Oxycodone/percocet Generics! Which Are Most Effective? (Page 4) (Top voted first)



First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here.

Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325.

I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that seem to have, at least, a couple of favourable reviews.

I've got a new script for a week's supply of percocet 10/325. The primary pharmacy that I go to is Kroger (my local CVS carry Rhodes). Kroger carries the U17 Aurobindo which seem to help with pain but cause other issues; tinnitus, anxiety, drowsiness, agitation and at times nausea. Those are things I can deal with but I'd rather not.

Does anyone have any input on what they find to be the best generic manufacturer of oxycodone? I've read about endocet, actavis, watson, kvk, and others but none of them seem to be readily available in my area.

These are what i've tried in order from best to worst:

1. Mallinckrodt - good pain relief, seemingly no side effects, mild euphoria. (Unfortunately I cannot find Mallinckrodt anywhere around my area.)

2. (tie) Amneal/Aurobindo - Kind of a toss up between these two. They seem to work for the pain but have noticeable side effects. Auro (effects listed above) and Amneal both seem to cause anxiety/panic. Profuse sweating and itching have also been experienced with Amneal although not with Auro.

3. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals - I've read some horrible reviews for these. While I don't think they're as bad as some of the reviews, they were definitely very weak compared to the others i've tried. Sort of hit and miss though as one pill would make me feel high and another would make me feel sick (while not doing much for the pain). A plethora of side effects with these as well with malaise and dysphoria; the ultimate worst!

Okay now that you've heard my subjective opinion and rant, can anyone out there offer their opinion on these generic oxycodone/percocet manufacturers. Are there any generic brands I'm missing or never heard of? What's the most effective for killing pain with the least side effects? (I'm taking them for pain).

P.S. I'm going to have to fill at Kroger and get the Auro U17 regardless but would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance! I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.

142 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: JMJ (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

WOW, that’s almost unbelievable, but I believe you.!.!.!

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Re: JMJ (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

That is so effed up!! There should be NO margin of difference!! The consumer is being ripped off!!

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The medicine I am being prescribed is definitely weaker!! I know my body well enough and have noticed the changes. I take my medicine as prescribed so I feel the difference!! And its all the generic garbage!! I hate generics!! They are crap!!

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Re: JMJ (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

That is so wrong!! I didnt know this. Really? I would call that profiling!!.

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Re: Herb (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Herb, normally tolerance WOULD be the logical conclusion and issue, but as I've posted before, I withdrawl, am without med for 7-10 days each month. By choice. One, they work, not great, but better after time off. Two, by stopping for 7-10 days, it cleans my system. Three, by stopping, it keeps me at a relatively low dose. By staying low dose, i do not have to go into pain management...which could change anytime, but so far my primary care doctor has agreed to keep me.

So, each time I get a script, I have been without, and it's almost like starting over, almost. Tolerance may only be a small part of the problem. The biggest part is that they are WEAKER. I'm getting boring, I know, repeating myself, but that's what I know. I have been on 10mg, for about 2 years. If they were like my old brand, they would still work well, especially because of the time I take off from them. If I knew what my old brand was, I would take a chance and request them. But when I first started on pain meds, I was too naive to even check brand of generic.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Ya’ know when you take any Opiate, the more you take it, even if you take it as prescribed, you developed a tolerance & need to take more to get the same effect...I’ve also done a bit of research on this, & you’re correct, some if not most generics have less opioids in them...Good Luck to you, my friend.!.!.!

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Re: Herb (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

You KNOW it would be!! Big pharm is ripping off the consumer!! And they think we wont notice?

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Endocet 10/325 is discontinued and no longer available that used to be the one that I liked the best over the all the generics. So you can remove that one from your list. It is NO longer an option. For Percocet 10/325 mg what I have tried since I am more concerned about Acetaminophen toxic levels over time is getting Oxycodone 10mg without the 325mg. It is available . Think it is a bit more effective as well.

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Re: tim111 (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

Oh my gosh!!! Same here!! The generics are junk!! I try to avoid doubling at all costs but some of the generic junk is so weak!! Then Im short. Its not right to give us ineffective medicine!!

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All of the aforementioned imo are pure crap!! Especially the Malinkrodt. All the new generics are a JOKE! Most are manufactured somewhere in India and then transferred here to the US. ANYWAY, imo my choice for generic Percocet is and always will be Watson. Watson although was bought out by Actavis, even though at times u can still get the Watson. So my second choice is Actavis. The generic that worked perfect for me was the Qualitest. But I can't seem to fin d them anymore.

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WhoKnowsBest (# 97) --

Endocet is NOT available in 10/325 they are discontinued! I have tried to get them.

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Re: DR TIM (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Been there done that dr. Tim. Where do you get your 10% upgrade or increase stats from? I do agree with you on the pharmacy doc/police. But when it comes down to it, some of us need opiods for pain relief. I asked my p. m. doc to cut down on the amount & dosage of my meds. He was supprised. But explained to him that I see that big train of ' I can't prescribe any more' coming right at me. So trying to ease off now. It's been a b----ch the last month. Seriously thinking of leaving this earth early. Been taking that crap for 27 years now. Pretty hard to fool or fake injuries to docs over the years one would think! Can't believe that the ' powers that be ' are doing this to us. They have the opiod death stats wrong! Hang in there everyone!!

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Re: Roro (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

I know I need Opioids to function and I can't without it. I do believe that everyone should be on an Opioid Agreement and randomly tested. If you are out driving a car and expect to NOT take additional responsibility by being on these medications which BTW- do state No driving while using. The least you can do is go by proper channels and get the medication by DR's who really know these meds. What I do NOT like ARE the changes that they're making.... YES IF YOU READ THE ARTICLE THE PROBLEM IS A COMBINATION OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS WITH SUBSTANCE DRUGS EX... HEROIN...

