Oxycodone Vs Fentanyl Withdrawals (Page 4)
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I have just switched from oxycodone to fentanyl patches. I will be withdrawing from them following sugery. any suggestions as to which is easier to withdraw from? Thanks!!!
I was on the fentanyl patch patch for a lengthy period of time ... starting with the lowest dosage, and working my way up to 100 ... I went through HORRIBLE withdrawl as my doctor weened me off it ... and was finally able to get rid of it once and for all. The "herky jerkys" and other withdrawl symptoms were just God awful !!! Glad to be off that and now am taking Percocet (Oxycodone 10/325 generic) 4 to 5 times a day. The weird effects I get from that don't even compare to the patch. Funny how a little "piece of tape with some meds in it" can create such havoc in the body. I think I'd rather live with the pain than have to go through what I went through on the fentanyl patch.
I have to say that withdrawing from Fentanyl was the hardest thing I ever had to do!! It lasted for over a month, but I did it cold turkey!! The sweating and cold flashes are brutal. The nausea is horrible too!! Weaning yourself like the last user described is a much better alternative!!! I took a lot of hot baths. And tried to stay calm. Burning incense. Sleeping. Breathing slow. Doing things that made me stay calm and relaxed as possible. I was only able to eat yogurt and Popsicles. Stock up on things that will make you stay calm... I watched the entire series of mad men while I laid in bed and felt like crap. I spent a lot of time at the beach too .. I wish you the best,
Yes I can offer you some suggestion's because I went through the same thing a few year's back. First you need to go out and get some "Cal/Mag", it's a liquid in a quart bottle and it replace's your bodies calcium and magnesium real quick and get a bottle of this in a vitamin. All pain meds. rob our bodies of these two rapidly, that's what makes you hurt sooooo bad when the medication is wearing off so this is real important. Second only wear your patch 12hours on and 12hours off, do this for 3 day's then reduce the mg's by 25mg's and do this for 3 day's until you're off the med. Caution, you'll have some pretty weird mood swing's, mostly depression, it's strang I know but pain med's. make us numb to emotion's when taking at high dose's. My worst was coming down from 160mg of Methadone a day to 40mg a day, (my choice). "Do Not" stop all at once, you'll not only get real sick but you can die from that,,, like a dumb ass I did that for 3 day's (160mg down to 0mg) my wife had to take me to the emergency room, lol. Funny now but oh no not then, lol. I hope this help's you and God bless! Thank you,
Shouldnt b as hard as Fent WD at all but ur taper, cuttung in half is a bit fast to me. Taper more slowly
I have experienced Fentanyl withdrawal in full force, and wouldn't wish it on anyone!! It was by far the WORSE MONTH OF MY LIFE!!! I am afraid now because I am detoxing from Oxycodone and Hydrocodone and CANNOT GO THROUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH WITH THE FENTANYL WITHDRAWL. I take 6 10/325 Oxys a day and 6 10/325 hydros a day ... Today I started taking half of that... Is this going to get as bad as the fentanyl detox?? Any comments , bad or good, are encouraged!!
answer is oxycodone is easier to withdraw from compared to fetnayl is the worst. your withdraw from oxycodone will last up to a week the first four days is the hardest you will get s***s , cold and hot sweats and feel like a very bad flue
Dependacies and side effects.
I was on oxicontin 20 mg x 3 per day, got 4 to 5 hrs of physical activities and paid the price every morning being awokin by the pain...it was a price I was willing to pay. Then comes the "switch" over to the oxy neo's 2 x 30 per day, doesnt cover the pain, physical activity down to 1 to 2 hrs (and paying for it with large doses of pain) so try hydromorphine 6mg x 2 daily (ext release) with 2x 2mg of same(inst release) for breakthru, quit that 6 mg within a week, dont need the "high" for 2 hrs then directly into pain shortly after (garbage I told doc.)went back to the "neo's", O our trillium med plan I need a EPA that states from my doctor that I have tried alternative drugs for 3 months to keep recieving funding for the neo's after feb 2013, so we try a fentanyl patch 12 mcg/h, put on at 3pm, had rough night sleep got up at usual time , 5am had to take a 2mg hydromorphine(headache over left eye) and was good till about the 24 hr mark(from applying patch) Then all "weirded out" headache (that never went away) layed down for a bit, got up checked for pulse hard to find, was up from my normal 62-62 bpm to a whopping 85. Ran down to drug store checked blood pressure and heart rate it say's 82 bpm, BP was 153/105..usually (average) 120/75 I am diabetic and since being switched to the neo's have gained 15 lbs, which puts me 10lbs overweight.
Question is my heart rate/blood pressure because of the lack of oxy, or a bad reaction to the new drug, or combination of both?
Will this subside?
This is written 40 hrs after patch applied, headache coming on and I am still, anxious/nervous and weirded out.
I have to drive 25km to check my BP...so no ideal where at this moment where that sits..but not prone to headaches...feels like eyes are gonna pop!
how long were u on fentanyl? and i have a question if u or anyone can answer for me.i have had a 50 fent patch on for 3 days only thats it only 3 days,do u think i would have any bad withdrawals from only the 3 days? im taking it off tommorrow and using norco 10mgs tabs to soften the blow. i have small kids i have to take care of and im really scared.my sis in law says i should be ok,she was on fent 100 for 5 years and had 13 days of withrawal.i will never touch fent ever again!if anyone would like to email me my address is xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}. thanks and bless you!
