Oxycodone/percocet Generics! Which Are Most Effective? (Page 6) (Top voted first)



First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here.

Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325.

I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that seem to have, at least, a couple of favourable reviews.

I've got a new script for a week's supply of percocet 10/325. The primary pharmacy that I go to is Kroger (my local CVS carry Rhodes). Kroger carries the U17 Aurobindo which seem to help with pain but cause other issues; tinnitus, anxiety, drowsiness, agitation and at times nausea. Those are things I can deal with but I'd rather not.

Does anyone have any input on what they find to be the best generic manufacturer of oxycodone? I've read about endocet, actavis, watson, kvk, and others but none of them seem to be readily available in my area.

These are what i've tried in order from best to worst:

1. Mallinckrodt - good pain relief, seemingly no side effects, mild euphoria. (Unfortunately I cannot find Mallinckrodt anywhere around my area.)

2. (tie) Amneal/Aurobindo - Kind of a toss up between these two. They seem to work for the pain but have noticeable side effects. Auro (effects listed above) and Amneal both seem to cause anxiety/panic. Profuse sweating and itching have also been experienced with Amneal although not with Auro.

3. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals - I've read some horrible reviews for these. While I don't think they're as bad as some of the reviews, they were definitely very weak compared to the others i've tried. Sort of hit and miss though as one pill would make me feel high and another would make me feel sick (while not doing much for the pain). A plethora of side effects with these as well with malaise and dysphoria; the ultimate worst!

Okay now that you've heard my subjective opinion and rant, can anyone out there offer their opinion on these generic oxycodone/percocet manufacturers. Are there any generic brands I'm missing or never heard of? What's the most effective for killing pain with the least side effects? (I'm taking them for pain).

P.S. I'm going to have to fill at Kroger and get the Auro U17 regardless but would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance! I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.

142 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: nomas (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

That was a good one Nomas!! Still laughing my ass off! You made my day! Take care

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Re: nomas (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

That was a good one Nomas!! Still laughing my ass off! You made my day! Take care

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Re: nomas (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

I agree 100%. I started to write a letter, but threw it out after watching all of these senators on CSPN the other day having a forum on opiod epidemic. I encourage everyone to watch it when they re-run it. I am going to try & post this Miss N. to all. But not too familiar with the way to do it. If it doesn't go out to all maybe you could help me out on this. Thanks a bunch.

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if you're having recurring kidney stones try taking 500mg of magnesium every day......

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Honestly my friend just try to get on Suboxone. (It's not a perfect solution but its risk reduction) It is just going to get worse. And no you will not get any favors trust me, the feds now do random medication checks especially to narcotic pain reliever, and no Dr or pharmacy is going to risk their lively hood.

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Re: ISE (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Which brand is best? I’ve thought of switching but have no idea what brand to ask for.

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I know this has been from December .... but if you have such a detailed report of the various generics and the effects of each ..... i would suggest making copies of said comparisons and give a copy to the pharmacy with a request that they order the best one for you .... Another approach would be give said comparison to your Dr and ask for the script to be written brand specific and marked DAW "dispense as written" .... I have done this in past and it does help but fortunately i got to a new somewhat independent pharmacy as they were starting out and they ordered what works for me........ but any store can get most brands but you must remember the stores are in business to make money and pain management contracts screw up the free market idea but you can use other stores you just need to inform dr & explain why .... but big chain stores buy what they get best buy on a few cents may not seem like a lot of money but when you buy. Millions of pills even a penny adds up quickly ...... just a thought but hey do as you wish

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Endos (Endocet) Has less aspirin and doesn’t cause as much side effects especially the anxiety and the migraines let’s not forget •
Kidney stones and Kidney disease is my problem and to top it off I’m also a RN so I’m only allowed the lowest of the low doses unless hospitalized. But study many of these. If the Endo isn’t Blue and round and the Watson 10mg isn’t Yellow and shaped like a capsule ask your Pharmacist which is best for you with your side effects as well as how much it is to even split your script with let’s say 50 generic 50 regular or who has the cheapest rate for them because generic brands are terrible no matter which one you get!

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Re: ISE (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

They are available... someone is fibbing to you. It is excellent.... your doctor needs to write endocet and do not substitute on the prescription. Ritaid carries the .

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Re: Mason (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

No worries. My stones, well the first two that I had 14 months apart were uric too. 500mg of magnesium a day, its been three and half years, no stones. I also stopped drinking tea every day. Drink it once a week. You'd be surprised at what natural "helps", not cures, there are for things doctors simply will never tell you. But, I hope you have a handle on it. If your blood, and other fluids are acidic, I would also recommend coral calcium supplements with at least 2 hours of sun on your face a day for the natural vitamin d. Blood becomes acidic because your body uses more calcium than it can absorb. Coral calcium is "pre-digested naturally" by the organism that make the coral......oh well, that's all the info that's applicable to your situation. Look into it you're the type that never settles for one avenue to success. Godspeed.

