Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 12)
Updatedswitching back to original form
Went to pharmacy and filled my Oxycontin prescription. I got the same generic made by Perdue for Sandoz. On the prescription bottle at the bottom it says 60 Oxycodone 80mg HCI Tab ER 12HR De
Substituted for: Oxycontin 80mg
It's the same generic OP I've been getting for 6 months now. I use a mom and pop type pharmacy.
A friend of mine gets his from CVS and it's made by Teva pharmaceutical USA and it's an oblong pill with 33 on one side and 93 on the other side. He says the OP version worked better on his pain and his prescription plan forces him to use CVS.
Looks like another junk generic pill to complain about. I guess I'm lucky that I still get a generic that's made by Perdue for Sandoz. Hopefully the pharmacy I use won't give me the Teva brand, but unlike CVS or Walgreens my mom and pop pharmacy will order a generic that I request. I've used this pharmacy for 30+ years and suggest to others with severe pain that's for the rest of your life with no possible surgical intervention that can help you. Find a mom and pop pharmacy that will work with you to find out what generic works best for you and not treat you like a drug addict. Good luck to those of you who continue to suffer in silence because these days a squeaky wheel gets treated like a drug seeker! Because of drug addicts abusing our life saving analgesics we've been reduced to 3rd class citizens. I feel your pain too!
See if your doctor will switch you to 40mg of Opana (oxymoraphone) they are just like if not better than the original 80mg oxycotin the ones that had 80 on 1 side and oc on the other the 80mg with the op on the other side are like morphine they are no good.
Did u get then op the oc? Because sum states are changing there prescription an distributor also there facture and was just curious of state-to-state if they have because the process of change to illumination
So far the generics are OP only. The last 3 generic scripts i got were Watson brand which is made by Purdue pharmaceutical. I wish i could attach a photo of the bottle. The generic bottle has oxycodone 80mg on it. So to your question no only OP"s. I really doubt they will ever come back with the OC brand. If someone says they had OC brand fillied ask to see the actual pill because i think they are full of bs or wishful thinking. The FDA needs to ok the release of OC'S. Hell the generics were supposed to come out 5 years ago and they just started coming out in 2017. Im with you i wish the OC'S were available. The generics are crap they are actually a little thinner than the brand OP'S
Not true still to this day actually 2 weeks ago I got OC 80s. You must get at Walgreens and wait 1 week for order
Are there generics being made that look like the old OC's? Are they being made in different countries or by different companies? Or is there old inventory still out there?
REASON I ASK: A friend recently had a pill which had "OC" on one side and "40" on the other. Looked 100% like the old original versions.
However, I don't know where he could have gotten it from so I am SKEPTICAL if it is real? Or a fake he got on the street?
There are a lot of fakes floating around today from bad sources (with fentanyl) which is very scary.
So I am trying to determine if it's still even possible for someone to get the old style OC from a pharmacy or reputable source anymore?
If anyone can confirm; then perhaps my friend does have the real thing (or what some of you have called the new "generic" version of Oxy).
Thoughts? Thanks!
Wait a minute are you saying that the green OC 80mg are back ?
Whatever works for you then take it up with your doctor. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Whatever happened to the real good pain medications like dilaudid or fentanyl? Too many abusers is what happens and sadly it's children that mostly die from getting it off the streets or in their own parent's drawers. If you listen closer to the news we have people dying everyday all over illicit drugs mixed with Fentanyl, so please everyone...be safe with your meds. To answer the main question, is there a oc 80 mg anymore, no. They got done making them since too many people like abusing them. They do have a liquid but that's if your lucky I suppose. I met someone who had the liquid because he was an abuser of his meds. But if you don't want a bad name for yourself with your doctor just take the oxycodone 30 mg. It's the highest generic pill of oxycontin. They last only 3 to 4 hours whereas the oxycontin ER 80 or even 40 mg dosent matter, last for 8 hours. Do the math. There's only 24 hours in a day and the body needs to shut down sometime so that way people sleep.
Opana ER is ocymorphone. The liver metabolizes oxycodone into ocymorphone. If you request Oxymorphone ER over Opana Er(same drug except Opana ER name brand is like new op oxycotin and costs way more) it'll work very similar to OC. 20mg of oxycodone equals to 10mg of ocymorphone. If it takes 30mg of oxycodone im to provide really good pain relief 15mg may work much better or not quite as good. Now if you take 20mg-30mg of ocymorphone vs 30mg oxycodone it works much better for me. I think that's bc oxycodone takes pain away better but only lasts 1-2hrs and drastically wears off while ocymorphone gradually wears off or is more steady.
Yes I was smart and saved t them to ask now with $450 a pill. They have been stored to keep them as strong as day was made sorry cannot disclose that information is top secret.
