Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 3) (Top voted first)
Updatedswitching back to original form
OMG! I can't believe that someone of your generation didn't get the Mary Richards / Chuckles reference! "Chuckles the Clown" was one of the best loved episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore Show!
Seeing Mary and all the other cast members trying so hard not to laugh, while talking about "Poor Chuckles" fate, was priceless!
Cause of u losers that didn't get enough attention when they were children and feel that they have to abuse drugs that were made for sick people. Honest pain patients like myself can't get the help they need. And no no way will they ever change back to what they were. Cause of you bed wetters they will never change back.
Hi, Kevn529! No doubt, as you stated, there are plenty of abusers who would prefer a formulation of oxycontin that is easier to abuse. Whether that is the majority of complainants is, of course, impossible to determine. I have a disease of the central nervous system which has caused me chronic, intense, body-wide pain for over 20 years. I have taken oxycontin for the last 14 years under the supervision of a physician, always adhering strictly to the terms of the agreement which a patient such as myself must sign for their medical file when taking this type of medication about how they will obtain it and use it and the consequences if they don't. I am not one of the people you mentioned who don't like the new OP formulation because it can't be as easily crushed, shot up or otherwise used in ways other than as intended. I'm sharing this personal information to make it clear that I have used oxycontin appropriately for the entire 14 years I've taken it and I'm speaking from that perspective and length of experience. While I find that eventually the OP does work as well as the OC, I've also noticed that, for me, it does take longer to take effect. I wake between 4:00 and 5:00 each morning in tremendous pain and must immediately take an oxycontin. When I was using the OC formulation, I used to call the period of time spent waiting for it to work my "hour from hell". Now, with the OP formulation, it's my hour-and-a-half to two hours from hell! I've spoken with a couple other pain patients who have noticed a similar issue. So while Purdue's studies may be correct in terms of this medication's EVENTUAL helpfulness, there is some difference which causes it to work less quickly. When you're in agony, that extra hour seems really long and adds up to a lot of extra suffering. And just a little P.S. to Purdue and the FDA--you may not have noticed this but drug abusers seem to be very creative about getting around your "safeguards"! The Internet is loaded with "helpful hints" being exchanged by addicts about this. I wish the FDA and Purdue were half as concerned about how their decisions affect the law-abiding, legitimate, suffering pain patients who DON'T abuse this medication as they are about tailoring their laws and medications for the presumed welfare of those who seem bound and determined to break the laws and misuse the drugs!
To LIZ: Lots of good points! It can't be said often enough how much damage addicts/abusers do to legitimate chronic pain patients, both because of their misuse of narcotics and because of all the so-called "helpful hints" they pass along on how to abuse pain medications more easily. I am blessed with a doctor who has been a friend for 20 years and my primary physician for 5 years and who trusts me and believes me when I tell him how severe my fibromyalgia pain is, as well as the pain from my arthritis and the pain from other issues. He believes me when I tell him whether or not a medication is working at the dosage I'm taking or if I need more (or sometimes less!) But I did experience 15 years of other doctors, pain clinics and specialists who gave me that "look" you spoke of--the look of judgment, disbelief and condemnation. It's so discouraging and exhausting to be constantly struggling to convince your doctor (or anyone else) that you really do hurt that badly and that needing strong medication to get relief from terrible pain doesn't make one a drug abuser. And you're trying to do this WHILE you're in agony and while your life is already falling apart because of the pain--can't work, can't socialize, can't clean the house, get groceries, etc. because the pain is just too severe. It would be great if instructions or advice on how to use medications like Oxycontin incorrectly (abuse it) simply to get a high or a "better" high were banned from these sites and communication was limited to conversations between legitimate users of such medications. Just a thought!
In fact the are not bioequivalent. The originally OC Oxycontin extended release matrix was strictly an erosion matrix surrounded by a bolus dosage. IE when you swallowed the medication the first 30% of the dosage was released immediately which means tMax was about 20 minutes. The drug then slowly eroded what was left of the pill over the next 6 hours. Again, the first 30% of the pill dissolved instantly and the rest dissolved slowly through water hydration and opening of the matrix via gel erosion allowing the active ingredient to diffuse out at a controlled rate (with diffusion rate = sqrt(total time in body) aka the longer the controlled release pill is in your gut the faster the substance diffuses out at time increases). The original oxycontin's were made with a erosion matrix but not a gel polymer that needed to hydrate and dissolve before matrix erosion was possible. Thus, as stated above, the external part of the pill (not the coating... which btw was neither the release system nor active ingredient and existed only to make it easier to swallow the pill) dissolved instantly giving you an immediate dosage of 30mg (assuming the 80mg pill was used) and then eroding releasing continuous levels of the drug after about 3 hours.
