Oxycodone And Walgreens
Updatedhernando co fl walgreens treats its pain patients horrible they pick and chose which dr they fill for last month they were prasing my dr this month they not only wont take his scripts but puts marks by patients names so they cant fill for three months all because he hasnt tied into insurance yet but gives u paperwork to turn into insurance and is in the process of taking it now patients cant afford the money mom and pop wants what do we do or the other pharmacies wont take new people ive been with walgreens five yrs and have sevre pain and 50 yrs old
9 Replies
I have been to more than 40 pharmacies since last Thurs., some say it's on backorder, they ask me if I have filled my prescriptions there before, then say they fill for their patients, I didn't realize pharmacies had specific patients(RIDICULOUS). The pharmacy(CVS) where I have filled for the past 4 months, all of a sudden decided not to fill, I know they have it, and just decided to inform me that this wasn't a legitimate prescription. When did pharmacists become doctors, judges? I have a legitimate prescription, legitimate pain, legitimate condition, and I genuinely need this medication. What am I supposed to do? I actually fill all of the rest of mine and my families meds at Walgreens and spoke with the pharmacist there, he told me he can't fill this medication due to the milligrams, which is why I am looking elsewhere. I feel like a criminal and I am definitely being treated like one. I can't sleep, I can barely walk, can someone please help me figure this out, should I ask my doctor for diff mg?
I'm very sorry that you're having so many problems getting your prescriptions filled. This has been going on for awhile now and it's just crazy.
The main problem in Florida is due to the strict enforcement of the ordering/stocking limits on controlled substances. They are only allowed to order and stock so much per month and cannot reorder until the following month. This means that they've had to do some major revamping to limit the prescriptions they fill, since they are trying to avoid running out for their regular, local customers.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
Another issue with some is that strict limits are also being enforced on how many your prescription can be written for each month. For instance, in the case of some narcotics, the limit is 180 a month, or 6 a day and they are not allowed to fill for any amount over that.
Jess, what are the details of your prescription?
I really can't make any suggestions without knowing more.
Thank God, I actually was able to get it filled today, believe it or not. Not at Walgreens though, I called them this morning hesitantly asking if they were able to fill it yet. Very strange response by every tech that answers, they say "What were you told when you dropped it off?" I feel like I am treated like I have done something wrong just for asking. My prescription is for 4 a day, the really ironic thing is the pharmacy that filled it for me originally told me that they don't carry 30mg because their patients don't take that dose. Since when were pharmacies doctors offices? This is a major pharmacy chain, that gets new CUSTOMERS on a daily basis. I was told so many different lies, from we haven't had it in weeks(which i knew wasn't true, because I had mine filled last month) that it wasn't going to be carried anymore. Then out of the blue someone fills it, this system is ridiculous, and there is nobody to complain to.
I have the exact same issue. I offered to where a sign around my neck with my list of symptoms, diagnosis and PROGNOSIS... which is considered Chronic with no cure. I have nerve damage in my right eye from sinus surgery and have had this ongoing for 8 years. I also work full time!! I WANT to work.....I hate being pigeoned holed with the rest that fill these scripts just to sell or feed a habit with a medical condition. Dr's wouldn't be writing narcotic scripts and put their license on the line if we as patients did not have the "need" so I am with you...why are the pharmacies treating people like garbage?
im glad everyone now knows walgreens don't care about their patience I have found a wonderful pharmacy that now has my meds for me so just find a pharmacy that carries your meds and stick with them even if you have to wait to get your pills cause when they see your going nowhere else then they will start getting yours believe me ive waited weeks a times and got sick but it paid off now they have every month so good luck and lets vote in office someone who cares about our pain they must remember they might need help one day and carma is a b****
I can totally sympathize with your ordeal. I've been a pain mgt patient for 25 years. After several failed back surgeries, including a fusion and yet another surgery to insert pins and plates, my pain was worse than before all these procedures! I finally found the answer to my pain - an implanted intra-thecal morphine pump. It completely changed my life! I was able to have children and lead a pretty "normal" life - the pain is always there, but it was bearable and my quality of life was SO MUCH better.
