if you can, I really am very interested in those results myself. For me , I can not take these new one's because of what they have added. Threw them up, broke out in large lumps, size of dimes and a few quarters on my head ,face, under my arms and they were very painful. Something added that my body said NO very strongly too and of course not enough product in my body put me into withdrawls for threwing them up. Seems like little jelly packs holding on to product also. These Oxy Poison, Putty, Plastic "OP",s hidden name is very bad of alot of us. I have been put threw the ringer twice from other drugs Dr. tried me on WITHDRAWLS never again will they do that to me. Lawyer time!next. But try 30mg IR oxycodone, much better but of course I need only one more threw day and I only get 4 in 24 hour time. For you you may need much more but they should last 4- 4 1/2 hours of great pain relief and without the dosing of bad chemistry additives. Please let me know what difference your blood level difference will be. It will be very mind opening for a Class Action Law Suit Lawyer to gather up.

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I ve got a call into my Doctor… No one told me of this change from OC to OP. I filled a new prescription on 1/13/11 60mg twice a day, and started taking them as usual. After the first day I was so tried and stated having treble headaches, still having them. Very sick now stomach shacking no sleep and back in pain. I always watched the daily instructions and never deviated from it. Today my wife gave me my pill and I noticed it looked different I thought it was the wrong medicine and called the pharmacy, they told me the drug was reformulated to stop people from shooting and crushing the pills… I ve been sick all week and just figured this out. I have no OC’s left only the new OP brand and boy I am sick. I don’t know if I should take it or not?? I don’t know how much sicker I’ll get. Someone should of told me before this happened and I would have gotten off.

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I can see that most of you chronic pain patients are having the same side affects as me. I have never ever abused my prescription. I have been taking the Oc pills for over 7-8 years now and I have never ever felt so sick and crappy. These new OP pills make me so sick that I have NO choice but to switch my med's to something that will work for me again. The new formula may work for some of you...But my body wont metabolize this new formula. I signed a opiate contract with my Doctor a few years ago that states I have to bring my pills in for a count and drop a urine test anytime of the day or week. These are contracts that most Doctors are making CPP do to cover there a$$'s. It is the Dr. Office policy now. I have NO problem in doing so. Over the last 8 years I have been called in 1 times. I was fine on the opiate levels and my pill count. I was tested last July or Aug for opiate levels "Blood Work" and I am going in on Wed to see the Doc. I will take the same dose's 2 80mg in the morning and 2 80mg in the afternoon. The same I was taking before this blood test in July or Aug just to really see for myself. His nurse told me that they have the old results from my blood work and they will test opiate levels again to see wtf is really going on. The nurse told me that there are several other CPP in there practice that have been complaining about the new formula not working for them. He is going to switch me to Opana to try out...I think that the only way we can get though this is to find a pain pill that will work in the way that the old OC's did for me. I refuse to take something that cost that kind of money and it doesn't work for me like it used to.Let alone make me feel like crap all the time now. The best thing we all can do is find a new pain pill and leave the Purdue Pharma garbage alone. They can choke on that crap they are putting out there. I will post my opiate levels when I get them back just to prove that they don't work and DO NOT have the same amount of opiate's in them as the old OC's. I don't care what anyone say's. They DO NOT have the same effect's or the same amount of opiates in them period. I haven't woke up in the middle of the night from withdraws and sweating and the pain ever like I have in the past few months. I urge all of you NOT to buy these new OP's and be up front and honest with your Doctors. We can all take care of this problem if we all stick together and refuse to buy them. That is the only way this will wake a company like Purdue Pharma up and listen to us. I don't think they will ever change back and I really don't care if they do. I will still go on in life and I hope you all will do the same. Boycott the new Oxycontin OP pills. This will hurt them...Just like I hurt..If you go out to eat and the food just sucks. Do you refer them and go back? Hell no! If you buy something from a store and it is junk...Do you buy the same product or refer to family and friends ? Don't think so...No difference here. Bad product & bad customer service = going out of business.. That's how we win this is by sticking together on this and refusing to buy them...They aren't going to get any better.. Trust me on this one here...Best of Luck to you all :)

