Oxycontin And Oxycodone Urine Drug Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


When taking a urine drug test, does oxycontin and oxycodone come up as the same drug? I took a 40mg oxycontin on a monday and was drug tested on thurs. I am tested once a month from my pain mangement dr. to make sure my oxycodone's are in my system. So will the 2 drugs show up as one or is there a differance in them with the drug test?

174 Replies (9 Pages)

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Funky Toes told it like it is! Bottom line: 1--take only YOUR medication(s); 2--guard your medications so no one else can take them (preferably put them under lock and key;) 3-- take only the medications you're prescribed;4--take them exactly AS they're prescribed. Following these guidelines, you should never have to worry about the results of drug tests that are either planned or unexpected, about running out early, about having unprescribed or illegal drugs in your system or about any of the other worries and problems people are asking about. And those of us in pain won't be penalized because other people have decided to use the medications we desperately need to control our agony for "fun."

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Hi Babyblue1 - I totally agree that people in pain, especially severe, chronic pain, can be driven by desperation to do things they would prefer not to do or never thought they'd do, in order to obtain pain relief. I suffered with severe, body-wide pain for 8 years before receiving ANY pain relief. And when I finally received SOME help (from a doctor by means of a legitimate prescription), it was still another 7 years (so 15 years of hanging on by my fingernails!) in total) before I was prescribed an amount adequate to allow me to live a life that went beyond being an invalid, sitting in my recliner with a bunch of heating pads. Only in the last 7 years have I been able, much or most of the time, to actually ENJOY a life with a tolerable pain level. I guess my point was that if one obtains medications illegally (though I believe, in the case we're referring to, it wasn't physical pain but panic attacks and anxiety--i.e., emotional pain!), one should not be surprised when doctors responds in a less than favorable manner. I know it takes tremendous will power when one is suffering so terribly to always do things "by the book"--especially when "the book" is often so unfair. In my case, in the 15 years I've been taking a legally prescribed controlled substance, always sticking tightly to the "rules," I've only had 1 drug test done by my doctor--who apologized for that but, for some reason, the insurance I had at that time periodically required such tests required such tests to be done on all patients who were taking the meds I was. My heart really does go out to those who struggle to get the medications needed for relief from their pain, whatever it's source. I recognize that this is very discouraging and that there sometimes comes a point when the patient simply cannot bear the suffering.

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I'm prescribed morphine sulphate 30mg ER and oxycodone/apap 10/325. If i take an oxycontin 20 mg 5 days before I see my doctor will the oxycontin show in a urine test?

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Yes it does show up the same even on the most detailed of test well because it is the same. OxyContin is an ER version of oxycodone.

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No, they will both come up in the opiate colum. They may send it out (mine does) to see if the correct amount is in your system. My Dr splits my urine for that reason, they do a dip strip in office and send out sample for amount in my system

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My Dr treated me like a crack head as well. We are bring s used and something needs to be done as I need my Quaility of life back. As I can't sit back much longer in this pain.Nothing else works now I have had 3 oxy's 80's & 4 20 neo for break through pain to nothing I dam near died I live in CHRONIC PAIN AND HAVE NO HELP.
Sorry to hear what you went through angels all around you!

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Sorry but you can blame the drug addicts that misuse oxycontin for the change in the drug form. They had to start making them so that they can only be consumed as intended, orally.

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Or if you're me, and thankfully your pain doctor and staff trust you and the opinion of your referring primary care physician... I metabolism things twice as fast as most people. Anything I consume (I don't mean in a calorie/fat burning way - things move and are excreted through my system, often failing to absorb fully, before they're gone). I've shown none of my pain meds in my system the day after I've taken them, but thankfully they don't think it's a problem... But then again I feel really comfortable with everyone there, and the doctor referring me gave me a really good recommendation. Just saying, the levels should be good for 99% of people, the ranges that they test for I mean.... but there is always the odd man out lol. I have to take anything extended release, twice in the same day or it doesn't show up in my system the next day (not just pain meds, anything). I'm actually trying to figure out what causes my body to do this and other things with a neuropsychiatrist.