The new Oxycontin's (OP's) have a polymer coated polyethylene oxide matrix which only releases any of the drug once the polymer is dissolved and the PEO is hydrated. This takes about 2 hours before you even begin to feel the initial effects. So right there is a big difference. The OP's take about 2 hours before you reach cMax whereas the older ones took 30 minutes. The OP's release rate also depends on various conditions in the gut since it is a PH dependent drug release matrix while the old OC was PH independent meaning it dissolved no matter what was in your gut. Feasibly if conditions were right, an OP Oxycontin could release less than 20% of its total dosage. Hence why so many people complained. The original formula gave them relief that reached max levels within 30 minutes and stayed there for 8 - 12 hours (metabolism depending) while the new one reaches max levels at a minimum of 2 hours and only releases the rest of the dosage in the pill under ideal gut conditions. And that's not even getting into the characteristics that come into play when the PEO has such a high molecular weight. The pill literally turns to slime not gel which can end up getting stuck in your throat, can end up wrapping itself around and preventing the release of other medications you take, or may coat your GI tract and stay there for a long time (we're talking days) without releasing any medication should the gel get caught in a fold of your intestine (and on opiates this is much more likely since those on opiates have decreased intestinal motility thus a higher chance that the pill sits without eroding and releasing medication).
Maybe you're one of the few people who have had no side effects and the drug works great which is good for you but you're in the minority. Again even if gut conditions were ideal the bottom line is the new Oxycontin does not release any medication until after it has eroded which takes at least 2 hours whereas the old Oxycontin released 30% instantly. Bioavailability is obviously the same via a PO route since it's the same API but bioavailability takes into account absorption of released drug from pill not dosage contained in pill. cMax and tMax are both much different though. Don't go around saying otherwise. The pills are NOT bioequivalent. Generic manufacturers are held to a higher standard than purdue was in releasing a different version of their own drug (generic's must have the same cMax and tMax and AUC as their brand counter part... OP's and OC's do not).
As stated in my other post that is not true. The original formulation of Oxycontin was a biphasic release. It released a 30% dosage as a bolus (ie 30% of the medication dissolved as instant release) and the other 70% over 6 hours after about 3 hours. If you do not believe me you can look up the release matrix that was used it's called AcroContin and it is a polymethyl methacrylate matrix (hence the name AcroContin [Acrylate Continuous release]
Infact the majority of ER meds do this. Concerta (extended release methylphenidate) has a coating on the tablet which dissolves immediately and releases 23% of the total dosage right away. Adderall XR (extended release mixed amphetamines) have capsules contain 2 types of beads within them, 50% of the beads dissolve right away when the capsule opens and the other 50% dissolve after about 4 hours which is why the manufacturer says you can open the capsules and sprinkle the beads onto food if it's easier to eat that way just as long as you don't chew the beads. The newly (as of 2 days ago) approved pure hydrocodone extended release medication (Zohydro Er) uses the SODAS delivery system which is somewhat similar to the system Adderall XR used. Though Zohydro will find limited use unless they can come up with higher strengths since they only provide doses as high as 50mg which would be the same as a 30mg OC Oxycontin. Avinza (Morphine Sulphate sustained release) also is a capsule which contains beads that either dissolve instantly or after a given amount of time). The new Oxycontin is the only drug that does not give a instant release which means it takes at least 2 hours to begin to feel the effects since the polymer must hydrate sufficiently before erosion of the polyethylene oxide matrix can even begin to allow for drug diffusion and dissolution into the blood stream.
Sorry to hear about your pain issues Drew, welcome to the club of the forgotten... Have you ever considered a Spinal cord stimulator implant in addition to your pain meds? I have the newest Boston Scientific 32 lead system and take Oxycontin & Roxicodone for breakthrough pain. There's no way I could survive without both. The pain meds only do so much and the spinal cord stimulator only does so much, but together give me a quality of life that neither could do on their own. I had a really bad epidural abcess that scarred all the nerve sheaths and dural sac from L4 to the bottom of S1. When I move or walk all the nerve bundles get pulled through scar tissue that's like 10 grit sand paper. Yet with pain meds and a spinal cord stimulator I can tolerate it enough not to live on a couch or bed. There will never ever be a medical fix for most of us, but hopefully in time the politicians will one day pull their heads out of their butts and realize all the people who are needlessly suffering due to their incompetent views on pain meds and medical situations that have no solution other than opiate drug therapy.
there is no doubt that they are discriminating against long term patients stereotyping against the legitimate pain patients It takes more work to separate the ones getting high and the ones just trying to stay out of pain
Trip James all I can say is ditto!
Sorry but u r wrong mate, I live in Boston Ma and theyve been back for e weeks minimum. Ill never forget that taste.
Yes, I too am in Australia and am on oxycodone sandoz 80 mg twice a day and oxynorm 20 caps for breakthrough pain or endone 3x day,
I didn't think the chewy op new formula was any good at all, I don't think my stomach was breaking it down properly or something?