I received my prescription today of Roxicodone and Percocet. I've have no experience with OC 80's and would like some help to determine if they're a good brand? Any help folks? :)
Has it been 7 years already? They must have been able to renew the patent. Good for them. Lets wait & see how long it takes for pharmacies to start getting held up at gunpoint again. Put some more people in the privately run for profit prisons. They've got the money so they can make the rules. Whoops make more money on those people that had to go the illegal route for their drugs, ooops, sorry again for speaking out of turn, again, medicine, as pathetic as it sounds. Want to say more, as always, gotta stop now though. George Orwell summed it up pretty well in his book,1984. Big Brother is watching. Know what the most secure form of correspondence is, has been, snail mail. I wouldn't know how to get this out there, to all of you in my position without our "Interweb". I learned from the Army & DAV, ALWAYS keep actual paperwork. Pisses me off when I hear the term (but the computer SAYS). More ranting always to share, but I'm tired. This little monitor is killing me.
Right shoulder oxycontin guy
C'mon now, I'm not a really computer literate guy. I'm angry & frustrated. Did anyone out there know that there is a tv drama series focusing on oxycontin? Un f*****g believable. Think I saw it's in its 1st season up to episode 3 now!!! Anyone seen that show Intervention? Anyone seen that episode on Vice Channel? (I have Verizon for my provider). They actually showed an illicit drug dealer "spiking" 1 of his packages with Chinese (pretty sure Chinese) fentanyl deliberately to cause someone to overdose & die? Want to know why? Because when someone od's & dies all the junkies want his "stuff" (love to use more choice words, but I want this fact to reach more people).
Nice business model huh? I am Catholic, I have a loving wife who has stood by me all these long years as well as 3 children I absolutely adore. Suicide is a sin, as well as a chicken s*** cowardly way to go out. That would be quite the legacy to leave for my family, besides the rotting in Hell part. Why don't we have (forget the correct term for the dirty rotten people who advocate for the drug companies, politicians, yeah that's the right despicable word). Of everything I've read on this site we are the victims who don't seem to count. My primary doc once told me that I blame other people. Anyone else out there been in the armed forces? We all volunteered to SERVE our country to uphold this great nation. Politics, politicians, special interest groups & the Military Industrial Complex (read President Eisenhower's Bok for an overview) $$$ is the name of the game.
Naloxone, Subutex, Methadone... Some people are addicts (I feel like an addict-especially when termed by medical "professionals" as a drug seeking individual. My God!
Is there no one who has the courage to stand up for us? IS THERE NO ONE OUT THERE THAT HAS THE BALLS TO HELP US!?!?! I broke down in tears during my last visit with my "pain specialist". Anyone else out there know that these people are the highest paid Doctors? All these ones I've dealt with are anesthesiologists.
As a matter of fact here in my state quite a few are partners in "medical marijuana shops".
That what they want they looking for was to make money they no people will turn to street drugs boom they want to lock up chronic pain suffer that a win win no gov help no ssa or ssi in jail you will the real reason is money
#330, sorry buddy, but you don't have a minimal clue as to what you are talking about. Plan a, is much stronger than oxycodone and Dilaudid is way stronger than Vicodin. Opana is oxymorphone and Dilaudid is hydromorphone. Opana has 0 to do with generic oxycontin, they are w2 completely different drugs. The end result is that all these opiates filter through the liver, and turn to morphine. Don't give information if you don't have a clue.
OP aren't just the generic version, they have also modified the way it releases and the potential for abuse. It's supposed to be harder to tamper with for people that like to abuse them. The real problem is, they seem to make a lot of people very sick. There is a type of plasticizer in it, that's what is supposed to make it abuse proof. Some people taking it as prescribed, r getting terrible gut aches. Also reporting feeling shaky and kidney paid too. Also withdrawal. Maybe because it's taking longer to absorb? I don't know.
you obviously don't have a clue they do not all turn into morphine. oxycodone turns into oxymorphone and noroxycodone hydrocodone turns into hydromorphone and nor hydrocodone. look it up for your self. use an actual reputable website not a forum.
Re: Verwon (# 2)
They need to because sure is alot of us saying same thin & The price they are putting on them is wrong. Like when i start to take them 30mg. Oxycontin 12 hour TIME RELEASE. WERE 60 COUNT $340. NOW UP OVER $700.,THAT IS WRONG !!!!!! God bless to all chronic pain patients THE government has a war against us. !!!!!!
Re: John (# 8)
Graduated higher.....
Why are you going off because of bad spelling? Says lost insurance too.
chuckles (# 11) -
they change u back from op to oc. 16. They change not work for me neither i dont think they real have the time BUT THEY YOU BACK GOING TO ASK MY DOC.
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