Everyone is different, all I can say is from my experience. I was taking about 360 - 400mg oxycodone per day.
I then began using 25mcg fentanyl sublingualy, which in all honesty was the only way for me to get off the oxy. 25mcg fentanyl made me sick as hell. Very shortly I found myself using 1/4 100mcg fentanyl sublingualy every 4 hours or so. From my experience :
Personally I find WD's from oxycodone to be more difficult than Fentanyl WD, even though fentanyl is much much stronger, and it seems like they last much much longer than fentanyl WD's too. I think it was about 4 - 5 days of hell coming off fentanyl, and about 1 and a half weeks of hell coming off oxycodone.
No brainer: Fentanyl is by far the worst withdrawal I've ever experienced. My ex, who is a recovered Heroin addict (now taking Suboxone, but never experienced chronic pain such as myself--she "played" and is doing fine on Suboxone after shooting H and Dilaudid).
She compared Fentanyl to the closest thing to Heroin withdrawal -- except it can last up to 6-8 weeks.
I experienced it myself. While I never did Heroin, an almost-fatal car crash left me with herniated discs from L2-S1 (mid-lower back down to my butt-bone, with shooting radicupathic pain down my left leg, leaving searing pain down my back, leg and constant numbness in my thigh).
An Osteopath in NC put me on 100mcg Fentanyl patches, one every three days, and Oxycodone 30mg HCL for breakthrough.
Problems with the Fentanyl were immediate. Day 1 was a relief; no pain. By the middle of Day 2, pain was excruciating, and more often than not, the patch would fall off / peel off my skin (even switching spots) before the third day even began. The impossible-to-find Oxycodone (also called Roxicodone) meant IF and WHEN I *did* manage to find it, I would usually not get them for breakthrough pain until sometimes weeks after the script was written -- so every three days I found myself in a day of pure HELL of Fentanyl withdrawal.
Eventually, I moved to Florida and lost my insurance due to the disability causing a loss of my job. Florida is notorious for "pill mills" and now apparently has a cap on the GRAMS of Oxycodone allowed to be dispensed in the state.
Final thought:
Six weeks of Fentanyl withdrawal is unlike anything I've ever felt. How did I end up in that situation? After informing my N.C. doctor that I was losing my job, he prescribed THREE MONTHS worth of both medications. So I thought I hit paydirt coming home with #90 Oxycodone HCL 30mg (x3 months = #270 pills) and THREE MONTHS of Fentanyl, ten per month (3 days per patch), so 30 patches of Fentanyl.
Needless to say, I ran out within 6 weeks, since the patches fell off contantly and I popped those Oxys to make up for the pain. I didn't think ahead.
So I found myself with almost two months of no meds, and it can be 6-8 weeks of the WORST WITHDRAWAL of LIFE coming off Fentanyl -- it's synthetic heroin, strong enough to be made into candy for cancer patient pain.
Day 3: Oxycodone withdrawal was comparable to Oxycontin, within a week I had survived...
But the Fentanyl withdrawal can last up to two months, and day 3 - I woke up that morning covered in my own vomit and diarrhea. Went to the ER begging for anything to calm the symptoms, put me on a waiting list for Suboxone which saved my life.
Still have the pain, but Fentanyl is a killer W/D. Don't even play with that chemical hell. Trust me, I wished I was dead.
the doctor switched me to the patches because ive become dependent on the pills. He said withdrawals would be easier. I will be having surgery & then hope to take Vivitrol. I don't look forward to the "weaning" process. Any suggestions are appreciated. Judy
I had been taking about 15 oxycodone 30mg per day or more for a long time. I had been unable to take them as directed so my doctor suggested fentynal (200mg) saying his patient's didn't have a hard time with withdrawals. I'm pretty sure I'm having surgery. I'm hoping to be weaned from the patches & then take Vivitrol.
Both replies I got have said the fentanyl is harder to withdraw from! Not looking forward to this - except the end result will be worth it! I pray :-) Thanks all!
i have been on fentanyl for a long time. prior to this was on a bunch of oxycodone. to give you an idea i was taking anywhere to 3 or 4 of the 80s per day and 5 or 6 of the Roxi 30s per day... i have stopped that cold turkey and i can tell you that it was like being in heaven compared to fentanyl withdrawl. although i hear fentanyl withdrawl is MUCH shorter i dont know... never made it past the end of day 2. best of luck to you. fentanyl works better for pain but if you plan on getting off real soon id stick with the oxy. let me know how it goes!
Well, the Fentanyl is actually much stronger than the Oxycodone, a 0.025mg dosage of it is equal to 5mgs of Oxycodone, so it is going to be the harder one to withdraw from, if it is stopped abruptly.
However, the other fact of relevance is how long you will be using it. If it is only for a short period of time, them the withdrawals may not be too rough, though they may still be annoying.
Has your doctor provided you with any advice?
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