I am not talking about example---- I take 5-10 mg Diazepam [Valium] at bedtime. It used to be 5mg twice a day and 10 mg at bedtime because I have Anxiety/Depression with a Resting Heartbeat of 115 beats/ minute. [Now imagine how much higher my heartrate will go up once I go off Diazepam completely ... my Dr has been telling me I have to wean off this. I have tried taking none and I use my rescue inhaler which until now. I only used 3 times in 14 years. Everytime I do not take my Pill I need my inhaler. I seem to induce anxiety asthma attack? That can not be good.

I did stop taking Ambien CR because of Sleepwalking a couple years ago which BTW- saved my life. I had a fall. Had a MRI of my C-Spine and they found a suspicious lump. So they sent me to go see me to an ENT Found I had Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Unfortunately, the lump can't be removed, biopsied, only scoped every watched. Lingual tonsils are tricky. They control the tongue, esp. The nerves of the tongue. 6 weeks of feeding tubes and more risks. The ENT said unless it completely closes off my breathing. It is something to live with. They switched me to Belsomra and worked like a charm. Hard to fall asleep initially with a LOUD CPAP thing on your face and a fear that I will be strangled by the hose. Oh, and with allergies you can't use it. So, everytime I fall asleep I wake myself UP afraid I WILL stop breathing. So try falling asleep with NO Belsomra or Diazepam. This is the New Rule... no Opioids with Hypnotic sleep medication or Benzodiazepines. Even though, I am on such a low dose.

The problem that is really going on....... they are making it harder for people to get their medication. When my Dr left my insurance and for those months.... if I was desperate and well really desperate and what the article is talking about... people turn to street drugs on top of it... HEROIN.

The Gov't and DEA isn't thinking here and This is what I think people are going to get desperate... Personally, I wish they would stop fighting and just legalize Marijuana across the US. It has been proven to do a lot already. The other option IS CBD oil. So many emails for those trials.

Well, the DEA & Gov't believe WE are in an Opioid Epidemic... I came across this and figured I would copy & paste it. I agree with this!!

Think of all the famous ppl that died from prescriptions alone- Brittany Murphy, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson. [Propofol -ok- never should have been given. Conrad Murray administered it to him and then left him to make a phone call? Seriously? He's already out of jail! I just hope he never practices again!! He should still be in jail!] Prince [Fentanyl - not the RX strength the man weighed under 100 pounds] Ok- This is serious stuff! He was soo against drugs until he busted his knee, Keith Moon [The Drummer - The Who] and I will not include the suicides.

Source: "The truth about the US ‘opioid crisis’ – prescriptions aren’t the problem", theguardian.com. Web. November 7th, 2017

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Re: Roro (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

"It is not a drug issue, it is a behavioral issue." You centered on the real problem. Without that, nothing can be solved or prevented. I know the pharmaceutical business is for profits. If normal people just prevented the cause (easily done for most circumstances) they would be out of business.

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Re: BobbyC (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

I agree 100% No matter how much REAL pain you're in, you get get back. Very very sad....

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Re: Mason (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

I completely agree with you so I must agree with Roro. It's naive to think that some in our government aren't profiting from all sides. Manipulating the market when it suits, being a provider of drugs not so legally crossing our border and controlling the manufacture and distribution of prescription drugs. There are too many instances that we've been lied to by the people we've trusted when we voted.
This was all put in motion before the last Presidential and Congressional election. We've got another coming up in November. Take time to get to know your candidates. It's likely that if you hear it or read it in the media it's untrue. We have to contact by mail and phone most assuredly the people who want your vote, also the agencies involved. Keep updating them on your condition so that you become a real person to them. Firm but kind gets their attention. Someone else had an idea to help get doctors and our other health care providers on board by showing them this site. Her doctor goes to DC on chronic pain patient's behalf. If we could organize a rally in DC before the Congress recesses in Aug or Sept, wheel chairs, walkers, canes or 2 able legs it would be great.

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Re: ISE (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

I know Brittany Murphy didn’t die of drugs. She had pneumonia. I am legal to smoke and believe it or not THC makes my pain worse. I do like CBD, it is helping a lot, also with anxiety and depression. But it is sad how everyone is being punished who suffer from chronic pain, because of other people who like to abuse drugs! And pain meds! But I am all for pain medicine if you need it.

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Re: kdog57 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I think the best of them would be Actavis A 215 30 mg EPC. Duel agonist if you can find them. They work mainly through the MU receptor. The brand Roxycodone 30mg are about the same but cost way to much. No feeling of euphoria to speak of after the reformulation. Oh and the antagonist opiate blocker they say isn't there is. They need one or they would be very dangerous. But Naltrexone blocks all the euphoria. Look it up, "Naltrexone".

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In my last post late last night I failed to complete my thoughts. When oxycodone was reformulated there reasons were to reduce drug liking and addiction. I believe this step was in response to the abuse problems. End result went too far by taking away some of the analgesic powers as well. All forms from brand to generic were affected by changing the main ingredient oxycodone. However this change that was in good faith left a problem. Mallinckrodt at that time made a superior product rated amongst the best. Actavis as well which is difficult to find, so no matter what you choice or what is available still include the same main ingredient. Other companies used an array of binders that don't agree with everyone. So your body chemistry dictates what will work for you. No two people will have the same effect is why there is so many different opinions. So now choosing is a difficult one. Many pharmacies make there choice based on cost, strength and what's best for there customer. When food becomes an issue its not about what you eat as it is when you eat. Hope you find something that will work for you and control your pain, that is what we are talking about!

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IMHO stay away from CAMBER, pure poison.

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