After having several new pumps put in, you have to have them replaced every 5-8 years but the catheter doesn't, and having refills every 2 months or so, I was due for a pump replacement. Usually my Pain Mgt Doc does this himself, but because of scheduling he referred me to another doctor to put the new one in - what a freaking nightmare!! Long story short, within 3 months and because of her f-up, I had to have everything removed - including the catheter. This happened in June and I obviously had to go on oral pain meds for several months until I could have everything reinstalled. I'm happy and feel so blessed that on Monday (10-10-16) my wonderful Pain Mgt Doc (Dr. Edward Chen) set my world right and straight again. However, during these past few months trying to get my scripts filled (Oxycontin 80mg and Oxycodone 30mgs), was a complete fiasco in which I had to suffer, NOT the i**** pharmacist. Walgreens pharmacists, a lot of them anyways, treat you like a criminal and it almost feels like they're playing "keep the meds away from suffering patients". It appears that what your doctor thinks makes no difference and that the only opinion that matters is theirs - screw going to school for being a doctor, as the pharmacists now control the doctor/patient relationship!
I went through, hopefully, my last battle over the last few days to receive my pain med (now just the Oxycodones for post-surgical pain) and won't have this cruelty to endure once they get the morphine titrated through the catheter. My mum, who has stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her bones also goes through this bull every month dealing with pharmacists who think they're Gods - something HAS to be done to stop the Opiate Gestapo's.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted you to know that you're certainly not alone and we as patients need to take legal action or something - I'm all for decreasing abuse, but the pendulum has definitely swung way to FAR and instead of recreational overdosing deaths, there's going to be "can't take the pain anymore" suicides. So glad you got your fill and best wishes to be as pain-free as possible.
I had the same issue with them. They blocked my scripts from getting filled.
Walgreens is the worst. I went through a family crisis, a real emergency. I had to take care of this family member 24/7 for 6 weeks, he was close to death. The stress and anxiety was unbearable and I could not sleep well. I take clonazepam for sleep, but 1 mg was not helping at times, and with my doctors' permission, there were a few days that I needed 1.5 mg just to sleep. Out of a 90 day prescription, I took about 5 extra as needed, therefore I ran out 5 days before the full 90 days was up. My doctor gave me a new prescription and Walgreens refused to fill it until day 90!!! Stopping clonazepam cold turkey is very dangerous, you can have seizures and die. Walgreens did not care. I thought I would die, could not function, the people at Walgreens enjoy controlling your care and interfering with the patient/doctor relationship. The government is s barking up the wrong tree. Go after the drug addicts on the street, not real sick patients. The hypocrisy regarding healthcare in this country is astounding.
Think about this: The dems and others are out there yelling about a woman’s right to kill or abort a live human being, an innocent baby. They say that the decision is between the woman and her doctor. There are millions of babies being killed every year, and these people are ok with that! Now think about this: a drug addict takes too many opioids, or benzodiazepines or whatever, using his free will to do so. Some of these addicts overdose and die. They hurt themselves only. So, the government calls this an “opioid crisis”, and goes after doctors, pharmacists and manufacturers, instead of the drug dealers on the street and pouring through the open southern border. The result is that real patients that need the med cannot get them and this is ruining their lives causing suicides, causing them to purchase off the street or dying from being cut off cold turkey. Yet day after day, innocent babies are being killled and no one is interfering with these mass murders. They say it’s her freedom of choice. That it’s a woman’s choice to decide what she does with her body. I hereby proclaim that it should be everyone’s choice on what they do or put into their own body, with their doctor’s approval UNLESS by doing so you are hurting another life. Abortion not only affects the mother, it destroys the life inside of them. THAT IS THE CRISIS! A patient who takes pain medication because she is in severe pain and unable to function without it, is NOT a crisis. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy?
Re: Jess (# 1)
Walgreens sucks . They will not let me fill my adderall without paying more money even though I have Aetna insurance. I get Xanax and subutex but it depends if I get my Xanax and subutex at my drs office pharmacy. Otherwise I have not one problem . Walgreens can blow a big one
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