Oxycodone Replacement Drug? (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi I suffered a complete L1/L2 Spinal Cord Injury a few years ago and due to the nerve damage I now suffer ongoing chronic pain in my lower groin and acute pain in my legs.
I currently take 10mg Oxycodone five times a day with 10mg Methadone once a day for the pain and it has worked very well for me since the accident.
I started on just 10mg Oxycodone four times a day with no Methadone and over nearly 5 years it has build up to what I'm now on.
Me and my pain Dr always agreed to rotate my pain meds before any one does got too high, so we are now replacing the Oxycodone. I tried Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for one day and it did very little for my pain apart from making me tired,so I have returned to the Oxycodone.
My question to anyone who can help is what do you think is a good replacement for Oxycodone? It will only be for 6 months to give my body a rest from the oxycodone and try reset the tolerance level, that's why we tried a morphine based drug.
I asked about Opana (Oxymorphone) but we don't have it in AUS.
Cheers to anyone who can help.
13 Replies
oxycodone is probably the most effective for pain relief your tolerance won't go down unless u take less meds/total opiates methadone is good for long term pain management as your tolerance does't go up i don't think there is a good substitute for your oxys nothing will give u the same pain relief why don't u just try methadone on it's own but don't expect to go back on your oxys after increasing your methadone dose as they will have little effect methadone is actually an opiate antagonist(it blocks other opiates from attaching to the neurotransmitters in your brain)
The Fentanyl patches are actually much stronger than Oxycodone, however you do need a doctor's prescription to obtain them.
Does anyone else have experience in this area? If so, please post!
it is fentanyl which is much like ms but 100x or more stronger. it is also measured in micrograms not mg. this med is very strong highly addictive and difficult to come off of. user beware and very careful.
these patches as i said are highly addictive. they take bout a day or so to take effect so be careful taking any other pain narcs while waiting for patch to take effect. they can be showered over they should stay on. they are heat activated so careful with hot shower don't allow heat on the patch it will increase absorption dosage. don't allow patch to be cut open or leak any contents. as i have said these are VERY strong people have died from misuse of these patches. there has also been a recall on some of them r/t accidental deaths when leakage/increased absorption occurred. i don't mean to frighten anyone when used as instructed fentanyl is a very good pain med.
Fentanyl also comes (belive it or not) in a form similar to a lollipop. This way u can control how much you are ingesting as opposed to a patch where u are stuck (pun intended) with the dosage dispensed. Fentnyl is a very potent but short acting synthetic opiate that until a decade or so ago was only used in a hospital setting, mostly for labor pain. All opiates are addictive, but methadone is the absolute worst. I was on Meth clinics for the better part of twenty years, and the times that I tried to kick were unbearable. I've been addicted to every opiate (I'm on Suboxone now) but even after 2-3 months I was still sick from trying to kick Methadone. Switching around does sound like a good idea to me. Good Luck ( I feel your pain ) Larry
I am serious when I saw this post the first thing that came to me was the same as some others & that is the Fentanyl patch. Reason why I think it will work well is because you get a constant release from the patch for 72 hours you may need something for breakthrough pain, such as oxycodone 5mg. My husband was on it for 5 years at 100 milligrams & after he told his doctor he was ready to try to get off the patch the DR went down to a smaller dosage evey 2 months he is now free of all narcotics, he still has pain which he takes Aleve for but he said after the horrible accident he was in due to someone elses neglect he felt so depressed because he is all the way a country home grown man & to take meds it is a sign of weakness ( crazy people, crazy thinking) but he was in so much pain that at that point it didn't matter what anyone thought & we did not tell anyone as that is his private right. For almost 5 years he couldn't even get out of bed without the Fentanyl. Think about the patch-research it & speak to your painmangement Doctor- May God bless you & all victims of a cruel monster I call pain as I have severe chronic pain due to some health issues & I am not sure how much longer I will be able to type, as my passion has always been to become a writer, but when you get married then have children everything else goes on the backburner, my children are adults & I have a very good story to write if I cando it if I push myself through the pain. I am also great on advice that is personal & not professional. Maybe 1 day ?
