Oxycodone Keeps Me Awake (Top voted first)


I have taked oxycodone and hydrocodone over the last 30 years due to chronic kidney stones (I have passed, or had removed, well over 50 stones in my lifetime) and a severely scarred ureter on my left side. Often I go several days without having to take a half of a Hydrocodone 5/325. That is my "go to" dose when my side starts to ache, and it usually takes the edge off. If not, I will take another half, or if it seems to be getting worse, an Oxycodone 5mg. They work just fine, but if I take an Oxy near bedtime. I won't get to sleep for about 6 hours. I don't feel agitated or hyped up, I just can't get to sleep. During the daytime, if I have to take an Oxy, I don't feel much other than the pain subsiding and a little bit of a euphoric feeling. I am very fortunate in that I never have a need, or the desire, to take a Hydro or an Oxy, unless I am in pain.

Any ideas on what would be a good substitute for the Oxycodone, to take at nighttime, that would kill the pain, but allow me to go to sleep?

4 Replies

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That's a good question. One of the more popular sleep aids prescribed nowadays is Trazodone. Given that you don't take a large dose of opiate medications I think you could probably take trazadone along with a 5mg oxy at night. You might ask your doctor.

Trazodone is technically an anti-depressant but you wouldn't need to take it every night. Some studies also suggest that Trazadone helps with anxiety and pain. I have a prescription for it and I only take it when I have bouts of insomnia. 50-100mg of it knocks me out and I sleep good for a solid 6 hours, at least. Something to consider perhaps.

I've been having recurring kidney stones for the past year myself. Right now I have a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis in my left kidney. I'v probably passed upwards of 20 stones this year alone. I know excruciating it can be. I'm taking potassium to try to break the stone down and avoid invasive surgery.

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Re: Mason (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for your reply. I have been taking a product that I buy off the internet called Renavive. It has been a real blessing to me. It doesn't dissolve stones, but it eats away at whatever holds the stone crystals together and they will crumble rather easily. My stones are calcium oxylate and they are usually hard as rocks. I passed a 6-7mm stone while away from home and wrapped it in some toilet tissue and put it in my sport coat pocket. When I got home to add it to my collection, it was just a bunch of crystals about the size of grains of sand. It also does help to reduce the chronic pain that I have. I buy 12 bottles at a time for the discounted price and take it on a regular basis even if I'm not having a problem with a stone. I've been using it for about 10 years.

My current doctor has the equipment available to break up the stones with a laser. He can go all the way up into the kidney and get them there.

I will check with my doc and get his opinion on the Trazodone.

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There is also a higher dose available of the Hydrocodone, coupled with Acetaminophen, you can get it in 7.5/325, or 10/325 doses. That is another thing you could ask your doctor about.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

Does anyone else have any ideas that might help?

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I have the same issue with oxycodone and have had success using melatonin supplements with it. It's worth asking your dr, inexpensive fix :)

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