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The best post on here that's exactly how it is.

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Every body processes medications differently. I have poor absorption (malabsorption) and I vomit quite frequently due to my severe GERD that leads to bad coughing spells that end up with me vomiting. So my levels are never the same. The Government treats all pain patients as criminals, but ont he other hand they also treat the Dr's as criminals. My PC is ending all pain mngt patients and we have to find someone else. After 30 years of not abusing my medications, why does the government still make me go through all these hoops.

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I took 30 mg of oxycodone today and will take 30 more tomorrow before my drug test for my prescribed oxycodone I'm suppose to take 100 mg a day will my levels be somewhat normal

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I find it hard to believe that you tried methamphetamine for your "first time" ever before you flunked your drug test. First, you mentioned how much you did in weight rather than lines, hits, puffs, of however methamphetamine heads use it. I've never done that trash mess so I'm only speaking on what I've seen on shows of heard about from users on shows. I don't associate with people that use it either because usually people who use that trash are trash. Secondly, you said you did it for 3 days. For someone doing a drug for their first time as you claim, 3 days seems like a long time to be up doing a drug for your first time ever being on it. I don't know why you have to lie on the internet. Nobody knows who you are so just tell the truth. You can be anyone you want over the internet and say whatever you want and nobody will ever know who it really is so why not tell the truth? Put down the methamphetamine and you won't have anything to worry about.

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Lulu, I'm sorry I said you couldn't read. I should have probably been a little more clear when dealing with someone that is not very bright. I should have said "if you can comprehend" rather than "if you knew how to read" because you obviously can't comprehend what you read because it was very clear what my post said but you still somehow screwed it up.

Also, you keep saying I should show some compassion for that woman for what she's going through. What is she going through? I couldn't find her post so i could read it again but all i remember her talking about is her DJ husband failing a drug test for cocaine because she claims someone slipped it in his drink while he was spinning some records. That doesn't sound like anything to feel sorry for someone for or even show compassion to her.

I don't think you should be telling me what i should or shouldn't be doing. I'm pretty sure I have a lot more education than you do. I have 2 bachelor's degrees, 2 master's degrees, and I'm a CPA so you can go try to act smart somewhere else because i know better and I'm not believing your lies.

As for the "false positive" crap you keep talking about, that's all it is, crap. It's crap because it isn't true. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim? The burden of proof is on you because you're the one claiming something that has no scientific evidence to support your claim. I know that it won't cause a drug test to show positive. How i know this is because i used that excuse many many years ago for a failed test and a lot of very smart people with a lot of education and years in their respective fields were asked. Several different drug test labs, pharmacists, doctors, chemist, drug manufacturers, and other people that my lawyer could find that would have knowledge of this and they all said that this wasn't true and is just a myth and it has no scientific research or evidence to support that claim. If you Google the Amoxicillin false positive myth, what you'll find is several sites like this one with people like you making this baseless claim. You can't believe everything you read on the internet. I guess we both agree you know how to read but it still hasn't been determined that you can understand what you read. Maybe you should read that link that i pasted above and you can attempt to read and understand what it says. I'm sure there's going to be some words that might be hard for you to understand but just give it your best shot little buddy. Just sound out the words and raise your hand and ask questions if you don't understand anything.

You need to realize that you'll never win an argument with me because the smarter person will always win when it's about something that requires intelligence and really just about anything. You need to just concede defeat and move on to someone that you're smarter than so you'll have a chance to win because you won't against me. FreezePoP wins yet again.

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Here's the deal FreezePop. I also have a BA in psychology, a masters' degree and a PhD in the mental health field, all from top schools, as does my husband (only, believe it or not, he has three masters' degrees.) So please don't think you're going to intimidate me or convince me how smart you are by claiming your supposed degrees in arithmetic naturally make you smarter than me. Not too bright? Have you seen my transcripts? Have you spoken with the person who oversees my work? Of course not. And my daughter is a CPA with a major company where she is vice-president of finance. Does that make her an expert on drugs and mental health? Of course not, because not all education makes one an expert on all topics.

