Oxycodone 15mgs
UpdatedHELLO!! I was wondering if there is a 15 mg Oxycodone IR that is made with the least amount of fillers and binders made , I had many back operations on my back fractured back that went into my nervous system and many others ,I i have been on them since a little over 7yrs now if you were me i want to stay on the 15s, I was offered methadone and fytinayl ( sorry for the spelling) and i refused so i wanted to know if there are 15s out there with the least amount of fill / bin in them what can i ask my doctor for he is very good in that respect with me ,I been seeing him for a very long time now , Is brand name better then all the rest ,Please help I don't know what to do now thank you for your thoughts on this matter.
1 Reply
All solid tablets have fillers, and binders, they have to in order for them to be compressed together, and stay in tablet form.
What brand has worked well for you, so far?
The FDA warns that Oxycodone carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.
Ref: Oxycodone Information
Are you sensitive to certain ingredients?
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