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i'm 68 the 10n of jan..I have had pain a long time,at 24 i hit a tree on the way home from working at the coldwater hospital. I had 3 children 3,4,5 yrs old. i had my legg cut allmost off ,my face remaid and had a heart attack from not being able to breath from problems from my face and breathing is hard for me to do ,at night special ly.,now i had to have a knee repkacement and it is painfull allways,their is not the normal bons their to do the right job. and pain is unspeakable,i need the other one done now ,the lighter went thru this one. i tore my legg up trying to get out of the car. the doors were all locked. the window was broken in big sharp peicies which tore up my good legg. . I have had 3 back surgeries .,one took 15 hrs and i darn near died with my kids and husband and pastors at my bedside,i couldnot get enough air to breath again and i'm a blessed person to be writing to youall. i woke up ,just as the dr told my family i was going to be in the care unit all night ,i woke up and tore the tube that was up my nose ,out so i could breath again, i had told the dr i was like that but he didnot listen. and i guess he had to put the tube in and was killing me. i'm so glad god brought me out of it and i could save my own life.$85.00 dollars for that 1 surgery.my family are christians,thank God. i'm sure that is why i'm still here.God isnot done with me yet. I have a rider and the cans that take 2 to use. knee braces.back braces neck braces feet braces that i have a hard time getting them on my self and have to do with out a lot of them for i don't have anyone to help me get them on and i don't want to go to a nursing home. my bowels and bladder do not work right and i take 19 meds p lus many off the counter.hell is what it is too live if i stop and think about it.I cry myself to sleep many a night because i don't want my kids to see me or know. my poor husband tries and he has skin cancer. He is very nervous ,he has so much to do,so i try to help him but i don't do a good job. i have had so many surgeries. i won't tell the rest.The whole thing is i was on oxycontin 80 twice a day for about 10 yrs.and the zanax and lortab 1000. twice a day. not nearly enough ,but at least i wanted to live.now i don't.
i'm scared,what is going to happen to me???""??.I have to go off the oxy.It makes me sick and i brok out in a rash that won't quit.It is horriable.For a month i have been up all night scratching. the drs have tried to help but it won't stop and the breathing is worse,my bp went to 269 above 124,went to hospital in coldwater and i;m sure they thought i was taken too much oxy.thats the way they treated me.i was not able to get my bowels to move right.screamed out a lot and scared my husband.ask the nurse to give me something to help bowels move,was told no and she was not going to call the dr.on cal and my dr was in florida on vacation.i'm a person who never used oxy wrong.I never run out. i'm 68 and a good person..Why do i get treated l ike i'm a dooper. or take drugs .Respect has been taken from me. the old oxy was a med that helped me want to live and do some things,now i will have to find another med. What,i don't know.my dr don't know either.I'm scared and wish oxy was never invented and given to me.I didnot ask for it. i was told it was a wonder drug and i would be able to work with stenous and scolotious their is much pain.I was very happy ,of course to get oxy. now i might have to sue.I don't even believe in it but if this rash don't give up ,something has to be done.the junk that has been added to the real oxy is awful ,just not fit for your body to eat.like glue.thats just what it does to your bowels,glues it together and you are in trouble.I kept on praying that i could keep on finding the old oxy but it's gone and i called the oxy company and they were rud. like we are not going back to the old oxy.'''.they didnot act like they were interested in me as a person,just what my alergics were so thety could write them down. not that i was on death row and their fault..they were n ot nice to me.at all.i was hopeing if the dr wrote to them ,i could still get the old oxy,not that i snort it .I know nothing about that stuff.I didnot want to go thru the withdrawels that is hell, more of bad breathing and i'm afraid i will die. my bp is not good at all anyway,i have heart problems. It is not the oxy's company fault that i have any trouble. it is their fault they didnot consider us sick people.druggies still it or lie to the dr or buy it.Why should they have it made just for them. They will find a way,like take more.I could not do that.i don't know where to buy it nor could i afford it.My dr is my source.I pray for the druggies,god loves them too and they need to have help to get off the drug they are on.It is so sad to see what our world is comming too.We need to be more careful who gets the med.put people in a rehab untill they are well instead of putting them in jail even if it is years.getting out of jail too quick will just help them too go find the drug somewhere quick.that is al they think off while they are in jail.They are not being rehabilitated in jail.what a wast of money and people's lives.The jails are ful of these poor people.Who will hear the cries of our children. the drug companies???""??pray for me I'm glad i got a God to go to or i would kill myself. Please think.think.think, your oxy will dissapear. it don't work the same ,but worst ,it is bad for human consumation.