My husband is a therapist. He regularly sees people in the same situation this woman is in--a spouse who is struggling with drugs, making a heavy negative impact not only on the spouse but on any children involved and on the extended family. She may be in denial but she is still suffering. People in that type of situation deserve compassion, not condemnation.

Your final statement regarding "winning" was extremely revelatory. This is not about winning; it's about sharing ideas and information. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them stupid. Your inflated ego is showing.

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With pleasure, FreezePop

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I am a drug counselor and do drug testing often, there are many things that can throw off a test everything from cough medicine that can show up as alcohol to , to much ibuprofen the test positive for THC. The doctor should have told him what he tested positive for and if it was the same thing both times. Also most doctors will let you go on the first positive unless its THC. So the odds that he would come up positive dirty and then clean is easier to prove since THC stays in your system for up to thirty days, also if he is heavier and works a job where he sweats alot it can call for a false positive. The thing to do is would be to tell the doctor you want it sent to an outside lab usually its costs about 20 dollars, also it is imperative that when the urine is collected the specimen never leaves your husbands sight. EVER and if sent out he signs a for and the container and it must be refrigerated. I hope this helps.

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Kevin, I couldn't agree more. It is abusers and those who are taking narcotic pain medications for a high rather than for treating real pain that make it so difficult for people like you (and me!) who are actually in agony to get appropriate medication. And you're right about the fact that many doctors have become too nervous to prescribe opioids even when it's the right thing to do because they're afraid of being labeled as pill pushers or over-prescribers and afraid of losing their license. I understand (and I suspect you understand also) that when you're in terrible pain, it's really tempting to take extra of whatever pain medication you're prescribed. But you're right--it's better to let your doctor know that your current dose just isn't taking care of the pain. If your doctor won't listen, find another doctor--one who takes your pain seriously, right? As for those who sell their pain meds, those people need to realize how much harder that kind of behavior makes life for people who live in agony. It is inexcusable. My heart goes out to you and to all those who suffer unnecessarily because the abusers and mis-users of narcotics have made our lives even more difficult and painful than they already are. And it sounds like your life is pretty difficult and painful. My sympathies to you.:-)

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Thanks Adele I really Appreciate your help!
Have a Blessed Day!!

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Hi again, Sulve! Since Percocet is an immediate release form of oxycodone, skipping 1 or 2 on a better pain day shouldn't be a problem in terms of blood test checks. (I would add that if you're finding you can pretty much ALWAYS skip a couple, it may be time for a dose decrease!) If you take 1 of those skipped pills as an extra dose on an extra bad day, you should also be fine. If your levels are really low when you're tested, it creates concern that you may be selling them which is why they check. But again, 1 or 2 less or extra now and then shouldn't matter. Hope this helps.

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oxycontin shows up as OXY. the tests these days are usually a 7 panel test and they show different types of opiates. If you use morphine it will show as an opiate, same with hydrocodone which is vicodin, but, OXY is the result for roxys, percocet, oxycodone, oxycontin, tylox, and any other formulation of oxycodone. There isn't a specific test for the drug itself, the test detects the metabolite produced by the liver, which is usually oxymorphone, however, when taking oxymorphone orally, the result is opioid unless a blood test is taken or the test is sent to a lab. The labs know everything and pain doctors have no mercy on you after you get caught the 2nd time, they will immediately eject you. They may give you a partial script to get to your appoiuntment where they tell you you are all done, but, they aren't responsible for referring you to a program like a suboxone program or methadone, so, don't do illicit drugs or get caught with too much , too little or the wrong drug in your system. You also can get caught with suboxen in your system as most pain clinics are smart and use hi definition tests that detail buprenorphine to show you are cheating. If you get caught with bupe in your system, they legally can not prescribe you anything, so, don't get caught!! sickness=awful !!

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