some fentanyl has been recalled, as well as oxycodone , esp. by kv pharm. or ethex, fentanyl will make you droozy an you can be sitting in easy chair an doze off an wake up very distrubing, i did nt like it doc has me on avinza now its time realeased dosage varies any where from 30mg to 120 mgs, drs most time ok about writing this because very low street value, there are generics of this recalled to from kv pharm. out of canada good luck
Fentanyl is a great option, but be wary of possible side effects (overdose with heat applied to patch, patch applied improperly). Opana is an excellent pain med, available instant release or ER, I'd say roughly 2.5 times potency of oxycodone. Not sure if others who posted are aware, but Oxycontin is the same drug as oxycodone, it's simply an extended release form meant to disperse over 12 hours, and as such is a higher dose. Sorry to hear Opana not yet available down under, maybe you could get some imported but not sure on the logistics of that. As a nurse (two semesters from med school!) I feel for pain sufferers. I am very wary of ER/CONTIN versions of opiates, as there are so many variables that affect absorption! Even eating foods high in fat has been linked to increased bioavailability of some opiates, I have witnessed this first hand seeing overdoses of oxymorphone in patients who had a fast food meal. Of note, there is a new opiate/opioid analgesic recently FDA approved, literature compares its effectiveness to oxycodone. Can't recall the name offhand, but being the first new opiate pain med to come out in probably 20 years (even oxymorphone was invented in the 70's), there must be something worthwhile about it! Hope this helps, good luck!
I am from The Netherlands
Fentanyl is the same as Durogesic a synthtic drug and it is not good, because if you are at a level where you can upgrade youre doses you got breath complications respetory air-depression !! I have CRPS complex regional Painsyndroom = post traumatic dystrophia = RSD reflex sympatic dystrofie, i suffer wirh high intensions of pain in my whole body and brains, it's like a heat iron on my whole body, it is auto-immune and neurological and neuropatic pain, I va been terrified for a psyhiatric hospital, because it is no psychologic or psyhiatric disease!! it has components of MS, Reuma, Crohn,Parkinson, the limbic system ,that is the emoional disturbance in CRPS,aswell inflammation in higher centers of this emotional brain the limbic system,Understanding the nature of emotional components od CRPS spares the patiet from disdiagnoses and proper treatment !!!
I have this since 1980, in Holland there are 25000 patients three female on 1 male !! And 8000 each year after a litte stitch or traumatic injury, i have a sportinmjury and my knee is very very bad and now i am 47 years old, but i had ppor memory, and concentration,agitation, anxiety,insomnia,depression,etc My whol ebody and brains organs and muscle and longs hart bones, everything dysfunctioned very bad.
I have Prof van Hilten in Holland as a Neurolog, and a good homedr.
anesthesist-paindr. and revalidationdr.
Afferent sensory dysfunction of thermoreceptors,mechanorecepptors,and chemoredeptord ( pain)
Efferent vasomotor resonse ( neurovasculaire response)
control of immune system as a protective stabilizer of milieu interne (inflammation) NSAIDS
limbic system modulation of the sympathetic system ( emotional disturbance) !!
I use clonezepam ( rivotril ) spasme's
like parkinsonisme
I have mineral salt Magnesium oxide, 2500MG-5000Mg is natural and to much you go to the WC diareea hahaha, but the morfine stops ! Helps bij muscle, vains, stress,good against spasme and vasculair problems in brain and body and Arcoxia 90 mg 1 a day ( cox1) used for Reuma artritis from my bones and bath knee patellae femoral syndrome
Instead I try know avivoda= naturale
soja and avocado for painrelief and many trails since 2001 and 2007 dec. piasclidine in France but i use it from glucosamine .com !
I use paracetamol 8 a day 500mg!
old TCA's nervepain triptyzol 80mg
one 1 bétablocker 20 mg propenolol=
Inderal, against my migraine with aura
I use instead of Fentanyl because the breath/long/hartproblems , TRANSTEC a buferonine it's alsop synthetic morfine from the '66-'77 and in a ampul, but they can not stick me with a needle, in Leiden in LUMC Netherlands they made last year a (pleister) plaster -kleber within the transtec on my arms and one time in the 4 days I use new kleber,plaster on my arms.
I walk very slow, buth I walk and try half a hour, I sit on a hometrainer nivo zero, but I try to got my knee around !!
my feet are so painful and red and purple and blue, I had dystonia and can not walk, because 1 feet, stands totally wrong and I go for it,
I meditate at a chair the bodyscan and I have LESS PAIN !!
I can not feel my left leg and know I can feel it, because I meditate and touch my leg firts soft and than hard and harder with a brush !!
I had allodonya at my leg and knee, I meditate and you can touch my leg !!!!