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I would love to beleive you..but BHT is toxic..very toxic. And if one can't in anyway break down the op's as lovely as the idea is..what makes you think you can break them down in your digestive system. Ppl. are not complaining over the anti abuse aspect..thats great but just don't kill the patient while your at it. Bht will damage one's kidney. Also suspect is liver damage and brain. Look up the side effects of BHT poisioning..you will be alarmed.

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" Coming from a medical background I was very reluctint to start this drug."

What kind of medical background can someone who can't spell really have?
I had a 1 month adjustment, they weren't exactly the same, but they work just fine. All of your complaints are just making your doctors suspicious of you. There is NO poison in them, the ingredient list IS available and there is NOTHING toxic. You people are going to end up killing those of us who don't abuse our meds by getting them the feds to eliminate their use altogether. I hope you will be happy then. Maybe medicaid should stop paying for them and see how many people still need them.

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I am so angry over our lack of moral's in this country! It appear's it's ok to lie if conveniet. We have and are being lied to by our doctors and our pharmacy's. Purdue lied about old formula and now is lying about new. My understanding is this formula was not even tested on PEOPLE. As long as the new formula deals with pain..great but darn it..what wil BHT do to my kidney and liver. Tests done on rats with BHT ruined their kidneys. By the time they find us dying of kidney failure it's too late. And with Obamacare we will be on our own. Obamacare isn't about providing healthcare..it's about money.I have heard too often pharmacists being told to lie to patients so as to sell their new op's. But yes one can get the generics.

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Honey u r not alone i want to know what all this jell is doing to r insides they will not change them back because theFDA won't let them they won't even tell u what is in the new pills for fear people will crack how to abuse them quicker (so they say)

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Then 2 pharmcists are lying to me. I can't get anything BUT generic.My insurance won't pay name brand. I get apotex. There are generics on the way.

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Please help us all that need for real pain

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I have also been on oxycontin oc since 2003 they have worked well until they changed them. First I thought it was me or my illness getting worse but now I know its not. I need to take alot more of these to feel like I felt with my regular dose of oc. They do not last no where near as long as the oc. I never woke in pain in the middle of the night with oc now I take my second dose earlier because I need it and end up waking in terrible pain because they dont last. Not to mention the upset stomach and dry heaves that I never had with the original oc.Wondering if anybody else feels the same way?

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The doctor can write what ever he wants you will be getting the OP
Everyone has to accept the OC are gone and will not be seen unless they can get Purdue to release others to produce generic forms again or unless the plastic substance causes some deaths
It would be best if they just pulled them as they have the Darvon and Darvocett which after 40 years plus Darvon has been the cause of heart problems and many deaths and they are now just pulling it off the market

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Just read this and I did recieve Do Not Substitue for 80mg OC at the time while Purdue was still making them without the Oxy Posion-Plastic or Puddy named for their product now. All products are in the making for NO tampering. All pain medications. Unless you can name the product in the exact form for me to tell my doctor I will have to be content with the 30mg IR Oxycodone I do recieve now. My next problem is to get added tablets to round out when these fad and the pain is high. But if you have info to better my life please foward in complete detail. And I will bring this up with my doctor. thank you

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You can get the oc's if your Doctor rights No Substitute on your script.

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