Oxycodone Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Oxycodone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Oxycodone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.HELLO!! I was wondering if there is a 15 mg Oxycodone IR that is made with the least amount of fillers and binders made , I had many back operations on my back fractured back that went into my nervous system and many others ,I i have been on them since a little over 7yrs now if you were me i want to stay on the 15s, I was offered methadone and fytinayl ( sorry for the spelling) and i refused so i wanted to know if there are 15s out there with the least amount of fill / bin in them what can i ask my doctor for he is very good in that respect with me ,I been seeing him for a very long time now , Is brand name better then all the rest ,Please help I don't know what to do now thank you for your thoughts on this matter. ## All solid tablets have fillers, and binders, they have to in orde...
I found a white oval pill marked with 15 on one side and RP with a line between the R and P on the other side. Is it an oxycodone 15 mg?? ## Hello, Sarah! How are you? Yes, this tablet is manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 15mgs of Oxycodone in a regular release formulation. The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Seems like no one has either heard of this brands oxycodone or that it's mostly sold overseas. Being sold overseas would make GREAT SENSE, as this very large & football shaped pill is rock hard & I must say take it at least 45...
Hello. I take 1 pill every 6 hrs and I am still having a lot of pain in my elbows, in my back and hips. Should my Dr. up my dosage? ## Hello, Sharon! How are you? It is entirely up to your doctor. They could make your dosing more frequent, such as every 4 hours, or they could prescribe a higher dose of the Oxycodone by itself, they may also possibly prescribe an entirely different medication. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. How severe is the pain? Have you informed your doctor, yet? ## The hydrocodone and oxycodone generics (what’s left that they DO make) are pure s***! May work a little for 30 mins but is 20% filler...
Following a night where I consumed approximately five tequila shots, I'm now dealing with a hangover as well as acute pain in my recently operated foot. Is it possible I could manage the discomfort by taking an oxycodone? ## Dear Ms. Mona, I would be extremely careful drinking when on narcotics. The symptoms come on suddenly with almost no warning. Drinking and narcotics at the same time can cause anyone to have severe breathing trouble, so severe it can be deadly. Also, it can make anyone very lethargic and start to put off daily tasks until stopping them completely... These two tragedies I personally experienced. Sincerely, K. See ## I didn't take it. I was too afraid. I'll just wait a couple more days before I decide to take anything for pain. Thank you though. ## However...
Come on guys anyone intrested in helping out by actually for once giving pharmacy names not just talking about the problem. Or maybe those of us that are looking can start to help each other so we can cover more area and spend last gas. Like I looked here on this day and someone else do other places and then sharing information. Like if I find somewhere I'll help you. ## OH FORGOT my email is xxxx@xxxxx ## looked in all largo seminole -wallgreens and cvs -and n st pete 4th street. no go 6-9-12. One had 30's said we did not meet a criteria ... get all our other pain meds filled at that store ## I NEED A PAIN CLINIC ANYWHERE IN SC FLOR. I HAVE ALL MRI PHARMACY HISTORY AND PRIOR PM WITH NO PROBLEMS MY INSURANCE RAN OUT WITH MY JOB SO NO MORE DOC. PLEASE HELP ## WOULD RATHER E MAIL ...
HELP!!! I need to find a pharmacy that can fill my oxycodone RX, Is there anywhere in Jax FL? Anywhere in FL or surrounding areas? Hi I really need help!, I am 27, have suffered from fibromyalgia for 13 yrs, an ovarian cysts 1 is now about the size of a baseball the dr said from the sonogram, & in Jan a car crash tat gave me 3 bulging discs in my lower lumbar, all 3 play off each other, cause each other to flare up, after several mths on way to much percocet to be safe on the liver ( 4-6 pills a day, 10/325 & that was just makeing life bareable, a good day has been a 6 on the pain scale, most days are 7's , while medicated), I finally found a pain managment dr that I trust, who actually gave me an exam didn't just sit at the desk & yap, talked to me, asked the kinds ...
I ran across these pain pills due to having severe chronic pain and after reading some of these comments i am shocked. I used to take the Watson brand of percocet and could not find another manufacturer that compared to them until i got the Rhodes brand. I would like to see other pharmacies carry them. I cant believe that im reading that ppl think they arent any good. I have one of the worst spinal problems in the world and stay in pain. Im thankful to have found this brand. ## Renee, It has nothing to do with the active ingredient oxycodone. Each generic drug differs in the binders used.Some folks are unable to tolerate these so the adverse effects stem more from that then the response to the oxycodone component ## To add some more information.... Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, ge...
I just refilled my monthly meds for 15 mg oxycodone hcl. Been on this medication since 2002. I'm a kidney patient and cannot take aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or muscle relaxers due to very low kidney function. This new white oblong tablet is scored on one side with initials R H and other side says "15". These are not working for my pain. Nor do I know if they contain any other ingredient that I'm not supposed to take. Please let me know why these are not working. Taking 2 at a time and still not helping. Thank u. ## Is the marking possibly RP 15? If so, these tablets are manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 15mgs of Oxycodone in a regular release formulation. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the...
I have heard that oxycodone IR will no longer be on the market in the U.S. - Is this true? Someone said they heard on the news that oxycodone immediate release 30mg tablets will be off the market within 6 months and I'm just wondering if anyone else has been told this as well? ## No, not that I am aware of in anything I've read recently. And I doubt the veracity of this claim from the person that stated it due to one major reason, that being that there is no 30mg Oxycodone IR, so that is not the way it would have been presented on the news. The instant release is only available as a 5mg capsule. Anything stronger than that is either the regular released formulation, or the time released formulation. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and ma...