Sandoz looks just the same lime green as the original OC. Just no print on either side and I find them much just as good as the original old crunchy OC. In my opinion for the past 2 years prescribed OC original, OP revised formular, and generic Oxycodone Hcl sandoz, only the OP new chewy formula didn't work as well. But for some reason 2x40mg OC seems for me a lot more effective than 1x80mg ??
Also I find 4x endone (5mg fast release Ocycodone Hcl) a lot more effective than 1x20mg Oxynorm cap??
How much actual pain medication do you get from an 80mg oxycotin.It feels like after 3-4 hours the medication had worn off.
Thank you phoenix. Today is day 120 off the s***. Its a huge accomplishment just tapering. The docs who prescribe suboxone to you are fine with you being on it for a year. But thats completely up to you. Im 33...its never too late. Im proud of you and remember to nix all the people who dont have your back...make sure you dont have debt with anyone in the game and get new or more hobbies. Hate to be that guy...but exercising helps. If u can go down to nothing in 20 days and u feel normal again after 30 days since first taking subs you will feel great. If u dont wanna stick to a regimen...just take as needed and at this point wait 2...even 3 days if you can before taking more (very little...then wait i hours before you tale more). The torture is worth it. Methadone still allows you to be drug seeking. Suboxone has cured an 18 yr addiction and i will never look back. Getting over the flu as i type and it reminds me of withdrawal and is a huge reminder.
If you're only taking 30 Mg a day you shouldn't need three 8mg subs if that's what you were taking.
If your on subs your not really clean. But congrats
Do the 80 OC at walgreens still have the stuff they put in the new oxy,because I had to switch ,they were killing my stomach ,with no pain relief ,I don't get much pain relief with what I take now ,but at least I don't have stomach pain also
Came across some today. They taste terrible. They just made them so nasty you don't want to use them.
Here is a fact about the new generic as of yesterday 1/6/17. I went to pick up my script of 80's. It was my first script of the new year. I received a text saying it was ready and the amount was over $1200. I was confused because my copay is only $55. As i get to the pharmacy they say my insurance will only cover the new generics as of 1/1/17. My pharmacist researches his local, state and national computer. He speaks with 2 people, the 1st his distributor who says he has the generic in stock but it will be 5 days before he can send it out. The second call was to another pharmacist in another state. This pharmacist stated that the generic 80mg are going fast for 2 reasons: 1st if you have insurance they will only cover the generics and not the brand. And he stated the they are the same formula, the original before the OP's came out in 2010. My pharmacist showed me a picture of the new generics and they were the real deal. The out of state pharmacist mentioned that customers who did not have insurance had to purchase the op brand since he was ordered to save the generic for insurance customers. Makes sense, insurance companies pay the bills. As to my high price once my insurance company was informed that no generics were available in my area and that i could not go without my dose for 5 days they fixed my copay. They realized how dangerous and fatal it can be to go without. ORIGINAL BRAND is back via generic. Good Luck. I hope this helps answer some questions.
I'm going to fill my prescription this afternoon and I'll post back what I get. Last month and for about 6 months now it has been a Sandoz generic, but it's made by Purdue for Sandoz and it's the same crappy OP formulation here in America. The only difference is it's about $150 cheaper than the Purdue brand name. I read an article about Purdue losing the legal suit from generic manufacturers to make it for the American market, but it still has to be abuse deterrent. With the way all generic narcotic analgesics have been ruined here in America I wouldn't doubt any new Oxycontin generic will be worse than the brand name or the Purdue made generic Sandoz sells under the Sandoz name. I betting it will be worse, watch out what you wish for... I'd rather be stuck with the Perdue formulation made for Sandoz than some new generic that is complete junk like other generics have become in America!
Went to pharmacy and filled my Oxycontin prescription. I got the same generic made by Perdue for Sandoz. On the prescription bottle at the bottom it says 60 Oxycodone 80mg HCI Tab ER 12HR De
Substituted for: Oxycontin 80mg
It's the same generic OP I've been getting for 6 months now. I use a mom and pop type pharmacy.
A friend of mine gets his from CVS and it's made by Teva pharmaceutical USA and it's an oblong pill with 33 on one side and 93 on the other side. He says the OP version worked better on his pain and his prescription plan forces him to use CVS.
Looks like another junk generic pill to complain about. I guess I'm lucky that I still get a generic that's made by Perdue for Sandoz. Hopefully the pharmacy I use won't give me the Teva brand, but unlike CVS or Walgreens my mom and pop pharmacy will order a generic that I request. I've used this pharmacy for 30+ years and suggest to others with severe pain that's for the rest of your life with no possible surgical intervention that can help you. Find a mom and pop pharmacy that will work with you to find out what generic works best for you and not treat you like a drug addict. Good luck to those of you who continue to suffer in silence because these days a squeaky wheel gets treated like a drug seeker! Because of drug addicts abusing our life saving analgesics we've been reduced to 3rd class citizens. I feel your pain too!
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