Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 4) (Top voted first)


switching back to original form

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See if your doctor will switch you to 40mg of Opana (oxymoraphone) they are just like if not better than the original 80mg oxycotin the ones that had 80 on 1 side and oc on the other the 80mg with the op on the other side are like morphine they are no good.

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So far the generics are OP only. The last 3 generic scripts i got were Watson brand which is made by Purdue pharmaceutical. I wish i could attach a photo of the bottle. The generic bottle has oxycodone 80mg on it. So to your question no only OP"s. I really doubt they will ever come back with the OC brand. If someone says they had OC brand fillied ask to see the actual pill because i think they are full of bs or wishful thinking. The FDA needs to ok the release of OC'S. Hell the generics were supposed to come out 5 years ago and they just started coming out in 2017. Im with you i wish the OC'S were available. The generics are crap they are actually a little thinner than the brand OP'S

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I have chronic pain and am permanently disabled from a MVA by a drunk driver. I have been disabled for over 12 years and have gradually worked up to the 80mg OC the past 4 years. I never had one complaint with the OC's. On the contrary, Oxycontin OC 80 mg (3xdaily) was a lifeline to issuing me quality of life with the ability to function daily. The OC's allowed me to feel and live as close to normalcy considering my conditions.
My problem with the OP is that I have found myself taking 4 - 5 a day. By the end of the month, I am left bedridden for about a week bc I am only taking 2 a day as I have ran short and the insurance company will not issue a grace period any earlier than 30 days!
At first I thought I was abusing my medicine! I was extremely concerned bc I have never had a problem with any of my medications. I take my medicine as prescribed orally, never crush chew/break shoot or snort them! Taking the OC's I have never had to look at the clock to see if it was time for my next dose, I just take them as needed. Now with the OP's taking them as needed has taken 1 week of every month away from my quality of life! I'm glad that the OXYCONTIN is not completely taken off the market, but I would be much happier having my quality of life back every day of every month! The OP's are not nearly as potent as the OC's bc the 2 tablets per day with the OC's (although I would have to lessen my activities) would not leave me bedridden!
I went to the ER for salmonella food poisoning. I was admitted and stayed for 4 days. Prior to being admitted, I had just picked up my new script of 80mg OP, but the hospital issues all medications and recommends that you leave your bottles of medicine at home. when it was time for my Oxycontin 80mg, the hospital did not have the 80's in stock so they issued me 2/40mg tablets and I noticed the "OC" on one side and 40 on the other! I thought maybe the OC's are still available but in the 40 mg only. I spoke with my Doctor regarding this finding, and he wrote my next script for 180 40mg Oxycontin ER . Now I am finding it difficult to locate that quantity in one place,let alone with OC on it.
I think my only alternative at this point is to exchange my script back to the 80mg @ 120 instead of the 90 quantity.
If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to reply! And if you know of where I can find the OC's Please pass the info my way!
Sincerely Amber0sia

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I know this is a serious concern, the switch from the OC to the OP. However, I must say your reply to Robin guidry, made me laugh my damn ass off. That was hilarious.

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Can anyone answer this question for me? I have never been prescribed the OC, but do take instant release oxycodone, which is the exact medication without time release. Wouldn't changing your dose to smaller amounts of insant release -with more frequency- solve the problem of the OP ineffectiveness?

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you would think that, but it's not true. IR is for just what the name implies, it;s a fast short term boost. It does not maintain the level of pain relief needed by chronic pain patients, but it does help when your ER dose can't "keep up"". IR meds have much faster peaks in a shorter actimg med.

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I put a pill in my mouth (I take 40mg OP twice a day) and then remembered that I had already taken my morning dose so I immediately took it out of my mouth. When I did, the pill stuck to my fingers...like glue!! I could see the gluey strands from my fingers to the pill. They are actually using glue to stop these junkies from snorting them! What is that doing to us???

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Ok, so I'm new to posting pretty much anything online, but really hope some one can give me a helpful suggestion.
I am a chronic pain patient who used to take 80mg of oxycontin daily. When OCs changed to OPs I also was extremely nauseas and sick and was getting very little pain relief....and I did swallow them, to be clear...after a few trials with different meds with my doctor, I was put on Opana ER 40mg 4x a day. Although it still did not give me the same relief the original formula Oxycontin did, I was able to go back to work and have somewhat of a life. The side effects have been almost the same. I need to take Miralax almost nightly but it also has effected my sex drive, which was not an issue with oxycontin.
Anyway, thanks to the many people that abuse these medications, Opana's formula was just changed as well and it is so much worse than the OC to OP change as far as throwing up on a pretty regular basis and is not helping my pain much. I have never felt the "euphoria" or any recreational side effect from either medication and am not looking to. I also do not want to take anything additional for breakthrough pain. I am aware my dosage is very high but I'd rather it be that way than going back to taking more than one like I tried with my old doctor many years ago.
Does any one have any suggestions as to wait I should ask my doctor to try as a replacement? I am afraid to go back to the OP oxycontin for reasons I've mentioned above but think an oxycodone based med might help better than an oxymorphone based med like the Opana ER...but will discuss either with my doctor if some one knows of something that might help as well as OCs did or even as well as the Opanas before Endo (The manufacturer) decided to screw them up too, for those of us who aren't looking to get high and just want to be able to live the best life possible, each with our own individual pain issues. At this point though, I might be irritated at those of you just trying to get your high on because I need these meds just to be able to function and the formulas are changing because of abuse but I'm irritated in general and welcome suggestions from anyone-but I really don't care how to "break it down"; etc....I just want to take it orally, as intended, and be able to get by, which is the most simple way I can say it.
I, of course, intend of discussing this matter with my doctor but not being a patient, some times people with similar situations can help more when it comes to suggesting a new medication...So again, I would sincerely appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.