YES I can feel !!! Because I stimulate my nerves and brains !!
you have to be diciplined and meditate every day 30 minutes.
But use youre low-breath system, not high breathing but low, put youre and at youre bully and feel, let go that breath do not attend on it, let go, deeper and deeper nd deeper, and go from your left tone
to your leg,knee, go to the pain and go away! Please never say think, i have now pain and now feeling, you have it and go to it and let it where it is, and go over youre whole body from the ground to youre head and breath low and slow and relax relax relax, you can say the word, when you often sleep in, you sit with youre eyes open and look at a place on the ground, astripe or a white paer on the ground, and concentrate, let go al youre feelings, do not give them attention, when you start and in the begin you are feel restless, but it get over, let the noises froom outsite over come,it is not importent, try to NOT THINKING!!
it is als it is, You live Now, not yesterday no today Now !!
I go in my meditation to my pain in my leg or head or my burning hands etc etc, I made foto's from my red and blue purple tones, because they did not believ me at that psyhiatric hospital, i fal down and I was Neurologil dissocitative etc etc include a very good psychiater prof Kahn, did not believe me !!! I was ther 9 weeks, my family and husband and 2 boys, left me there, I was so aline and lonesome, terrible !!!
But we have a neurological dissease, our spinecord with our nerve fibres are bad. Our Pianintention is the highest of all diseaeses also cancer, about 10 years that's a chronicle disease too, and they can cure, but we are not getting better, there are now medicins directly for us availible know, in Health Sience they look at our tumor necrose alpha cells, with immunotherapy anti TNF alpha, but in the Netherlands i can not been helped, because more limbs are ill and it's a very dangerous therapy!!
I meditate with the theory from jon Kabatt Zin a American Boedist, MINDFULL THINKING , I followed lessons and every week i go on sunday for 2 ours with 8 people in an schoolclass meditate walk and sitting at a chair or in lotussit, but i sit on my chair !!
I am very sure that it is the only way, to help youreselves with meditaion activition and no Rest, it's a vicieuze circle this illness, nobody can help me, you van only help your selves.
The Boedistic Way is also the way that very good works by Painrelief!!
Mindfulleness Thinking, used also by depression iin the netherlands very good , a trial in academic university hospital, YES it works!!
My life was misserable, alone, etc
no understanding, but You have got the regie about Yourselves, No Other only You are responsebil for your diseases and life!
Mediation by Pain and Stress
by Jon Kabatt Zin !!! It works worldwide!
my life is kwalitilife about 75% betterm but i have a very terrible disease and it's the art to make youre life a better life,it cost me know 8 years from that terrible place and lost my partner, i see my sons and I am happy, l lost 20 friends, but now I go to a activity center with many other fyssical handicapt people, one can not speak, another can not walk, i have lot 's of pain, but we are equeal, it doesn t matter, we are all the same !!!
So Go FOR IT and try also
Naturally supplements and alternatives find them!! when you do not like youre home -docter, you take another !!! Take youre own life , you got strong and use youre talents, I paint and make ceramics !!
very warm greetz, Els Vos
The Netherlands
yes You Can !!
I use instead
Opana is now available in the US. There was a rep in my MD's office on my last visit.
Was on 'Fentanyl' patch for about nine months as well as other pain meds, for chronic, debilitating lumbar back pain. Decided I'd had enough, just stopped the patch! Still have them in my medicine cabinet, but have no desire to continue with them! THAT'S how addicting they are!
I don't know if you mean you are taking Oxycodone or Oxycontin.But Oxycontin is a time released pain med that is pretty strong. where you might take 5 Oxycodone/Percocet, you need only take one 20mg. Oxycontin. I am one it and although it is addictive it does work and after some time you do not fill any high affects, which I like. I tried Fentanyl but it not only made me nauseated but has latex and if you are sensitive to any adhesives you won't be able to use it. Why not ask about a surgical procedure that puts a device that you can regulate the dose and it is delivered straight to the spinalthalmic tract and you won't have to worry about being 'high'.
You can try a drug called fentynol. It is an opid based drug and it is very strong. It comes in a transdermal system which is a patch you can wear for three days. It is very similar to morphine talk to your doctor and research it on the internet. The patches come in 25, 50, 75 and 100. mg every hour released through the skin for 72 hours. Use only if you need round the clock pain meds and you should have a tolerance to opid medicationif you and your doctor do decide to use it.
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