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Re: Annie (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Riteaid is not in Arizona! You can look for yourself and My Docs have written DAW [Dispense as written]! Why would the Pharmacist lie? Besides she has shown me the manufacturers Drug book herself. They can not order them in 10/325. It said they were discontinued.

I have Cigna Medicare Insurance which allows me to use their Pharmacy- WalMart, Osco [Albertson], Walgreen's, Safeway and some others so far ALL OF THOSE HAVE SAID THAT DOES IS DISCONTINUED BY THE MANUFACTURER.

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Re: ISE (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

You got that right!! Well said Roro. It is good to hear from informed people.

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Re: Cathy (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

My Dr switched me to Dilaudid [Hydromorphone] 4 mg 3 times a day and I will tell you and 15 mg Morphine Sulphate and OxyContin ER twice a day. I switched Pain Management Drs. These meds so far are so much better than Percocet. I know I am nearing my switch time soon phase but I am getting my 1st back injections with this office so might not be switching so quickly. And I don't think I will need to switch it up yet. He's doing Radio/frequency Ablation lumbosacral L3-all the way down. Both sides. I have had it done before. It hurts like hell and Gets worse before it gets better but it lasted about 7 months and I know it did something because when I wore off The pain was OFF the charts!! I had NO pain Management Dr and had left over meds fromwhen I went back east to my brother's Engagement party & then Wedding I was smart and put the pills away that I didn't use. We stayed at the same hotel- no driving, spoke to the Dr ahead of time signed waiver about Alcohol responsibility and narcotics.

No dose before any drinking and wait at least 3 hrs unless you STILL Feel the effects of the alcohol. He gave me a breathalyzer to take before meds. If DUI level before bed you skip dose and you must turn that one in. He has the serial # so you can not buy another one to take at a later date. I had one glass of wine at the Engagement party, had a Mimosa getting ready for the Wedding at the brunch and a glass of Champagne at the dinner making a toast to my brother. The Breathalyzer came back all clear... Actually was a good thing that I had some pills left over half here and there -eventhough my pain was excruitating and verging on 9.5 with tears in my eyes and crying myself to sleep EVERY night till I got another pain management Dr again. With a regular schedule which in AZ is not easy on NOT EVERY DR WILL GIVE OPIOIDS!! Not a PCP, my Rheumatologist used to give me those meds in the past about 5 years ago w/ a narcotic agreement. I was always on. Thanks to the NEW RULES!! Nope!! I can not afford the copay to run to the ER- every time because you know they give a limited amount of pills. Besides, who wants to look like a "drug seeker" or feel like a criminal?? Bad enough my first experience with pain management that IS how you feel. First time you go.. it really was not a pleasant experience. However, I found a great Doctor and he is on the Top Doc List 3 years in a row!

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Re: David (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hi David, I’ve had chronic pain for about 18 yrs, I’ve tried just about everything because my tolerance went up and they stopped working. A couple things they did (Pain Management), I took, what they called a “Vacation” from them. This was to lower my tolerance back down. I think they gave me Suboxone while I was off of them. Another was getting back injections, they don’t just work for your back, but other parts of your body. Just be careful about the steroids, I ended up with a cataract in my left eye. But, mainly I would try to go off of them for awhile yoblower my tolerance, this was very difficult. But, the last one I am in the middle of, they’re doing a “Spinal Cord Stimulater.” This is a surgery procedure where they attached wires to your nerves in your spine and it blocks the pain before your receptors get them and tell you your in pain. Ask your doctor if this would be an option to help, it’ll take you off the pills, which after awhile will do damage to you internally. I hope this helps, I was approved for the trial to make sure it works! I don’t want to have the surgery and realize it doesn’t work. Good Luck and try and look forward with a positive attitude, it helps a lot!!

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Re: ISE (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

If you take the 10mg pure oxy and take a small amount of tylenol it helps the pain a little better than on it's own. Recommended by an ER RN who happens to be a friend and in chronic pain. She said it makes her gag seeing the amount of pain medication that gets trashed (wasted they call) because the doctors have to start with a low dose and that's less than a vial in 99% of the cases.

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Re: Mason (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

KVK absolutely useless. After several failed back surgeries and chronic pain for the last 18 years, the last 8 debilitating today I went to a Frys (Kroger) pharmacy and received KVK oxycodone 15 mgs and they don't work. I had to switch Pharmacies due to Walmarts change in filling rules in AZ. At least at Walmart for the last 2 years I always received RHO and they worked great! Now to find another pharmacy.....

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I've been on Actavis 30mg Oxycodone for years. Now I'm getting the Mallinckrodt brand, but they've given me a terrible headache and a slight kidney infection. What should I do?

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Re: ISE (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

Actually it say do not drive or operate machinery while taking this drug until you know how it wi effect you

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ISE #101 & Annie #103 --

Annie, you are correct. Brand Name "Endocet" 10-325 (10 mg of oxycodone and 325 mg of acetaminophen was still available NDC # 60951-0712-70 tab were still available, as recently as 2017, they come in bottles of 100 tabs each, DEA class C-II. FDA Orange Book rating a "rare" AA, the "final step up", out of 17 different "lesser quality ratings" (actually 10 of the 17 FDA Orange Book classes are for quality control efficiency).

Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (610) 558-9800 (Pennsylvania USA). the MAKER of the drug, (patent holder) not necessarily the SELLER of the drug, (some major big USA firms will "farm out" the proprietary drug, to a different mfg, to Endo standards, who actually mfg said drug, and, it's then offered to a drug wholesaler, with a DEA license, to market to USA pharmacies.

Source: REDBOOK (pharmacy's fundamental reference) edt 2017 121st year of publication, (now on the internet only) no longer published in textbook form, since the year 2010. "Endocet" brand name was listed as available also, in USA, Canada, and Israel, as well, (page 114) of the 38th edition of MARTINDALE (The Extra Pharmacopoeia) a/k/a "The Complete Drug Reference" info in 43 countries of the modern industrialized world, Pharmaceutical Press, London
UK, (ISBN 978-0-85711-139-5)

Endo Brand name Percodan was also still listed in the Martindale for USA citizens, but was discontinued for citizens of Canada. Endo has realized a significant increase in demand for USA C-II Opana and Opana ER brand name, directly due to the reformulation of Purdue Pharma "OxyContin" original formula, (1996 to 2010). Purdue OxyContin has realized a large decease in sales and a decrease in consumer satisfaction surveys, with their OxyContin "OP" embossment, vs. their "OC" embossment (old formula) of OxyContin (USA).

Opana (oxymorphone HCI). The pharmaceutical industry in the USA has changed radically in the past, 6 years, IMHO. Many reasons, Brand and Generic, the latter especially. It can be a daunting challenge to get a USA chain pharmacy to special order a prescription drug, written as DAW, due to, hostile rules and regulations, by corporate office, of many USA pharmacy chain drugstores. IMHO, the independent pharmacy, preferably an owner-operator, i.e. owner pharmacist, or a independent family pharmacy, that were once very common in USA, but, in the 21st century are a dwindling group of pharmacies. (depends on your geographic location), and other reasons, such, as many pharmacy/owner's retire, and, sell their pharmacy to a big USA chain pharmacy. In my 47 years of using both chain USA pharmacies vs, an independent pharmacy, I'd place my energy more in searching for a more co-operative, independent pharmacy especially run by a pharmacy owner. The downside, is, you may have to pay more money to get a special order drug, like, Endocet, if it is not normally on the stock shelves,due to low demand, (understandable) pharmacy needs to make a profit, to stay in business, and many Brand products often are very expensive I mean "very expensive"I know I have been there, like, 3 to 5 fold more pricey, and, of course, it is a small minority of USA insurance firms who will pay for an inflated price, so, only the "haves" in the USA can do this and the "have not's" (like me) have to take the leftovers, (often the generics) especially since the Obama Care Act was placed into law. I am not anti-generic necessarily, but, my attitude has changed in the past 6 to 8 yrs,
due to the greedy USA pharmaceutical companies. The truth is in the here and now the GENERICS vary greatly. yes the 80% to 120% FDA regulations are still in effect but,the bioavailability, (how our body metabolizes the fillers and binders), is what the generic USA mfg are manipulating that is the cause for "so many consumer complaints, in the past 6 years".

Bottom line, if you can afford it, you are good to go!, if, you cannot afford it, like the majority of USA citizens, you may have to take a far less efficent substitute, generic. FDA regulations, about Orange Book bioequivalence, is some help .....yes, but, the AA rated Orange Book meds I assure you are in the strong minority of drugs available. Also, the pharmacy MAKERS have the pharmaceutical sellers who sell the drug, and actually mfg the drug...well, often due to high pressure price point demands, the formula is modified, to lower quality standards, with more fillers & binders to meet the strict price point, or, the MAKER, will, not do any business with the drug SELLER, (actual mfg of the prescription only drug).

The Bio-availability is often overlooked by the USA consumer, which is NOT regulated by our lazy FDA. In the past 6 to 8 yrs, many drug ingredients, are purchased overseas, and, the USA drug manufacturers, they do their own self reports on the drug quality, and, many large USA drug MAKERS, often buy out smaller drug MAKERS, and, the quality can switch quickly, to increase profits, and, IMHO, gouge the public consumer, and/or, the drug MAKERS are very manipulative, and they often, own their own generic company, and/or switch or "farm out" a prescription drug, quickly, with a "merger", I have never seen so many mergers in my life as in the past 10 years!! JMHO. Source: FiercePharma and Bloomberg.

The only other choice, is not practical for many USA citizens, but, the brand names "across the pond" in Western and Eastern Europe, are, much less expensive, and, are very high quality, the problem is, two fold, one's mobility or ability to travel abroad, and, the USA laws that prohibit, the purchase of especially controlled substances, "by other means". I shall
plead the 5th amendment on what I define as "by other means".

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Re: Skip (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much for your response!! I had no idea about how the meds affect you internally, could you send me a link or a better explanation on how my diet will affect the way my pain meds Work? I’m very interested in anything to better my quality of life. Should I just look up carnivore diet? Thanks again for your response, I appreciate it very much!

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