What is a round white pill with an imprint code of 512? Is this Percocet? ## That is correct. This tablet contains Acetaminophen 325 mg + Oxycodone Hydrochloride 5 mg (NDC 00406-0512), the active ingredients in Percocet, a narcotic pain reliever. Inactive Ingredients: - Crospovidone - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidones - Starch, Corn - Silicon Dioxide - Stearic Acid Ref: DailyMed Hope this helps! ## Is there a 15 mg Percocet? If so, what's the imprint?
I took about 40 mgs of Oxycodone between Saturday and Sunday. Will I test clean for my drug test on Thursday evening? ## I would think you should be fine since Oxycodone is generally out of the average persons system for a urine test in roughly 3-4 days (based on a number of sources I've read). If in fact you have a quick metabolism and drink lots of water, cranberry juice, and eat plenty of fruits I am confident that you won't test positive; but there's always that small chance. The odds are greatly in your favor if you keep eating heathy and stay active daily, especially since you only took one or two (based on what you mentioned). Hope this helps! ## its ut f yur system in 72 hours i get tested every saturday and some times id do some on a tuesday and it would be out sat ...
If u find buy usa meds run its totally bogus scammers. Don't send them any money ## I am a victim of a scam. Don't order anything from this phone number: 845-678-3480. He calls himself Paul. He has u send money guaranteeing 24 hour delivery. Then says u have to send more money to get the package. I reported him to money gram also. ## I basically had same experience but not named Paul. Name was Norman but money gram was made out to Hernadez. Then came the more money bit. I first ordered 120, then they said all they had was bottles of 360. I told him then break them down. He said he couldn't. Don't remember phone but they can use pc to change numbers at will. ## Hello I'm a veteran and have severe back pain I've been prescribed 30 mg oxys for 5 years now and am hav...
I take oxycodone 5 mg for back pain. I got the new K18 tablets and I read on another forum that you cant dissolve these pills. I have swallowing issues and have always chewed them. It's confusing because there is a score on the pills so I always thought that meant you could break them in half. I don't feel the effects of these pills much and I am wondering what you know about these tamper proof pills and can a person request pills and can these be safely and effectively broken in half? ## Is there a coating on the K18 Oxycodone tablets that prevents them from being water soluble? ## Round & White Oxycodone tablets with imprint K 18 (NDC 10702-018) contain the following inactive ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Starch, Corn - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Silicon Dioxide ...
I wonder what the difference is between 15MG MS Contin vs 15 Mg Oxycodone. Is there a substitute for MS Morphine..I take 2 30mg MS Contin twice a day and also with that I take 15MG MS Contin twice per day..which of course is 45mgs at a time..with 3 15mg Oxcodone for breakthru pain. I was taking 20 mg Oxycontin 3 times a day etc. But my insurance wasn't paying for the oxy. So what I take now is paid for. Do any of you have any suggestions of what would work better for the pain..since I changed to morphine it doesn't seem to do the trick..this is long..but any answers would be very appriciated..Thanks.. ## Oxycodone is actually one and a half times stronger than Morphine. So, for instance if you were taking 20mgs of Oxycodone, at a time, to relieve your pain, then the equivalent d...
Hi All, I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt! My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago...
Will someone with webmaster skills please start a petition site against the DEA and pharmacy's that hold us and are doctor wrote scripts as hostage. By the hundreds of thousands of tax paying chornic pain Florida citizens we have a voice and it should be heard by boycotting every namebrand pharmacy and the so called good neighbor network. Hit them where it hurts in there sales; you make while your getting your scripts filled at their convient wait and shop while your here gimmick. Suggest starting with Face book community to get petition started or a website dedicated to this Florida crisis that has filled every talk, chat,medical,social, and forum board. Now let your voice be heard. ## With all due respect, this post is difficult to understand as written. What is going on, for thos...
I really want to start my story with my main concern in case anyone doesn't have time or interest to read the whole thing. So I've suffered now for eleven years, have had 5 surgeries, PT, many many inj's., multiple doctors and opinions, had a very high stress and crazy physical job, acupuncture, have tried so many medications. I had a good pain doctor years ago that left and my family doctor of two decades took pity on me and by this point I had a psychiatrist that helped me for two months while he decided if he was comfortable with what I needed. Five years later I was no longer getting relief from 6 Perc 10's and he wasn't comfortable adding anything else so I found a new pain doctor close to me and was very anxious about it but he ended up being pretty good; but h...
looking for pain management doctor that prescribes opiates ## U dont have to look too far look for the ones who are liberal ## Hi Antman can you please leave this information about pain medicines. I've been suffering for way to long with well documented pain issues. ## Antman please get back to me, I have multiple. Herniated& Deteriorated discs cervical to lumbar sacral. All documented really need your assistance with this Dr. Information. Thanks for your help and advice. Denny ## Did you find someone? Depending on where you are I heard there are a few specialist that are being referred patients from PCPs. ## Do you know a pain doctor who accepts cash? Im in need of roxycotin 30mg, but i dont have insurance.... I am not a drug addict! ## as long as your records are strait and u ...
Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a ha...
Hello all, I've been issued Rhodes oxycodone 10/325 by CVS in Nashville and have had very bad reactions, some good reactions and sometimes no reactions at all from these pills. This is my first script of 120 pills and need some info on how to file a complaint to the FDA. I've taken these pills in the past (percodan, percocet) and never had to think twice whether or not they would ease my pain. With these I never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes I just feel awful with NO pain relief whatsoever. Sometimes they work fine and other times just barely. How can a company do business with such an unpredictable product? Needless to say I will be short, so add extreme anxiety as well. I've read others who share the same stories and believe me I feel for you. I've also mad...