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wow most of you people have no idea what your talking about

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What's the diffrence if your're in pain or not? YOU should have the right to put whatever you want in your OWN body. As long as you don't harm anyone because of it(theft to support habbit, violence, drive a car, be responsible for children, etc...) then you should have the righ to injest anything that makes you feel how you want. I have to laugh at the people that are in pain, talking down to the "druggies". Guess what? You are druggies too! Everyone is. Beer = drug, cigarette = drug, coffee = drug, redbull = drug. Almost everyone takes drugs, it's funny to me that some people have to rationalize their habit, wheather in pain or not, and to look down on others who take another substance or take it for pleasure. You are truly mental midgets.

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i understand you completely in canada they never should have changed them i believe its because their patent was running out. an elderly lady died because the oxyneo got caught in her throat and swelled and and blocked her airway.all they did for me was give me stomach problems and i lost 30lbs in 8 weeks from the vomiting and i noticed if i let the pill sit in the vomit it would make my pan black! they put polymer and other non consumable products as fillers and only half the active ing. maybe if we all banded together the PATIENTS THAT NEED IT TO FUNCTION INSTEAD OF DOING WHATS BEST FOR THE ADDICT THE ADDICT WILL ALWAYS BE AN ADDICT TO SOMETHING AS LONG AS THEY CHOOSE TO USE there are programs for them but us the patient are not considered!!! we should all sign a petition aand send it to our govs and purdue pharma!!!!!

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hay oliva why dont your corrections go some where else some people are looking for good info not your critisisium. How do you like my spelling?

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To all the people who say that the new formulation is a poor substitute for the original, kudos to you. I have been a chronic pain patient for going on 22 years, up to and until they changed the pills I was able to maintain a fairly normal life. Now I can't work, partially because my body isn't cooperating partly because my dr.s won't allow it. I have changed over to MS Contin for long term and 30 mg roxicodine for instant. The 30 mg roxicodine is the closest thing available on the market to the old oc. However the half life is considerably shorter. It would be nice if they would bring the old ones back, however I'm not holding my breath.

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It Dnt matter what Drug u take off Shelf!! There is always Alcohol!! Let's just have only that Drug!! So people can Create more Violence and kill more innocent people running red lights! No lets pick on Medication!! Wow! H Use went thru roof when OC WERE TAKEN OFF MARKET!! Great lets sponsor The Poppy growers in Afghanistan! Bring old OC back it's better than Street H!! 1000s ways to Die! Can't ever Blame source M.J blame User ! Alcohol every corner

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Thats not true.i work at a lab and there has been studies that prove the new oxycontin is not absorbed the same as the old.Purdue lied about studies on oxycontin to get it on the market and past FDA to begin with.do you really think they are going to tell patients the new one is not as strong?of course not patients would not want them.thus PURDUE would lose billions of dollars

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Absolutely right! Here in the US the old abuseable formulation was OxyContin OC. It's been renamed to OxyContin OP. OP is the same as OxyNeo. Those who "need" the original formulation are probably looking to abuse it, which can't be done w the new OxyContin OP. Same drug, works identically but it can't be abused. Total BS with people saying "it doesn't work". Likely not working because you need to swallow it rather than misuse the powder

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This is to #77 Olivia's ,insulting Justin's spelling; You damn snob! Justin's spelling has nothing to do with the point he was making ;So, if anyone sounds stupid, it's you, you're getting off of the subject! I understood everything he was saying ,and that's the point right? So shut the hell up with your criticisms!

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to those of you claiming that the studies show the same for op and oc formula obviously are not in pain. the studies were never done on me and it is NOT NOT NOT THE SAME!!! i have had 3 spinal fusions and have horrible nerve damage. i need another fusion and then i am getting 2 spinal cord stimulators implanted to help with my pain, but it is in no way fair to force pain on people just to control abusers. the abusers will find something else we won't!!

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The OPs can be abused... easily. All one has to do is {edited for public safety reasons}. Even if you're not an addict just prepare them like this and swallow the pill matter and you're good to go. Problem solved.

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